Thanks to:

annalbers2.png?w=155&h=300&h=210&width=155Message from the Angels


My dear friends, we love you so very much.


Today we wish to speak to you on the topic of “willfulness.” You will is a great gift. You can use it motivate yourself when your heart is willing but your mind is weak. You can use it to create movement in spite of life’s obstacles. However, you can also use it to rebel against your hearts, much as a child can rebel against those in authority when feeling out of sorts.


The question you must ask yourself regularly is, “Am I using my will to align with my heart, or am I using my will to stubbornly resist that within me which I know to be true?” A will aligned with God, aligned with good, aligned with your own hearts is a powerful force! A will aligned with all your “shoulds,” preconceived notions, and other conditioning is also a powerful force. One leads you to heaven. The other prevents you from accessing the very same.


So how do you know if you are using your will to push through obstacles, or to resist your own hearts? The answer is simple dear ones. Aligning your will with God/love/truth creates inspired action. It opens you to receive the blessings of Divine Love flowing through you and all of life. You will be energized, inspired, and even in spite of monumental efforts, you will not feel as if you are struggling. When you are using your will to resist your own hearts, you are resisting the currents of God’s grace in your life. You will feel as if you are struggling. You will feel as if you are alone. Indeed dear ones, God is always with you but you can, metaphorically speaking, hold His hand or not.


Suppose you are trying to accomplish a project. You are inspired by this project. However, on a particular day nothing is flowing easily. You want to accomplish your project but, in your human terms, you feel as if you are “beating your head against the wall.” In this case you can acknowledge, “Yes I’d like to get that project done, but today nothing is flowing easily. OK heart, God, truth, what do you want for me today?” You will get an answer. Perhaps the timing is off. Perhaps there are other things more important to your soul right now. When a project is not flowing easily that does not mean it is wrong or misaligned with your heart. God may just know a better timing for your efforts.


If however, in our example above, you were to continue to struggle, continue to use your willfulness to forge ahead on your project with a great deal of struggle and no joy, then dear ones, we must by our very nature, step aside and continue to whisper every so gently, “Not now. Not today.”


God does want your joy. God does want your dreams to come true. God does want to assist you. But there are times when the way you wish to see something accomplished is not the best or easiest way it can be achieved. God knows this. You may not. So try to drop into your hearts and use your will to align with them, living in trust that God loves you too much to support you in anything less than the most loving path for your life. Your will is a powerful tool dear ones, given to you in the hopes you will use it to align with a loving reality for your own life.

God Bless You. We love you so very much. – The Angels




Message from Ann


Hi All!


Sometimes I have no clue why the angels write what they do. Other times I feel as if I am getting a loving lecture. This was one of those times. I got up last weekend so excited! I had two whole days with nothing planned. It was a perfect rainy day and I was really looking forward to staying inside and writing. I set the alarm clock late, looking forward to a delicious morning of sleeping in, sipping hot tea under piles of polar fleece, and progress on the book. Instead I was awakened by the sounds of Lucy, my little elderly Labrador, running through the house. She didn’t quite make it to the door. And then to make it even more of an adventure she walked through her trail of stinky stuff and tracked it throughout the entire house as I ran after her trying to guide her to the back door. What a game in her mind! Mom is playing! She’s chasing me! Never mind that her legs can barely walk at times, she was hopping all over like a happy bunny rabbit!


Within minutes, 15 non skid mats, 20 towels, and 7 pee pee pads had been soiled. That translated into a marathon day of laundry and disinfecting half the house. Lucy was feeling awesome. I was not quite as thrilled! She took one look at my dejected face and began to pout and glare at me, wondering why on earth I wasn’t sharing her bliss. To ward off total frustration, I prayed to see her through God’s eyes until I felt better and she stopped glaring and smiled once again.


Needless to say my peaceful day of writing was not going to happen. With a sigh of seeming surrender, I asked, “OK God what do you want me to do?” “Sit and rest between loads of wash,” came the answer, “and nap in between cleaning.” That wasn’t what I wanted to hear! We rarely get rain in Phoenix and when we do I love it! It inspires me. I feel creative. I didn’t want to “waste” another day off sleeping to make up for doggie wake ups and messes. I got willful, and not in a way that was aligned with my body or God’s guidance.


Instead I pushed through the day, doing 16 hours of laundry and a lot of cleaning. I did have a little fun with photography which felt amazing, and Lucy and I did have some snuggle time, but in general by late afternoon I was tired. I was still zipping around the house trying to get things done when I tripped and came down hard on my left foot (yes left side = feminine energy which I was ignoring!) It bruised so badly that time on the couch was no longer negotiable. Rest was going to be enforced the rest of the weekend.


God didn’t trip me up. I did. If I would have listened to my body and guidance, I would have avoided injury, rested, and had a totally clean house by the end of Saturday which would have given me the energy to do all I wanted to accomplish on Sunday. Instead I pushed through my day and got injured.


I may “trip up” spiritually at times, but luckily I got the point quickly! The minute I surrendered, I felt better. I propped the foot up, napped, did a little art, and even got this newsletter written. I used my willpower not to beat myself up, but rather to embrace all that was good about this adventure. I enjoyed the beautiful day with my sweet Lucy and felt inspired once again. I asked for human and Divine help and received it in great measure. In fact, on Sunday night, I got my miracle. I was just sitting feeling grateful for a day of rest, for the beings in my life, and for the love of God. In this space of graititude, my mind travelled back in time into the recent experience with Braco where I went into Divine Bliss.


With that thought, my third eye began to pulsate so strongly I could barely keep my eyes open. Over time I have come to understand this is my invitation into other realms. I surrendered, shut my eyes, and was immediately transported in spirit into beautiful realities with white stone buildings, blue green pools, and gardens beyond description. I felt the most exquisite sweetness in my heart and a blissful buzzing throughout my being. I don’t know how long it lasted, but when I “came to” my foot was miraculously better. I still can’t walk on it perfectly but the swelling was instantaneously gone and the pain as well. All I had to do was use my free will to get back in alignment with a more loving reality. In the blissful currents of love and grace anything is possible.


Our will is indeed powerful. With a single choice we can align with love, or we can stubbornly resist it. Trust me, it is much easier to align with love :) !! And when you don’t, love yourself through it anyway and you’ll get back on on track in no time!


Have a blessed week


I love you all!


Ann / link to original article

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  • What a nice writing Will I really relate to what she writes and always try to listen to messages from the spirit realms. Funny enough I always get that overwhelming feeling too when I'm being told meditations a good idea and can barely move until I surrender. Then come back into my body energised and feeling great again. Hope all is good for you Wes <3
    • All is well indeed, thank you Louise. :)

      I can relate on the meditative feeling; coming back into our bodies so renewed with spiritual energy is just wonderful. I find that getting out in nature really helps to rejuvenate me as well.


      Much Love dear friend,


      Wes :)

      • Glad your well :) and yes to the outdoors I find if I go outdoors in nature especially listening to streams it puts me in the perfect pre meditive state and I can have a real deep meditation. I love meditation...

        Much love Wes
        • I Love meditation as well! And nature provides the perfect solitude and higher dimensionality to be able to really feel some harmonious vibrations. The beautiful nature combined with the pure energies we can feel are just unparalleled. :)


          Much Love!


          Wes :)

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