Animal Consciousness – The Benevolent Nature of Cats & DogsWATCH 3 VIDEOS @, masters! I am Metatron, lord of light, and I embrace you in this moment. I am joined by and welcome the presence and energies of the ascended masters of the cosmic council of light and those benevolent beings of the Sirian-Pleiadian alliance. We combine in plurality and in joy to welcome each of you here in a now moment of unconditional love. Take a moment of pause before you read the channel; close your eyes for an instant and feel the enormous wave of unconditional love that we direct to you.Now we begin. Dear ones, with the understanding that you are here for learning, we tell you that the "university of polarity Earth" is specifically designed for the evolution of the human soul. The Earth supports that mission by divine plan and by agreement. Indeed, dear human, all of the kingdoms of Earth are part of that. Accordingly, we tell you that there are versions of other beings of divine intelligence that are here to support humanity in your purpose here. These include master beings from many realms.Many of these master beings are within what humanity terms the animal kingdom. Some of their fully evolved consciousness forms have made visitations here to support you in myriad benevolent ways. Yet also be aware that there are versions of benevolent master beings that have by agreement chosen to manifest in various step-down forms to support humanity.Those of the animal kingdom on Earth are here to support you. Part of that process involves their expression on the Earth plane in group consciousness. The deepest dimensions of the animal self exists not at the level of the individual but as part of the collective group mind of the entire species. Animals operate in nonindividualized group conscious mind specifically because it is a format of support. The animal kingdom is not on Earth in duality lesson. It is important to understand this. We address this topic herewith in this channeled assay.Getting Sirius About Cats and DogsSo we speak this gathering of the sacred Felidae of Sirius A. The sacred Felidae and Canidae are incredible beings that bring tremendous support to the field and purposed evolutionary growth of humanity. The Felidae are divine intelligence, fully evolved and magnificently conscious in crystalline expression. They are members of both the Sirian-Pleiadian alliance and what may be termed the niburian mastery council, both of which are benevolently involved in the upshift of the consciousness evolution of planets and planetary races prepared to graduate into the next level in their ascension.The Felidae are a feline species who originate on Sirius A. These are beings who have entered the Earth plane since ancient times in specific roles and formats. The versions currently in physical form on the Earth plane are what may be termed the feline and canine families They are here on the Earth plane to support you, and in their physical matrix, they are but a portion of the consciousness of their Sirian nature. That is because the Felidae expression on Earth are in group soul format. They are not here to evolve as a species but rather to support Earth and assist humanity in evolution. The greater part of their consciousness is above the level of the Earth plane. The feline operate vastly in the ethereal or stealth antimatter realm. Their full consciousness existed and manifested in the Lemurian, Atlantean, and early Egyptian eras.The masters of the sacred Felidae were involved in the genetic engineering in the temple of purification on Poseida in Atlantis during the golden age of the law of one. This was done in a very positive and benevolent manner, prior to such technology being tragically misused by the Aryan sons of Belial in the sad demise of the final era of Atlantis.The Felidae of Sirius A and cetacean Sirian-B masters are skilled at integrating spirit into physical matter. This involves not only giving life force to a physical form but also integrating higher chakric levels of consciousness within the physical matrix in merkanah-level multidimensionality. This ability to work with humanity in energetic terms involves activating higher chakras and higher crysto-light bodies. This higher level of consciousness is the crystos consciousness, and the cetaceans are indeed crystalline masters. Their renewed role on Earth includes assisting the shift transition from the declining magnetic polarity grid to the evolving crystalline grid.The Animals Are Our Forgotten TeachersThe beings of the animal kingdom have taught humans far more than you presently recognize. The earthen versions of the animal world operate in a thought-pattern matrix uniquely formatted to the natural aspect of the Earth plane. On a level far more comprehensive than you currently grasp, the members of the animal kingdom are here by agreement to support humanity on many levels. Their understanding of the Earth plane as a university of development for humanity extends from their mastery source.The animal kingdom has a fuller, vaster understanding and awareness of the other conscious kingdoms of Earth and has always had the ability to teach that to humanity. Quite unfortunately, you have largely forgotten in current times how much you learned from all of the beings of the animal kingdom. Humanity in campestral societies and indigenous cultures learned a great deal about medicine and nutrition by watching animal behavior in interaction with the plant kingdom. Humanity observed carefully which plants to avoid and which to cultivate. Humans learned survival techniques, and indeed social behavior, by not only watching the animals but also by directly communicating telepathically with them.In earlier sojourns and more formative epochs, humans far more closely identified with and understood the intelligence and wisdom offered by the natural instinctual patterns of the animal kingdom. They recognized the animals as wise teachers. And as a result, the animal kingdom identified with humanity and interacted with it to a truly remarkable degree.The animal spirits or totems recognized and honored as wisdom carriers, teachers, and providers by the Native Americans are examples of the higher group collective of the greater off-planet consciousness of the animal kingdom etherically manifesting for a brief era to assist humanity in spirit form. Indeed the Native American ceremonies offered in recognition and honor of specific animals motivated the greater intelligence of these creatures to work directly and harmoniously with benevolent humans of the indigenous tribal societies.The knowledge and intuitive communication of the animal kingdom with the elemental and devic consciousness of the living earth, mineral, fire, and air could be of great assistance to humanity, providing signals forward in this time of Earth changes.CONTINUE READING FULL TEXT @

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  • Probably one of the best article on Cats and Dogs
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