I have a beautiful mediattional tape I d/loaded from You Tube here "Meeting with your angels" Most beautiful music, and when the angels lift me out from this physical sense I am aware of them surrounding me, they are of such an ethereal pure nature.
When they come too me though I also am aware of Pleadians.
Would this be right?
Angels, demons, other beings. I really do not know what they are or who they are and really couldn't care. All I know is that certain prayers and making offerings of certain things has an affect on the mist. I know not what they are, but to respect as they are. Understanding of it is difficult. In person I might be able to get you to talk to your loved ones that have recently passed by burning something like flowers in the proper manner and waiting for mist to arrive. It comes in its own sweet time. Not on you clock mind you, you may have to wait for hours, but when it appears and someone else sees it, that is magic in its purest form. Tangible light, the bright shadow.
Hello David Main. I feel to reply to your comments. I have never said prayers or made any offerings or anything of such a kind.
My first experience that I recollect of occult activity was when I witnessed a light switch that turned itself off and I screamed my eyes out til my mother came running up to find out what was wrong. I told her and she disbelieved me, but that house was haunted as we later believed by the owner that had died and left it to them as a young married couple with then two children. I won't narrate all of the other experiences we had with whom we called Garge (George).... it would take too long in the writining of it.
Also, I have never forgotten as a small child I went to go up to my bedroom and I saw this creature all in white and dancing (he or it had a kind of white Elvis Presley suit on) so that the frayed edges were flaying all over the place as it danced. I knew there was somethig menacing about it. I feared going up those stairs for a long wiles after.
I began to become quite pyschic at around 17 years of age and I quashed it because I was just thinking of things and they began to happen. However, it has been like a residue of psychism has remained throughout my life, although nowadays I realize that communion with God I AM is more important than any phenonema.
I saw my first ever angel being during a service at the white eagle lodge many years ago. It had huge luminous wings and was translucent, but I saw no head on this being which I thought strange. However, at a later date whilst in a crematorium at a funeral I became aware of the presence of an angel and it was so serene that the memory of it stayed with me the following day as we travelled all the way up to North Wales on a holiday. I think I once read angelic beings are in fact to be found at such places as churches, crematoriums, etc as they sit and meditate to help allieviate people's sufferings. They are also in hospitals as well.
One doesn't have to do anything such as burn flowers so as one can speak with one's loved ones. Never heard of such a thing in all of my life (sounds like a witchcraft thing). Our loved one's are all around about us same as our alien brothers and sistars, only frequncy at a different rate of vibration than our own, some lower, some higher and we (and they) can simply tune in. There is no death anyway, it is all part of the mortal myth and dream of an illusionary life.
We won't even go into time/space. In fact we definitly do not want to go into time and space for true freedom is found, I believe outside of such confines.
High Priestess
Your experience sounds beautiful. It seems it feels right for you, hope some one wish knowledge is able to help you. I do know on a routine basis I look to the pleiades at night to find comfort for my soul, thanks for sharing : )
Have had some small, few experiences with other beings. Will write about it soon.