Anything Cryptozoology

Cryptozoology is the study of unknown animals that have not yet been proven to exist by science, but have been seen on video or photographed. Animals thought to be extinct also fall into this category. Examples of these animals include the legendary Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, The Yeti, and way to many others to mention. For those who are interested in this topic feel free to post as much as you want on here.

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          • I wondered why the heck the dude in the boat is wearing a suit, no one goes fishing in a pure white shirt and a black suit jacket, on a lake well not unless its purposely being filmed,or he's a total Nerd,.. in other words could be a staged hoax film too, like there could be another vessel pulling something from behind thats out of shot, so while the two other boats stay stationary talking to each other the thing being pulled goes between them.. we will never know either way what it is,... but the suit guy dosnt fit the situation either of fishing on a boat, when you look at the other guy in the white boat in more appropriate attire...its a interesting piece of footage all the same.
  • News story from four months ago about a sonar contact in Loch Ness. Nessie sighting maybe?
  • And sometimes a creature thought to be long-extinct, is discovered by man, as in the case of that ancient fish called a coelacanth, discovered in the 1930s...
    Coelacanths: the fish that 'outdid' the Loch Ness Monster | Natural History Museum
    Coelacanths were thought to have been extinct for 70 million years, until one was unexpectedly found alive in 1938. Discover the story of this strang…
    • Good to see you here friend :) Yep indeed new animals are being discovered all the time and those thought to be extinct are starting to make a comeback.
  • Another video that talks about Ogopogo. Video footage of the creature also seen here.
    • Oh thats a lovely video footage of a family of otters swimming in unison across the lake it seems..When an otter chooses to move slowly, its whole body can be seen. Its speed over the water surface is similarly limited by its hull speed, in the otter’s case a bit over one metre per second. But, when the otter wishes to travel a great distance quickly, as when swimming up the lake, it avoids the speed limit imposed at the surface by diving. Of course, it must keep returning to the surface where its noise pointing up can be interpreted as the ogopogo’s fins. The otter then dives again presenting us with the ogopogo’s vertical humps.It is interesting to me that the reason we imagine a serpentine lake monster is that the otters in a family constantly dive so as to avoid the effective speed limit imposed by the waves they create while swimming at the surface. It is also interesting that, as far as I know, no one ever pointed out that an actual serpentine monster would not swim with vertical undulations in the way an ogopogo is always depicted as doing.see the still photos on the link below of them swimming creating what this video shows..
      • Sorry, but to me that just does not look like a group of otters. A slim chance what you say could be true, but I'm going with this is a legit Ogopogo sighting.
        • You really should study the antics of a river otter to see how they move in the water in a visual perception is whats the key.
  • News story from 2005 about a possible Champ sighting in New Yorks Lake Champlain. Sightings of Champ go back hundreds of years. The creature has been called America's Loch Ness Monster.
  • Seen up in Alaska back in 2009. The creatures seen here are described as being 20-30 feet long.
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