

Some people first coming to this site are surprised. Extraterrestrials? Ascended Masters? Angels!
Angels seem to be the hardest to accept. Never mind that the Bible sees angels deliver the glad news of the messiah’s coming, rescue people from dire situations, protect the prophets, etc.

Never mind that the Koran was dictated by an angel (the same one who delivered the glad tidings about the messiah). Never mind the growing literature on angelic visitations, the detailed accounts by incarnated ascended masters like Beinsa Douno, or even the radio shows today where they speak to us. Angels for some people are the last straw.

Having finished the job of sweeping the darkness from the Earth (or nearly so), we now face the task of introducing some of the Light warriors who did it and no one needs more introducing than angels. So again I take up the task of writing an article on the angels and I’d write many more if I had the time.

I’ve written whole sections of websites on the subject. You’re welcome to go there and study them. (1)

Let’s look at how angels serve humanity by bestowing God’s light upon us, how they’re depicted journeying back and forth between the various orders of life and the Divine, and who serves them as they serve us.

The Nineteenth-Century spirit teacher, “Imperator,” who later revealed himself to be the prophet Malachi, reminds us of the problem we face regarding angels: “The ladder between Heaven and earth has always been [there], but man’s unbelief [has] cut him off from the ministry of angels.” (2)

Our lack of acceptance of higher-order beings in general, but angels in particular, cuts us off generally from receiving their services - and gifts.

As Imperator tells us, the angels radiate God’s influence to humanity. They bestow enlightenment on people, the light emanating from God.
“We desire to show you that God Himself is the center of influence, and that His influence, flowing through intermediary agencies, permeates humanity; and those influences (angelic, you call them) influence mankind.

“Man becomes the means of disseminating the knowledge of which he is the unconscious recipient. Man may cultivate the power given to him and aid the work he is chosen for, fostering the dwelling of the Spirit of God among men. The power of God comes from on high, descending through the angel ministers, permeating His chosen messengers, showing men how they may be fellow-workers with God.” (3)

Throughout history the wisest among us attest to the angels’ bestowal of light upon humans, like St. Paul, whose higher self, Saul, speaks to us today in channeled messages: “Are [angels] not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (4)

By “heirs of salvation” he means those who merit enlightenment.
After we attain the highest enlightenment available to us from them, it’s rumored that we become equal to them, if not angels ourselves. Here is Pseudo-Dionysius on the subject:

“In time to come, when we are incorruptible and immortal, when we have come at last to the blessed inheritance of being like Christ, then, as scripture says, ‘we shall always be with the Lord.’ In most holy contemplation we shall be ever filled with the sight of God shining gloriously around us as once it shone for the disciples at the divine transfiguration.him and, somehow, in a way we cannot know, we shall be united with him and, our understanding carried away, blessedly happy, we shall be struck by his blazing light. Marvellously, our minds will be like those in the heavens above. We shall be ‘equal to angels and sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.’” (5)

Rumi recites the kingdoms we go through before we rejoin God, the angelic kingdom being the last:
“I died as mineral and became a plant.
I died as plant and rose to animal.
I died as animal and I was man. …
Yet once more I shall die as man, to soar

With angels blest; but even from angelhood
I must pass on: all except God doth perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel soul,
I shall become what no mind e’er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist! For Non-existence
Proclaims in organ tones, ‘To Him we shall return.’” (6)

Thus, consciousness evolves and ascends until it journeys from unconscious awareness of its identity as God to conscious awareness. The ascension journey is often represented as a ladder. The Bible uses the image of Jacob’s ladder to depict the angels descending to humanity to bring them the Light of God and then returning again.

“And Jacob … dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.
“And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac.” (7)

We heard Imperator use the ascension image of a “ladder between Heaven and earth” to refer to the angels earlier. (8)

Here he depicts the angels traversing that ladder in a way reminiscent of Jacob’s dream.
“The angels, as of old they called them, ‘spirits’ as ye know them, who traverse the space between you and your God, bring down blessings from Him, while they carry up your prayers to His Throne. These are the steps between God and Man, the channels of influence.” (9)

The Koran also uses the image of a ladder to depict the ascension journey. After all life forms have returned to God, the angels and the Holy Spirit or Divine Mother will also return to God by that ladder of ascension: “Allah … is the Lord of the Ladders, by which the angels and the Spirit will ascend to Him one day: a day whose space is fifty thousand years.” (10)

This Spirit that returns to God at the last is the Holy Spirit or Divine Mother. Ibn Arabi in his works describes her (“she” is not a she - or a he) as a male and a great Angel among angels.
“God has a great angel who has numberless hairs on his head. According to this comparison all the angels and everything else talked about [are] just like one pearl on the hair of a person. Had God given this angel the order he would have

swallowed up the whole of existence as one morsel and would not have even noticed that something had passed his throat. The name of this angel is Spirit.” (11)

The most evolved among us serve the angels. On Dec. 7, 2011, when I had a personal reading with Sanat Kumara, who’s the Planetary Logos or ruler of the planet, surpised me by saying: “We all answer to Michael.” (12)

Imperator also acknowledged that he and his colleagues serve the angels:
“We come to you as the exponent of the ministry of angels. The Great Father, mindful of His Children’s wants, sends them the angel ministry of consolation, guidance and love. From the eternal realms of glory we come to minister to mankind. Angels, spirits, friends passed before, coming to minister to those left behind.” (13)

Why would all the world’s religions speak of angels or celestials or devas if these beings were not real? Why would so many disparate sources say the same thing - that angels bestow God’s light on humans and assist them to return to God? Why would people deemed to be the world’s wisest all participate in a common narrative if it was simply myth or fantasy?

In fact angels are real and one of the realities that we’ll need to become accustomed to before too much longer. So many things that were strange or mysterious to us will be revealed these days as real and intimately involved with our welfare.

(1) In First Contact, see “Introducing the Angels or Celestials,” at http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/fc/galactic1.html#celest20 http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/fc/galactic1.html ; in New Maps of Heaven, see “The Angelic Plane,” at http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/nmh/angelic1.html ; in From Darkness Unto Light, see from “Angels - Intimations of the evolution of consciousness through ranks of beings,” at http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/fdl/a1.html#angels1 http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/fdl/a1.html to following sections.
(2) Spirit leader Imperator in Stainton Moses, More Spirit Teachings. Trance Teachings. Electronically published by Meilach.com. a href="http://www.meilach.com/spiritual/books/morest/mst01.htm%3E">http://www.meilach.com/spiritual/books/morest/mst01.htm>; , n.p. [Hereafter MSTTT.)
(3) MSTTT, n.p.
(4) Hebrews 1:13-4.
(5) Pseudo-Dionysius in Cohn Luibheid, trans., Pseudo-Dionysus, His Complete Works. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 52-3.
(6) Rumi, ILWL, 58.
(7) Genesis 28: 10-13.
(8) MSTTT, n.p.
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) Koran, 57.
(11) Ibn Arabi, KK, 15-6.
(12) Personal Reading with Sanat Kumara through Linda Dillon, Dec. 7, 2011.
(13) MSTTT, n.p.

http://the2012scenario.com/2012/10/angels-radiate-gods-influence-to... http://the2012scenario.com/2012/10/angels-radiate-gods-influence-to...

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