Lightfriend, Kyle.
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Roger Stone…
Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be another one of the main civilizations in the Anchara Alliance the Sigma Draconians. The Sigma Draconians at one time ruled over the Eta Draconians. The Sigma Draconians were known for their unparalleeled…
Kyle your life has just started and we really need your love and light here on earth. Find like minde people to discuss your problems as most people will not understand or want to discuss your problems. But remember there are many here that do really care and send you love and light. Get ready Kyle for we are just begginning to echo in the golden age of Love peace and joy on earth. Welcome to the party.
Yeah you are right, I always felt like I don't belong in any group of friends, I have lots of friends, but I still seem to be shy or still not used to be with them even though we have llong been friends, althoough there's just one best frend whom I feel free to talk everything with and she mutually understands what we are talking about.
And wow, if I am from another world sent here to bring light and peace like you guys! that's amazing! I hope soon I can land myself to those fascinating planets in my memories which aren't vivid yet, but always felt nostalgic.
I have heard of the UFO/ET Contact and the Disclosure which is imminent, also of yep, the Ascension of the Earth which what they seem to call Global shift? or when the nine planets alligns. maybe that. and I am really interested to see these phenomenon happen soon.
Anyways, months ago when I started to be researcher of stuff like these, I always felt empty or like "why am I still alive?" or became uninterested to play computer games anymore, nor to go outside and be with friends. I just suddenly became a researcher for truth and stuff that has a nostalgic feel to me or makes me feel at home. like Enchanted/Magical Fantasies, Science Fictional Fantasies and even the Truth of the Cosmos. could that be the symptom? hmm that's really nice! :D
And Until now I still feel that my 2 hands are vibrating alot, then some kind of strong force pulls my hands to any thing. then when I close both my hands at each other, the vibration gets stronger. like some magnet or I dunno...which is weird, I hope it's also part of the symptom and not paralysis. lol.
I'm just glad knowing there will be that adventure I have always been expecting and will come soon. Man, I love RPGs so much that I feel the need to have my own Adventure too.
Also thanks to everyone here who replied! means alot! cause now I am back to my normal routine of trying my best to go to school without problems and atleast get scores no matter how little atleast being tried. lols. and I have to be honest, I agree with you school is boring, the stuff they teach doesnt interest me especially math, science etc. but I am aware we still need those knowledge in order to survive in the Earth. I just hope soon there comes a school like Xavier Academy from X-men lolz, where they just teach you how to develop your powers and not force you to get good grades or stuff like that and make you learn in your own way.
Again thanks for the Response!! :D
If only I reached that Age or still actually be alive or in my right mind on those years, I will never forget you, nor everyone here who posted something meaningfull for me to understand!
Thanks for the response!! ^^
That Strong response idea is really true, people who I feel doesn't like me, makes me really feel like he/she is my worst nightmare, while those whom I feel are ok to be with me actually becomes one of my close friends that I hang out with usually.
thankyou for the response and the things you made me realize too!! ^^
My best advice I can give right now, it to let the things that inspire you guide you. Trust you feelings, they will serve you well ~
There are some easy answers in life, but other things just have to be experienced to be known, keep your eyes open, and don't allow youself to be manipulated by false fears.
Try and accept the responsibilites that you should own (like taking responsibility for things you are involved with) but also learn from your mistakes, so you don't have to deal with lessons over and over :-)
The truth speaks to us in different ways, so listen to your inner voice and keep your eyes and mind open! :-D
~In Eternal Light~ :)
And yeah I guess I'm only or one of the few youngest members here, lol xD
But it was thanks to my mom since the day she suddenly received the gifts of seeing through different realms without time and space. made me start doing researches of Paranormal stuff, then ended up searching for more truth than any science encyclopedia could ever tell.
Against, thanks so much for your response! means alot ^^
Thanks for the response and advice! ^^
I have always thought what was missing was my own right thinking or perceptions, but you made me realize I was also not wrong to think that way!
I am interested also to find out our true origin, but you know what they say, Enjoy, Live and Love Life while you can!
Thanks for your response! ^^