A car burns next to a wall with graffiti reading "Civil war" during a demonstration by the 'Indignant' group against banking and finance in Rome October 15, 2011. REUTERS/Max RossiReuters © Enlarge photoROME (Reuters) - Anti-greed protesters rallied globally on Saturday, denouncing bankers and politicians over the international economic crisis, with violence rocking Rome where cars were torched and bank windows smashed.Galvanized by the Occupy Wall Street movement, protests began in New Zealand, touched parts of Asia, spread to Europe, and resumed at their starting point in New York with 5,000 marchers decrying corporate greed and economic inequality.After weeks of intense media coverage, U.S. protests have still been smaller than G20 meetings or political conventions have yielded in recent years. Such events often draw tens of thousands of demonstrators.The demonstrations by the disaffected coincided with the Group of 20 meeting in Paris, where finance ministers and central bankers from major economies were holding talks on the debt and deficit crises afflicting many Western countries.The Occupy Wall Street movement has gathered steam for a month, culminating with the global day of action. It remains unclear what momentum the movement, which has been driven by social media, has beyond Saturday.While most rallies were relatively small and barely held up traffic, the Rome event drew tens of thousands of people and snaked through the city centre for miles (kilometres).Hundreds of hooded, masked demonstrators rampaged in some of the worst violence seen in the Italian capital in years, setting cars ablaze, breaking bank and shop windows and destroying traffic lights and signposts.Police fired volleys of tear gas and used water cannon to try to disperse militant protesters who were hurling rocks, bottles and fireworks, but clashes went on into the evening.Smoke bombs set off by protesters cast a pall over a sea of red flags and banners bearing slogans denouncing economic policies the protesters say are hurting the poor.The violence sent many peaceful demonstrators and local residents near the Colosseum and St John's Basilica running into hotels and churches for safety.NOT AS LARGE AS HOPEDAmerican protesters are angry that U.S. banks are enjoying booming profits after getting massive bailouts in 2008 while average people are struggling in a tough economy with more than 9 percent unemployment and little help from Washington.In New York, where the movement began when protesters set up a makeshift camp in a Lower Manhattan park on September 17, organizers said the protest grew to at least 5,000 people as they marched to Times Square in midtown Manhattan.Some were disappointed the crowd was not larger."People don't want to get involved. They'd rather watch on TV," said Troy Simmons, 47, who joined demonstrators as he left work. "The protesters could have done better today. ... People from the whole region should be here and it didn't happen."The Times Square mood was akin to New Year's Eve, when the famed "ball drop" occurs. In a festive mood, protesters were joined by throngs of tourists snapping pictures, together counting back from 10 and shouting, "Happy New Year."Police said three people were arrested in Times Square after pushing down police barriers and five men were arrested earlier for wearing masks. Police also arrested 24 people at a Citibank branch in Manhattan, mostly for trespassing.Small and peaceful rallies got the ball rolling across the Asia-Pacific region on Saturday. In Auckland, New Zealand's biggest city, 3,000 people chanted and banged drums.In Sydney, about 2,000 people, including representatives of Aboriginal groups, communists and trade unionists, protested outside the central Reserve Bank of Australia.Hundreds marched in Tokyo. Over 100 people gathered at the Taipei stock exchange, chanting "we are Taiwan's 99 percent" and saying economic growth had only benefited companies while middle-class salaries barely covered basic costs.In Hong Kong, home to the Asian headquarters of investment banks including Goldman Sachs, over 100 people gathered at Exchange Square in the Central district. Students joined with retirees, holding banners that called banks a cancer.Portugal was the scene of the biggest reported protest action, with more than 20,000 marching in Lisbon and a similar number in the country's