Anything Cryptozoology

Cryptozoology is the study of unknown animals that have not yet been proven to exist by science, but have been seen on video or photographed. Animals thought to be extinct also fall into this category. Examples of these animals include the legendary Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, The Yeti, and way to many others to mention. For those who are interested in this topic feel free to post as much as you want on here.

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  • Since the Altamaha River goes out into the ocean there is a good chance the legend of the Altamaha- Ha or Altie as some call it has truth to it. Some kind of prehistoric animal thought to be extinct or a new species not yet discovered could be coming into that area every once in a while.
  • And this ones got me really puzzled its even blowing bubbles from its face end and yet its back is really long, too long to be a sturgeon either, it kinda looks like possible a crocodile?? funny looking one? lol..but really what is it?? this was in Turkey on a lake..
    • Oh wow! the link with Animal X I forgot all about that show. Good find. As for the Lake Van Monster this fella does not get talked about as much as many of the other lake Cryptids. Sightings only go as far back as the 1800s. There could be some prior to that time period, but from what I read the first sightings were in the 1800s.
      • Thats one weird looking creature and I was looking for more research on the sighting as well and I could only find that other video and one more but its not in English, but media had hold and they were making a film documentary on the sighting by the looks,plus they had divers filming under water as well trying to find this monster, not many articles on it sadly, I see why they now think it was a hoax, but I dont think it was, not when it blew bubbles and kinda looked like a eye moved too,I could be wrong,but thats some elaborate hoaxed creature if it was....but I found this article only, what a shame.
        Turkey’s Seamonster of Lake Van
        In honor of Halloween, I present to you the only legenary monster story I have thus far been able to unearth in Turkey – the Seamonster of Lake Van
  • Ten sightings in one here.
    • That's a great compilation of weirdness, and some just cant be identified, and some can, like that brown floating type blob filmed in deep see has been identified as a Deepstaria enigmatica jellyfish,...there is some weird alien looking things in the deep ocean, its another world down there with bioluminescent octopus or squid type creatures, just mind blowing things, heres info on the identification of it.....
      Mysterious 'Sea Monster' Confirmed as Giant Jellyfish
      Deepstaria Enigmatica, the rare jellyfish species, is a YouTube sensation.
      • Yep it is awesome indeed down there. The Mariana Trench would be the area in the ocean I would like to see first if I ever had the chance like a few of those people who had the sub to do so.
        • My best mate is a deep sea diver on the oil rigs of the coast of Australia, on the North West shelf and the things he said he's seeing down there he has no idea what they are even, never seen them in his life before, all he could say is they are aliens of the deep and damn right freaky, and he had one experience where a giant octopus wrapped its leg around his once held on for ages and he started to freak the beep out of him, but it soon let go and swam off fast, it was huge even though he knows things get magnified under water, he still said it wasn't any small octopus by any means its tentacles were as wide as his arm, thats how big it was....see this link below, it was as large as that one, so yeah rather freaky stuff..

          Giant Pacific Octopus by John Rawlings
          • I wouldn't mind having a deep sea diver job. That would be fun and never get old unless you're exploring the same area all the time of course. The only other downside is running into an animal that's hell bent on killing you which would definitely happen sometimes. Cool pics in that article.
            • Yeah its extremely good money, he's single and he goes away out on the rigs for 3 months solid at a time, then comes back to land for 3 months, he's made a small fortune over the years cos there's no where to spend ones wages out at sea ,and your fed onboard also as part of the job with good food cooked by a chef, he owns two houses he rents out one in Aussie and one in NZ and other assets worth heaps, though he has no social life as such because of the time he's away, so he flies back to NZ to his friends and family thus me being one of them, we met in school so weve been friends for nearly 30yrs, but you have to get your diving tickets first Justin if you want to be a diver for a job and that costs a lot initially but pays off fast once your working, yes he's seen some creatures including huge great white sharks, but hasn't had any come close encounters, he's seen large shadows of things as well, but they are usually whales he recons.. I asked him if he had any fears on being eaten by a shark, he said you cant think like that, or you'd never do the job properly looking over your shoulder all the time, and you also get taught how to defend to a degree in training as well..But if you want to do it Justin go for it, get your tickets but you'd better get on to it now while your young, as it takes a while to complete..
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