
Dear One, it is less important that it be True, and more important that all understand the essence of our message, that the future is full of potential, Andromeda, dear one, with the greatest love we can offer all, has no intention of making false promises, only offering possible solutions, and so, we stand by as friends and family, in time, dear one, you will see that all of this comes to the Light, until you see for yourself that what we say is True, you cannot know inherently that it is, and if it is not, then you will have learned something as well, would you have not? For what better way to scrutinize information, than to share it with the world, in fact, if our information is wrong, it is not you who will come under scrutiny, but us. So relax in that knowledge.~Andromeda

Hello, I have come as you requested.

Dear one, thank you for being present in this moment, we are Andromeda.

Hi Andromeda, why have you contacted me today, and where would you like this information posted?

Dear one, thank you very much for asking, we would like this information posted on Ashtar Command, and on Lightworkers.org today, as this information is beneficial for all.

I love communicating with you, every time we start I begin laughing.

*smiles* We always try to brighten you up a bit, dear one, before we begin to get to the seriousness. Always helps to come from a clear mind.

Thank you Andromeda.

The movement of the planetary star systems is a important understanding now that we have increased the potential of all in the awakening process, it is important to understand the cessation, and the recession, of the star systems as they move through planetary orbits. Do you understand the planetary orbits?

I never was one for star charts, though I enjoyed reading astrology quite a bit.

*smiles* Thank you for this clarification, for those reading this. Astrology is an older science based on the precession of the axis of the Earth as it moved through the galaxies during the older age, after the Earth slowed down its vibration to reach a point where it became a 3rddimensional entity, that science no longer applies now that the Earth’s rotation and crust has entered a Higher Vibrational rate. The science that we are referring to is more based on a mayan calander scheme, but does not specifically relate to the mayans only, it also relates to an ancient atlantean system of precession and accession as it relates to cosmological events. What we refer to when we speak about the cosmological events, is that while astrology predicts points in time, the grander calenders of the Atlanteans predicted not only this time, but all times as they converge into one, and so it is more than just planetary alignments, but energy alignments through Gaia, and the star systems she occupies and inhabits with.

Earth was not always in a state where it was alone, there was once a time where many stars occupied the space around earth, not just the stars themselves, but, imagine for a moment, that if one person can see in various dimensions, imagine that Gaia herself, and the people who inhabited Gaia, could also see in those dimensions. There are planets and star systems that surround Gaia that are essentially hidden from your physical eyes, yet they exist there. Let us explain, there are points that Nasa has only alluded to, around your Solar system, that the space crafts have actually not been able to access and this is due to an unknown gravitational pull. This unknown gravitation pull has kept your space shuttles away from these areas, or so has been told to you, and to the public at large. To find these areas on star charts, it is important to look at those areas that are non-occupied rather than occupied, do you understand? If you have noticed, on youtube, various people have pointed out anomalies that have shown up on Google Earth, yet when they look later, those areas are then again left blank, and this has puzzled many people in the astronomical and spiritual communities, be puzzled no more. If you understand the greater alignment system, and we are giving people a very clear clue here, then you can photograph entire planetary systems as they come out of hiding and re-appear into 3rddimensional views. Do you see the implications of what we are telling you today, dear one?

We have given people specifically within the astronomical and spiritual communities dates, and especially, on radio frequencies that were only broadcast to certain channels and at certain time, the exact date, time, and location of these frequencies, we are suggesting that one of these dates is April 27, 2012, at exactly 3 p.m., on the west coast of Africa. Now, some would ask us how this information can be accurate identified and dated, and dear one, we are asking you to trust us in this information.

Okay, I have to stop you here, because you are giving a big thing right now, if this information is True, it will be something incredible, if it is not, then it is going to bring a great deal of disappointment to a lot of people.

Dear one, let us then give another example, and another idea, if we are wrong, and this information is not accurate, then we also suggest that going to Africa at this time, and gathering as a group of light beings, is one of the most important things you can do for Gaia at this time. Africa needs food, clothing, help, and monetary resources most at this time to help them through a very difficult process, we love our brothers and sisters in Africa, and we wish them to have all the support and aid that can be offered, so, dear one, we offer a second incentive for going to West Africa at this time, to help with aid and support. That is more tangible.

Thank you, because, no offense, we have gotten a lot of these date and time things, so I would rather people have a viable reason for going, rather than another promise up in the air.

We knew  you would say that, and we are glad that you did, because we are not only trying to help with the space program, as it exists on a global scale, not as an institution, but also to help people to help each other, and most importantly, to help Gaia at this time.

Now, moving on dear one, these planetary and star systems that are located around you are benevolent, but they are your sisters and brothers from atlantis, and other lyrian dimensions, that have long since been in contact with your planet, but, it is not that they have not been in contact with you, it is that you have not been in contact with them.

Okay, I have to stop you again, and be a little suspect, as we have long known that there are negative E.T.’s surrounding our planet.

