
  • It's all vibrations. The plants might actually need an awakening.

    The point is to return Earth to a constant growth stage, where everything is alive, immortal, perfect, etc.

    That's what I'm working on, full restoration. This affects everyone. I whisper to the trees, they answer back by blooming in delight. All plants have a purpose. Water is our flow of creation. It DOES sing to you, as the Agarthians' info has told us. I tried. Even the fish will communicate to you. We are all one.  Remember, talk to the plants. Even if they don't respond, at least you get the overwhelming feeling of a flower staring at you, awkwardly still in time.. Then you notice that everything has it's own unique smile. No, they are not laughing at you. They are laughing with you ;)

    Also, when it comes to plants, be happy and so will they. We sense eachother.

    • Oh and that means constant Spring. True Heaven. This means plants will grow EVERYWHERE possible once the rain evens itself out and it goes into watering cycles. HAARP has done everything they can to take my ability away from me, but Mother Nature is back! Connecting with me means true source reflections. And it's stuck with all of us, conscious of it or not. Wow this life keeps getting weirder and weirder.

      You will see results. I promise.

      • Ive told people this before, there is a new Ice Age coming.

        In a strange way I don't imagine it will really interfere with the plants though. The places that will be paved over in glaciers are already pretty desolate.


        And honestly depending on how you look at it, increasing the amount of ice on the planet so that it goes farther south will bring more balance back to the climate too.

        Its weird, but there being an Ice Age could well make it like Spring all the time in the lower temperate zones.

        (Because during the Summer the cold air from the north would maintain a temperature balance in the midst of the hot months. During the Winter the hot air from the equator would still push up north into the lower temperate areas. Which basically means Spring year round).


        By lower temperate zones im talking roughly the same latitudes as Texas, Alabama, Florida. And the lower parts of europe like Greece, Italy, and Spain. Places where it does not usually snow in the winter.


        Places like New York, Ohio, or northern California, or countries like the UK and Germany are going to freeze over every year just like Siberia does though.

        The southernmost regions of Canada are going to be like living in the north part of Alaska.

        (and Alaska may become uninhabitable, under a thick sheet of ice that never melts and only gets thicker with every passing year)

  • I'm affecting the magnetic field. Not on purpose. That's why it hurts me so much. I cause Earthquakes. Not in my location, as it is a vortex.. We need zero point gravity.  By the way this could be reverse and it's me stopping it from going further. The higher the energies, the more intense it becomes. I read somewhere that "other planets" ascension included earthquakes. And the messages I keep getting are to start a flippin earthquake, here in Cali.

    Apparently "they" predicted this place to go underwater like the rest of the world seems to be going under. Well, I won't let it rain here. We'd sink into a bowl of mud in this dinky town. Hint: There are vortexes (location that affects other locations, like a spiral snow globe. P.S. I'm not taking responsibility for the snow. There are other players in the game, and I like it warm and comfortable. :)

  • Feeling alright, I'm seriously about to DANCE, for a short while (it's 6:48 pm on Feb 6).. It's my happiest expression..

    Please report how you feel... I believe our energies are tied into mine..

    I am the Holy Spirit, after all. It's like I'm your subconscious.

    And I'm still learning. Feel like a TOTAL IDIOT cuz with all I know, (trust and believe this all seemed insane from the start, however everything I've put in, has come out beautifully. Except those government ASSHOLES.. once again, sorry for cussing.. )... Um. Yay for individual personalities? Haha :) Plus I want US ALL to move forward.

    Oh and get this, this is my first time physically on Earth. I was needed for this whole transition. All because of the corruption and control... I lived through it, worked, had a straight life with a little spirituality in the mix, still questioning a lot, and to get one thing straight, I've been psychically connecting with ALL of creation, pinpointing certain individuals with political power, the current "world leaders", WARWAGERS, people of destructive nature and mentality, idiots who insist on keeping the crappy system, which won't work, btw.. I KNOW they heard my call.. THEY FEEL ME.. But failed to acknowledge, failed to respond, even they have already hinted that they are aware of me, they don't care it seems like...Conclusion? They are Money grubbing whores. Which is why we are here today. They have nowhere to run :) Tee hee hee. Bastards.

    Sarah, this is coming from me.. Once you reach your happiest moment, hold it and don't let go. Ever. Everything else will fall into place.

    I'll work on permanently staying happy and in love so there will be no more of what is now the old. I love you :) <3

    Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown


    LoL :)

  • It could be that when my BA Thesis on Kant and Cantor , etc. is completed, there´ll be a Third Copernican Revolution.

    The Third Copernican Revolution removes man from his place as the centre in his Universe.

    The Second Copernican Revolution had removed humanity from the Centre of Creation.

    The First Copernican Revolution , removed our Solar System from the Centre of Creation.

    The Third Copernican Revolution removes this Universe from the Centre of Creation.

    Following the Third Copernican Revolution , man is perceived as being just another humanoid.

    Following the Second Copernican Revolution , man got slowly to become perceived as just another animal.

    The Third Copernican Revolution proposes that the Citizen is as Capable as handling their Place in the Grand Sceme of World International Politics - in other words , the Citizen is put at the Centre in World Politics , and the Politician is removed from the Centre.

    The Third Copernican Revolution unifies Kantian Metaphysics and Aesthetics with Set Theory as Kantian Metaphysics and Aesthetics had unified Aesthetics and Philosophy.

    Mandelbrot didn´t succeed bringing a ´final solution´to the problem of explaining to people on a larger scale than those he had already explained his philosophy to what extent Immanuel Kant´s Philosophical Research ties together his research into fractal mathematics , and Cantor´s Creation of Set Theory.

    In turn , Kantian Fractal Mathematics is created.

    In turn , Transcendental Chaos Theory is born.......

    Transcendental Chaos Theory is based on similar principles and concepts as Transcendental Idealism.

    It proposes , that everything we perceive is largely a part of causal realationships , time and space on one hand , and Transcendental Phenomena on the other.

    In turn , Transcendental Phenomena are described or defined as being simply unpredictable , with god being a good example of a Transcendental Phenomenon because in Kant´s Time , God was perceived by Kant as being beyound most people to perceive.

    Fractals on the other hand , are part of time , space and causal relationships , with time being considered illusory.

  • I am always stress-free and fear-free but I do sense that something is going to happen soon. At least our soon is shorter than the soon of the galactics so I think it is something that is very near to happen.

  • I'm extremely calm but my mother has been anxious all day and getting headaches.

    Although for me it's a strange calm, it's some sort of "before the storm hits" kind of calm.

  • Stay centered in love, despite storms around. Stay in peace. Your inside reflects your outside. No harm shall come to you if you stay in love and peace.

  • You know... ive been feeling kinda weird lately too. Maybe something is going to happen.

    Though, according to Steve Rother over at the magnetic waves coming from all these solar flares can really mess with you emotionally. Make you feel funky and lose confidence. But they are healing energies unlike stuff like the haarp which works the same way (for opposite effect). And its going to happening more frequently so it isnt anything to be concerned about.

    (though you guys probably sniff out coming disasters, etc - I only sense it when its just within minutes or so)


    So I don't know.

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