This is Androlonos.

We have secured our flight from Kona to LAX, on the first portion of our mission to the land of the Pharaohs.

This mission, undertaken by many, with several of the Andromeda Command in person at Gizeh, at the Pyramids, is a major turning point in this planet's journey.

This blue-gold (now) diamond is the center of all galactic planetary ascension processes occurring now. It is the key to all planets in all of the Andromedan galaxies (of which there are twelve).

The Key to this planet is at Gizeh, in the pyramids. A long-period- of-time assembled series of energetic codes is to be released there and only there. These codes have come through what some would call "eons" of the time dimension. They could only be released at the point when a "critical mass" of human/animal/ plant species were ready for and willing to participate in the unveiling of all truths at once.

The moment of time is NOW. This is a point of time where there is no time anymore. It is finished.

Now all are ready. All are waiting for the unlocking of the vault within the pyramids, but more truthfully, within each and every hue-man being here on Gaia.

This is what the "unveiling" truly is. This is what "the Apocalypse" is.

Once these commanders have finished their mission in Gizeh and unlocked the vault, and the new Gaia codes released, all secrets will come to the light, and all that is not in harmony with the Law of One will disappear, as shadows disappear when a light is turned on.

We must bring to your attention that the codes that are released are illuminative of all and for all. They are only harmonic with the Law of One, of the Unity, in each one, for all, as one.

No one may truly LIVE outside of this Law, and after the codes have been released during this timeline of no time, nothing of the shadows can remain. No more "darkness", no more shadows, only Light.

Events happen b4 [before] your "physical" eyes many will not believe or comprehend. All is unveiled. All "dark" is "released" and vanishes quickly. In a moment the understanding of every hue-man hue-woman is increased all at once.

Those that remain centered in the Light are lifted to the Higher Light.

We will say more as needed. Now our path is clear. All who resonated with this message are gratefully welcomed to participate with us in this Grand Opening of the New World. Tierra Nueva.

I am Androlonos.

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  • send me a postcard when you get there guys.
  • I don't know if we have reached critical mass yet but I will say that something is going to happen soon, I don't know what I saw outside my house up in the skies three nights ago but it was not an airplane. There was something like a light ship hovering in a fixed position a couple miles in the sky and it was way out there, but it was brighter than all the stars in the sky. This thing was in one spot for minutes then slightly moved, then sat there and got brighter. If it was a lightship this is the first time I've seen one in person. The funny thing is I was the only one that noticed it, cause I always look up at the sky and admire the stars. Wow I mean people down on earth are just deep asleep to not even look up at the sky, there's more out there than what your government is saying. Just my two cents, any feed back?
    • Y'know..I'm beginning to think that you could be right. Thats because even I saw what looked like light ships on three different broad daylight. They were pretty high up in the sky. Completely white. they were moving away from me. There was no sound whatsoever. I've seen planes that are higher which pass overhead and make sound. So I'm pretty convinced. I wasnt even looking for them. Suddenly caught them while randomly looking up.
      Maybe if people looked up more often rather than looking straight ahead or down and being an expert skeptic, they'd know.
      • I can tell you from my own personal experience, that it probably was a Lightship you saw. I watched a display of them one evening about 10 years ago, and at first, they may appear as twinkling stars, but, it's a ship strobing. There is a huge mother ship called the Phoenix which one can see in the East if one knows what to look for. They will actually move for you if you ask them to, but, you must give them time, for some of the ships are as large as cities. They don't move in a straight line as airplanes do.....they do a zigzag pattern. So many of what we considered twinkiling stars are actually beamships strobing. If you have a telescope, you can see the various rainbow colors in the strobe.
  • what happened now? what's next?
    • Happy B-day then Ann!!! :)
      • Happy Birthday Ann. Wonder if Aex Collier knows about what the Andromedans are upto!! LOL!!
    • I agree with you Vagelis4VenusProject. I certainly don't feel we've reached critical mass either.

      Given the fact that the various "intelligence agencies" (and isn't that an oxymoron?) infiltrate groups in order to keep a handle on what's going on with their "subjects", I've begun to take messages like this with a grain of salt, because, the conspirators cre8 opposing factions to deliberately keep people in confusion, or in the dark?
    • I agree with you Vagelis4VenusProject. I certainly don't feel we've reached critical mass either.

      Given the fact that the various "intelligence agencies" (and isn't that an oxymoron?) infiltrate groups in order to keep a handle on what's going on with their "subjects", I've begun to take messages like this with a grain of salt, because, the conspirators cre8 opposing factions to deliberately keep people in confusion, or in the dark?
  • <<These codes have come through what some would call "eons" of the time dimension. They could only be released at the point when a "critical mass" of human/animal/ plant species were ready for and willing to participate in the unveiling of all truths at once.>> this means that we have reached "critical mass"???...i dont think so...
    ... or he is talking about, that this can take place in a few more "eons", where in cosmic time it's not such a big deal???
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