Yes, dear one, *smiles*, that is True as things were, but it is also True that there are benevolent beings associated with your planetary system, and that they are close to home. These physical planetary systems that have long been hidden from your sight are not hidden because the inhabitants there wish to hide themselves from you, nor do they have an agenda from you, but that the vibration surrounding their planet and star system associations, are at such a frequency, that the visible light spectrum, through which your eyes perceive information, makes the viewing of them and their planets impossible, yet many of you have gotten glimpses. We, The Andromedans, are very concerned, when first contact emerges, that you contact those in your own Solar System first, and then other beings second, and the reason for this is once you realize that in your very only Solar system, beings of Light exist that have been helping you, and are helping you, exist not outside of your own Galaxy, but in your Galaxy, then you will have a much larger family to associate with, but not just in these areas, but in Lemuria, which exists just between the mantle and core of Gaia.

Radiographic and seismographic imaging has never been able to capture lemuria, because there is a very dense shield that covers the core that is the Lemurian city, and so tunnels and pathways are opened when the shield is open, but when the shield closes, those pathways go away, as Lemuria begins to open its shield completely, all life on the surface of Gaia will be forever changed.

Know that this is coming soon.

The pathways and dimensions are more established than you realize, dear one, and so as many in the spiritual community have view the other dimensions as not be solid, as meaning, not perceptible with the physical eye, even your eyes themselves are beginning to change to capture more light, when that happens, you will see more beings in the physical here than you can ever imagine, Lemurians and Pleiadians who have been here all along.

Why is Andromeda revealing this information now?

*Laughs* It is months, dear one, till December 21, 2012, we are celebrating, and in celebrating, we are bringing this information to Light that never before could be established, at least, not this directly and not in this form.

I very much appreciate your information, I wish we could know more about these civilizations, there names, and what they are like.

Dear one, first off, they are just like you, and they are human beings just like you, perhaps a lot healthier version of you, but not so different. *smiles* The chaos that was on Gaia, that they left, not out of choice, but because of the war that occurred on the surface of Gaia billions of years ago, in your Earth time, forced the people of the Lyrian system, and especially, what was called Atlantis, though Atlantis came some time later, to completely evacuate the surface of the Earth.

There was a time in your planetary history or what you like to call herstory, that the entire upper surface of the Earth was covered completely by water, and the possibility of any contact with the surface of the Earth was not possible.

A waterworld (I am responding to the Andromedans).

Precisely. No other time than now has your planet been so healed in relationship to the surface of the Earth than it is now, the destruction that was once visited on your planet, because, dear one, this is not the first time Global War has occurred, in fact, we would go as far as to say that Nostradomus and John of the Apocalypse, was not viewing the future, but the very distant past, and so they were not future seers, but visionaries warning of what was, and telling, innately, the world, to never let it be again. But you have past the point of the apocalypse re-occuring, that was a distant timeline of what could have been one possible future of earth, one that you can be assured will not occur at this point.

We The Andromedans, are here to enjoin, and be present, in celebration of what has been achieved. There is no doubt to us that Gaia will ascend, is ascending, and is transcending, and we have no doubt that the people of Gaia will once and for all end war and all the plagues that have been associated with the illusion of death, especially, when new technology is introduced, without restriction. So Andromeda welcomes you to enjoy your new home.

Dear one, be prepared not only for great changes, but for great realizations, realizations that some would have only attributed to the great works of Albert Einstein, there are people on your planet now, scientists who not only far surpass Einstein, but rival him for the genius through which they are inventing new technology that is both environmentally friendly, and environmentally sound, we are stating now that Norway is working on an Electric car that will rival some of the best competition.

*laughs* Another future statement, but I will just go with it. I just don’t want to get peoples hopes up if this stuff doesn’t come True.

Dear One, it is less important that it be True, and more important that all understand the essence of our message, that the future is full of potential, Andromeda, dear one, with the greatest love we can offer all, has no intention of making false promises, only offering possible solutions, and so, we stand by as friends and family, in time, dear one, you will see that all of this comes to the Light, until you see for yourself that what we say is True, you cannot know inherently that it is, and if it is not, then you will have learned something as well, would you have not? For what better way to scrutinize information, than to share it with the world, in fact, if our information is wrong, it is not you who will come under scrutiny, but us. So relax in that knowledge.

Okay, I will go with it and see what happens. I have to be skeptical, though I really do love the positive energy you are sharing with me through these communications. So we will see. Like many out there, your right, I need to see it to believe it, if this turns out to be True, and the dates are correct, you will have my thanks.

And that is all we could ever ask, for the Truth to come out on its own. As we have said before, we lovingly facilitate the spread of information, never to suppress it, and so, we are sharing with you what we know.

I appreciate that. I am honored to receive this information.

Let us close this conversation today with a prayer, for all beings on Earth,

Prime Creator,

Let the Love of the Universe come forth,

Let the people find Unity,

Let peace endure,

*and in the way of BattleStar Galactica*

So say we all.

Andromeda leaves.

Thank you Andromeda.

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  •  Thank you Andraste for posting this wonderful uplifting inspiring message from the collective unified being of Andromeda who in this message have released so much. I loved Lorn Green in Battlestar Galactica as well.

     This message is in line with the energy of Tolec the Ambassador of Andromeda which I have followed

     when he was letting us know about the destruction of the Reptilian Bases.

     As well as me there are I see 482 before me who have read this post and 482 happy Higher Selves.

    Blessings light love balance peace harmony kingjeff

  • OM āpo jyotī raso'mṛtaṃ BRAHMA .. ( As the eternal flow of The ALL ; ) GOD

This reply was deleted.

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