Anything Health Related

While out on one of my walks the idea of starting a page on here that gets into anything health came to mind and since we post health related videos on the comment wall all the time I figured why not start a health discussion page. All our welcome as usual to post on here. 

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  • There is a rather childish notion being circulated, by uneducated new agers, who are uninformed, that ET ascended masters (those on cosmic degrees,) do not eat food and instead "absorb light," only..Or, they only eat fruit and "absorb light"....(Note that vril/prana can be gleaned from certain types of seed fruits and vegetables, but that is not digested, to obtain, but sparks directly into the neurological system, via the tongue.) However, fruit alone cannot sustain life, as the body needs essential fatty acids and essential amino acids, with which to maintain function..Bodily structures and hormones, also, which are made to order, if the correct raw materials are provided...

    So absorbing light, or eating fruit alone, is incorrect, as any ascended being will still require the need to manifest a form, or mayavirupa, body, with which to interact inside the creation...One that works..

    Only the devic higher forms, of elohim and archangels, may absorb energies, directly....a parallel kingdom of evolution to ourselves and all ascended galactic humans....
    However, when spiritual evolution takes the cosmic initiate to a level beyond the arahat athersata grade, then a form life is no longer used and only then can "foods" be a former experience, placed in effective obsolescence....As, at that stage one achieves monadic self-sustaining status, within a self-sustained spiritual whole....Immortal, in the true sense and beyond any form requirement, that was once needed...Think of the magical symbol of the energetically self-sustained, self-eating oroboros...a circular snake eating itself and totally self-contained....

    Ascension does not mean that a being no longer eats food.....That is a myth....And the food eaten should be of high quality and even including complex amino acids, derived from animal proteins, albeit, provided by replicators, in which an ancient food source animal, a templated food, provides continuing sustainance, over generations of replications....So no need to farm or hunt, using ET technologies, BUT, there is still a need to consume animal products, which are not possible to obtain from plants alone.....A good example is retinol, which is the active form of vitamin A....
    Carrots won't provide it to satisfaction, as the conversion factor is too small, for bodily requirements....The beta carotene to retinol, conversion...

    I recommend that all potential ascendees keep themselves healthy, by taking cod liver oil, each day.....

    Also, there may be Vegans from the Vega star system, but there are no dietary vegans in cosmos, with functioning brains and bodies....That is an Earth human fad and glamour, only....And it is promoted by the dark cabal, to weaken the human reproductive potential and cause illness...

    And to complement these comments, here is a little vid, by Dr Berg anent the usefullness of cod liver oil...

    "Why You Need To Start Taking Cod Liver Oil Now - Dr. Berg Reveals The Surprising Truth"
  • Bird flu lies continue to be exposed as seen here. It's simple if they say there is a deadly virus that's gonna kill us all that actually means they're full of s##t and they're lying just like how they lie about everything else.
  • If they end up pushing for vaccines again just like they did with the Covid scam my advice would be stay far away from their vaccines and don't fall for their BS. Gates, Tedros, the WHO, etc all need to be brought to justice soon.
  • Fauci still tries to desperately defend himself, but to no avail, as he's outsmarted by superior wits and well as ex-wrestlers, like Jim Jordan, who can also apply such wrestling holds, figuratively, as well.....Grips, locks, throws, scissors, holds.....;-)

    "Sparks Fly As Jim Jordan Ruthlessly Confronts Dr. Fauci About Lab-Leak Theory"😷😷😷😷😷
  • "During a House Select Subcommittee on Coronavirus, Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) questioned Dr. Fauci on his email chains with top NIH officials on the lab-leak theory for the origin of COVID-19."

    "Sparks Fly After Debbie Lesko Grills Fauci On Email Chain Regarding COVID-19 Lab-Leak Theory"😷😷😷😷😷
  • Rather amusing to observe Dr Faustus', errrr, Mr Fauci's fall from his official "position of trust," as he's justifiably mistrusted and despised, more than ever...

    Also, funny how "decorum" is more important to dems, than exposure of medical mass murder and fake science.....mRNA vaxx, masks, 6-feet apart, plastic bubble screens, lockdown, etc..😷😷😷😷😷

    "Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Dr. Fauci, 'You're not doctor' during COVID hearing"
  • Good news here as the pandemic treaty was stopped for now. They will be trying again though.
  • I hope that members who supported Obama and his pro-covid vaccine, bioweapon advice, a few years back, have subsequently awoken to the scamdemic...?? And also the scam that was Obama, from day one of his presidency.....Just watch this video and remind yourselves, that this evil character fooled many poor fools, into taking a dangerous mRNA experiment....which caused death and injury, among many Americans..

    I hope that you woke up in tiime, to his evil masquerade...😷😷😷😷😷

    Here's a refresher course, on using intuition and logic...In a nutshell, never trust a word that Obama says, ever again....If you trusted him before...

    There was a time when so many ACC members trusted and idolised Obama.....At a time when I saw through him....Will John Jancar ever appologise for being so completely WRONG...?? Not to mention Mike Quinsey (at that time, via "SaLuSa",) the purported "channeller."

    "Barack Obama and Eva Longoria Take on Vaccine Hesitancy"
  • And it gets worse in China, as they have been subject to uranium dust, in rainwater, which is escaping from a mine in inner Mongolia, travelling in the air and rivers, to various Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai & Guangzhou...

    The coal mine was re-opened in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, last year...Initially causing the deaths of two lorry drivers...Uranium mixed with coal...
    Now the radiation is spreading to the cities, and falling with rain droplets...

    Of course, the corrupt Chinese authorities, are pretending that the people suffering severe symptoms, are simply "asthmatics."
  • I will state, up front, that I've NEVER visited China and have no desire to journey there, ever...However, many western people and corporate staff do travel there, on a regular basis and probably don't realise, that the food and drink they inevitably consume there, is TOXIC waste.......Errr.......Ever thought of a pre-packed lunch..? Might be safer...!! LOL🤣

    Welcome to the Red Chinese, lower astral plane experience.....If it feels like a nightmare, that's because, it actually is one....🐲🤮

    And some elite westerners (politicians, media and corporates) seem to be so beguiled, that they actually believe this third world backwater, is a "superpower..??" Truly laughable...

    "China's Revolting Spit Oil and Gutter Oil and Why it Will Never go Away"
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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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Ashtar, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS  Sunday Call 3/20/2022 (Ashtar, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY Ashtar and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages were given during…

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