Anything Cryptozoology

Cryptozoology is the study of unknown animals that have not yet been proven to exist by science, but have been seen on video or photographed. Animals thought to be extinct also fall into this category. Examples of these animals include the legendary Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, The Yeti, and way to many others to mention. For those who are interested in this topic feel free to post as much as you want on here.

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  • The video here shows a black dot of a figure apparently moving up the slope of a snow covered mountain.This video was only uploaded for the benefit of a couple of friends, we had no intention for it to gather the interest it has.

    The man claims he may have filmed a possible sasquatch while hiking in the Tantalus Range near Squamish, B.C. years ago but he cant be 100% certain.

    He also stated: "We are not claiming this to be anything other than a strange encounter based on some of the reasons below":

    1. We were able to view the subject much better than what the video portrays as it was just a simple point and shoot camera. Contrast was excellent due to the snow behind the subject.

    2. The subject was clearly bipedal and was without snowshoes or a backpack and wearing all one colored clothing. Movement over this kind of sloping terrain in soft snow without snowshoes would have been very difficult and the distance traveled over the given time period would have been very fast for a human without proper snow travel gear.

    3. There was a very steep drop off below where the video was shot, easily a 300m sheer face. We were not equipped with climbing gear and a descent around would have been impossible before nightfall.

    4. We have encountered bears on the approach to this summit in the past, this video is most definitely not showing a bear or any other wild animal.

    5. Perhaps the most reasonable explanation for this video is a very ill prepared hiker, hiking up a difficult section of snowline as opposed to a much easier route, one who is very physically fit and able to cover ground in unusually quick fashion and must have had very large feet as we were breaking through snow crust in just our boots.
    • Either a Sasquatch/Yeti or just a hiker.
      • I have a gut feeling it is a Big foot,yeah.. cos my visual perception is very good, even if he's miles away, see how fast he ascends that ridge.and as the hikers at the top say he's fair hooping it up there in soft snow, with not much effort and no hiker would go that root either, its the long way around the mountain, so he's not experienced with the area,... a Big foot dont care about roots dos he, he'd be just traversing a space to go look for food, he's got a animal instinct not like a human.. plus he's one tall hiker if it is human and a bloody strong one with no snow shoes.. but we will never now its just a great sighting..
  • Here's one Justin lets try and suss what this is.. I think I mentioned a whale but now I'm thinking its a stingray flapping its wings, as I've seen other footage similar, of rays catching fish in a estuary that looked similar,... but its very intriguing.. what do you think it looks like?
    Alligator, whale – or Loch Ness Monster? Video of a dark creature swimming near the coast of southeastern North Carolina had viewers debating online about what it could possibly be
    • Good footage there. You already know I'm going the route of it's something entirely new or something that should be extinct, but it's also possible its a small whale.
  • You watch someone will suss it, no its not a aquatic bird I agree with you but does my theory sound anything close to
  • That Ogopongo sighting is strange admittingly, but I think theres a more logical explanation,.. its more than likely a snapping turtle being in fresh water lake, thats got a condition where air bubbles get trapped under their shell so they become bobbing butts up, they call it 'bubble butt syndrome', you can see its shell in the water even the shapes of it do they have fresh water turtles other than snapping turtles I can see the square shapes on its shell, but only a single photo!! no video footage of it, with a phone like what he had there gees thats pathetic dont you think!, why do people do that when its right there to video? the poor thing.. eventually it will die because they cant feed properly.. here is a video below on a sea turtle with it, that they saved in captivity, they made a 3D printer harness to dispel the air trapped under his shell into a position where the turtle could swim properly and feed...they filmed it all..what do you think? looking at this photo now.. I see a turtle shell..
    • Looks way too big to be a snapping turtle. That looks like a head and horns. Even if this is not the creature sightings and stories of this animal go back a long time. The locals take this creature very seriously. Along with Loch Ness Lake Okanagan and Lake Champlain are a couple of lakes that definitely have some kind of mystery to them. Plenty of other lakes as well, but these are the three I would definitely visit first if I had the chance.
      • Really Justin not big enough you reckon but see those snapping turtles can grow to the size of a huge ugly monster..
        • It's the horns on the head that make me say no to the large turtle theory. It definitely looks like a head and horns to me.
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