second city Oporto, two days after the government announced a new batch of austerity measures.Hundreds broke through a police cordon around the parliament in Lisbon to occupy its broad marble staircase."This debt is not ours!" and "IMF, get out of here now!," demonstrators chanted. Banners read: "We are not merchandise in bankers' hands!" or "No more rescue loans for banks!"Around 4,000 Greeks with banners bearing slogans like "Greece is not for sale" staged an anti-austerity rally in Athens' Syntagma Square, the scene of violent clashes between riot police and stone-throwing youths in June.Many were furious at how austerity imposed by the government to reduce debt incurred by profligate spending and corruption had undermined the lives of ordinary Greeks.In Paris, around 1,000 protesters rallied in front of city hall, coinciding with the G20 finance chiefs' meeting, after coming in from the working class neighborhood of Belleville where drummers, trumpeters and a tuba revved up the crowd."This is potentially the start of a strong movement," said Olivier Milleron, a doctor whose group of trumpeters played the classic American folk song "This land is your land.""THE INDIGNANT ONES"The Rome protesters, who called themselves "the indignant ones," included unemployed, students and pensioners."I am here to show support for those don't have enough money to make it to the next pay check while the ECB (European Central Bank) keeps feeding the banks and killing workers and families," said Danila Cucunia, a 43-year-old teacher."We can't carry on any more with public debt that wasn't created by us but by thieving governments, corrupt banks and speculators who don't give a damn about us," said Nicla Crippa, 49. "They caused this international crisis and are still profiting from it. They should pay for it."In imitation of the occupation of Zuccotti Park near Wall Street in Manhattan, protesters have been camped out across the street from the headquarters of the Bank of Italy for days.The global protests were a response to calls by New York demonstrators for others to join them. Their example has prompted similar occupations in dozens of U.S. cities.At a small protest in Dublin, Ireland, Gordon Lucas, an unemployed software developer said "We don't have economic democracy anymore. ... I don't feel I am being represented."In Madrid, around 2,000 people gathered for a march to the central Puerta del Sol. Placards read: "Put the bankers on the bench" and "Enough painkillers -- euthanasia for the banks.""It's not fair that they take your house away from you if you can't pay your mortgage, but give billions to the banks for unclear reasons," said 44-year-old telecom company employee Fabia, who declined to give her surname.In Germany, thousands gathered in Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig and outside the European Central Bank in Frankfurt.Demonstrators gathered peacefully in Paradeplatz, the main square in the Swiss financial centre of Zurich.In London, around 2,000 people assembled outside St Paul's Cathedral, near the City financial district, for a rally dubbed "Occupy the London Stock Exchange."Joe Dawson, 31, who lost his job as a product developer at Barclays Bank, said he had taken his two children aged 10 and 8 to the rally to show them people had a voice."I'm not passive anymore and I don't want them to be. This is their future too," Dawson said. "I work four jobs part-time, I take whatever I can get."WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told the crowd: "I hope this protest will result in a similar process to what we saw in New York, Cairo and Tunisia," he said, referring to revolutions in the Arab world.Outside of New York, similar protests were held in other U.S. cities and Canada. Hundreds turned out in Washington, D.C., while a couple of thousand people gathered near Toronto's financial district as well as in Portland, Oregon.A protest in Los Angeles drew about 5,000 people.(Additional reporting by Catherine Hornby in Rome, Naomi O'Leary and Michael Holden in London, Natalia Drozdiak in Berlin, Alexandria Sage and Gus Trompiz in Paris, Iciar Reinlein, Jonathan Gleave and Carlos Ruano in Madrid, Cameron French in Toronto, Edith Honan, Ray Sanchez and Ed McAllister in New York, Carmel Crimins in Dublin; Writing by Mark Heinrich; Editing by Angus MacSwan, Mark Egan and Todd Eastham)

