While out on one of my walks the idea of starting a page on here that gets into anything health came to mind and since we post health related videos on the comment wall all the time I figured why not start a health discussion page. All our welcome as usual to post on here.
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Yes, very important subject matter to share with ACC members....Also, to back it up, a marvellous interview conducted earlier, by Dr John Campbell, with Richard Hirschman.
This particular vid does require YT sign in.....Absurd of them to place "age restrictions" on this, but it can be viewed after signing in...
I do believe that most of us on ACC did not take a single dose/shot, but some did, unfortunately....
Not a single member of GFL Ground Crew, within my sector commands, took it...
Of course, one should always resist anything designed to manipulate genes, as with mRNA......And one should always resist tyranny, even if it means losing a job, or career....Better than losing your life...Better than messing up ascension...
As we grow in consciousness and light quotient, it becomes increasingly obvious that we should each follow are own heart logic, when making decisions about personal health options...My advice is to TRUST IN GOD (and I don't mean church,) rather than limited-consciousness government...
Covid vaxx victim speaks exclusively with Dr Campbell, about his experiences following the vaccine.....A sad case and a warning to anyone who still believes that these mRNA jabs are "safe and effective."
The pandemic was then declared by the WHO, in early 2020....
Of course, many of us with functioning heart logic/discernment, were not falling for the lies...This was not dangerous to healthy people, only the compromised and very elderly....
And so, by the time of the cabal's mRNA vaccine, a year later, the propaganda did not work on some of us....We knew to avoid the pressures...We knew that the vaxx was dangerous...We researched and also applied logic, plus discernment...
The whole psychology of coercive nudging to take an unnecessary and harmful "vaccine," is described in this vid by a psychologist, who studied the steps taken to force, or nudge, people.....into damaging themselves....Some by threats, some by "carrot" offerings....At the time, some of us knew that the whole covid police state frenzy, stank to high heaven....Many did not realise, until too late....They took it...
THIS WAS A TEST FOR HUMANITY...Many failed it, others passed it...