ANUNNAKI TIMELINE 450,000 – 2,500 YEARS AGO (Rev.)
by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D., (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)
The Homo Sapien ETs who built the Giza Pyramid, pretty-much like us (except 8 to 12 feet tall and enjoying lifespans of hundreds of thousands of years), came to Earth from the planet Nibiru starting 450,000 years ago to mine gold. They added some Erectus/Neanderthal genes to their genome to created us to work for them between 300,000 NS and 200,000 years ago and, after the Deluge of 13,000 years ago involved us in their wars with one another. They created the matrix of expectations that keeps us enslaved to this day. Know our true history and free yourself from its hierarchic, violent, woman-hating, divisive fetters.
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check this Video out too, its a real eye opener!!!
great timeline.. good find!