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  • A Brief Message for Humanity: We Want  to be Free!

    By Andrew  Gavin Marshall

    October 15, 2011 "_Information  Clearing House_
    (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/) " -- Can you hear it? Taste it?  Smell it? See it? Touch
    it? … Can you feel it? The people of the world are  waking up, rising up,
    acting up, fed up, not giving up, but getting up, standing  up, climbing up…
    looking up. Around the world, in every place, in every case, in  every
    situation, circumstance, and altercation, the powers of our world, sitting  firm in
    their positions, atop the institutions of our domination, proffering the 
    ideas of our indoctrination, seek to confuse, divide, control, co-opt, crush, 
    define, repress, overrun, undermine, and cause distress… to all those
    people,  everywhere, who look forward with new eyes, crying out to the world, and
    in to  themselves, “We want to be free!”

    No cry, echoed through all eternity,  ever carried such prominence, such
    eternal relevance and for all past and  present circumstance. “We want to be

    No single idea, before or  hereafter, has such enormous power, such
    overwhelming possibility, such  unsurpassable resonance with the potential for such
    everlasting permanence. “We  want to be free!”

    From Tunisia, to Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia,  Yemen, Palestine… to
    Greece, France, and Spain, Germany, England, Iceland, and  Italy… across the
    lands of Asia, and the sea itself, to Canada, America (even  the South)…
    Honduras, Chile, and Brazil, from Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, to  the
    birthplace of humanity in that continent across the ocean, that great and 
    wonderful landmass with those great and wonderful people in Africa. Everywhere, 
    people cry out the same. “We want to be free!”

    Everywhere, at all times  and in all places, there are those among us, not
    separate, but indeed, very much  human, who have lost their way, thrown
    their heart to the wind, love only  themselves and their bank accounts, who seek
    to dominate, obfuscate, eradicate,  the earth they plunder, and push the
    rest of us under, control, corrupt, and  devastate. Their cause is profit and
    power, their means are deception and  dehumanization, and yet their greatest
    weakness is their own deprivation, their  disassociation, endless
    demoralization and reckless devastation. All they touch  and control, has no warmth
    of heart, no hope of happiness, no joy of love like  that which may be found
    in the smallest country, in the poorest village, with  the poorest family,
    with the saddest story and the hardest life. For even in the  greatest of
    tragedies, humans reach out to one another and find each other in  their hearts
    and minds, hopes and dreams, actions and interactions.

    Do  not hate and despise those who sit above, in their towers of despair,
    in their  prisons of profit, their cells of control, for they live, daily,
    paying the  price for power. By segregating themselves from everyone else,
    they deprive  themselves of all the humanity they can experience, learn, and
    love. Do not hate  them, for they are weak and petty. Pity them for their
    self-isolation, love them  for their human weakness, which we all share alike.
    Any such position of power  can turn the most benevolent of beings into the
    most treacherous of tyrants. It  is not the human which is depraved, but the
    society built up around us which  makes the human depraved. Don’t hate the
    people, help the people! For they too,  know not what freedom tastes, smells,
    sounds, looks and feels like. Let us show  them the way, let all of us,
    together and forever, cry out, “We want to be  free!”

    Let them hear us, fear us, hate us, hurt us, push us, press us,  crush us,
    curse us, and let them see us stand back on our feet, look above and  beyond
    their petty positions, and again cry out, “We want to be free!” Let them 
    see what humanity is capable of creating, instead of destroying. Let them
    see  how humanity can cooperate, not segregate. Let them see, and tremble, and
    falter  and fail, for when they come crashing down to the earth upon which
    we all stand,  from which we all are provided our necessities of life, let
    us offer them a  hand, lift them up, and join the call, “We want to be free!”

    This is not  the beginning of the end, this is the end of the beginning.
    This struggle will  not be fought and won in the streets of New York, in the
    sands of the Middle  East, in the mountains of Asia or the plains of Africa.
    This struggle will be  fought and won inside every individual human being on
    this planet, in your heart  and mind. But we come together, these new and
    wonderful days, to see and meet  one another, as if for the first time, and
    to feel what it is to be ‘human’, to  be standing side by side, crying out, “
    No more!” No more war, no more injustice,  no more racism and militarism
    and hatred and dehumanization, no more plundering  and destruction, no more
    segregation and isolation, no more empire and  domination, no more
    institutions and executions, no more division and  deprivation. No more. No more. We
    want to be free!

    We want to be  free!

    We want to be free.

    And so, some day, not today, perhaps not  tomorrow, perhaps not this year
    or the next, perhaps not in my lifetime or those  of all the rest, but some
    day… free, we will be. You can feel it, today,  everywhere. Always. It’s
    within each of us and between all of us. It’s here,  just see it, take it, and
    make it yours!

    In our struggle for freedom, to  throw off the chains that bind us, we
    become the idea that unites us. The very  act of demanding and seeking freedom,
    requires all the efforts to release those  chains and shackles which hold
    your mind in thinking that there is no way, no  chance, no point. The very
    call, “We want to be free!” is an act of freedom. For  all the institutions
    and ideas of power built up around us, individually and  collectively, have
    been put there to prevent us from ever making such a call,  from ever standing
    up against them, from ever speaking from our hearts and  acting from our

    If you want freedom, be freedom. The only way  to get it, is to act like
    you already have it. And indeed, in truth, you  do.

    So stand, unite, and call out to the world as they call back to you,  “We
    want to be free!”

    And some day soon, so it will be.

    Andrew  Gavin Marshall IS a 24 year old independent researcher and writer
    based out of  Montreal, Canada. http://andrewgavinmarshall.com
    News you won't find on CNN
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