Anything UFO Or ET Related

Thought it would be cool to expand my Sheldan Nidle and GFL discussion and add even more info regarding anything that gets into the UFO ET topic on this new discussion so if anybody finds anything UFO or ET related feel free to post on here. Could be videos, pics, your own experiences, etc all are welcome. 

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  • Sergeant Campbell entered the Air Force in 1966. In the summer of 1967 he was guarding a B-52 at a SAC AFB in Oklahoma when suddenly, directly over one of the B-52's, a huge bluish haze appeared. It was in the form of a boomerang wing and was glittery and not solid. It was picked up on radar and seen by numerous people.
  • Gordon Cooper was one of the Original Mercury Seven Astronauts and the last American to fly into Space alone. In his testimony he recounts he observed UFOs flying in the same formation as his fighter groups over the skies of Germany. These UFOs made maneuvers that could not be done by conventional fighters. At another time, while filming conventional aircraft performing precision landings, a saucer flew directly overhead and landed ahead of them on a dry lake bed. The entire event was filmed including detailed close-ups. The film was sent back to Washington and was never returned.
  • Major George Filer was an Air Force Intelligence Officer who not only had an extraordinary encounter with a massive UFO on radar over the United Kingdom, but later in the 1970s while he was at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey, found out that an Extraterrestrial Biological Entity had been shot at Fort Dix. This ET fled to adjacent McGuire Air Force Base, where it died on the tarmac. He testifies that this life form was then picked up and taken to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
  • Captain Lori Rehfeldt was stationed at the 81st Security Police Squadron at RAF bentwalters in England during the UFO events that occurred in 1980. She and a colleague were on duty late that night, when they saw in the distance an object they thought was a plane landing on a runway - coming in from the direction of the North Sea. They also saw it silently explode, split into 3 parts, and speed across the runway; then it went straight up and disappeared.
  • Bill Uhouse served 10 years in the Marine Corps as a fighter pilot, and 4 years with the Air Force at Wright- Patterson AFB as a civilian doing flight testing of exotic aircraft. Later for the next 30 years, he worked for defense contractors as an engineer of anti gravity propulsion systems: on flight simulators for exotic aircraft- and on actual flying discs. He testifies that the first disc they tested was a re-engineered ET craft that crashed in Kingman, Arizona in 1958. He further testifies that the ET's presented the craft to the US government; this craft was taken to Area 51 which was just being constructed at the time, and the 4 ET's were accompanied were taken to Los Alamos. Mr. Uhouse's specialty was the flight deck and the instruments on the flight deck - he understood the gravitational field and what it took to get people trained to experience anti gravity. He actually met several times with an ET that helped the physicists and engineers with the engineering of the craft.
  • Officer Alan Godfry is a retired police officer who served in the West Yorkshire Metropolitan Police in 1975 to 1984. On November 28 1980, he and five other officers witnessed a UFO. He saw a diamond shaped object about 75 feet away hovering just 5 feet above the ground and estimated it to be about 20 feet wide and about 14 feet tall. The bottom half appeared to be rotating and the top was stationary and it did not make any noise. Months after reporting the incident, he started being harassed. He was transferred 50 miles away and was eventually barred from entering his own police station. Contraband drugs were placed in his locker.
  • Gordon Creighton who is a former British Foreign Service Officer spent ten years in China and in 1941 he saw a UFO while at the Embassy. In broad daylight he saw a disc-shaped silent UFO with a blue white light on top flying very fast. In 1953 he spent some time with the Military Defense in Whitehall and worked on the floor underneath a department, Air Technical, dealing with UFOs. He says a UFO landed on the estate of Lord Mountbatten in the south of England near Southampton.
  • Paul H. Utz talks about his father Paul A. Utz , who worked as a high-level engineer in Area 51 and had a Q level clearance. His father had always claimed that he was an Optical Engineer working in Area 51, but on a meeting outside the US he told his son that he was actually working on a new kind of energy source.
  • Karl Wolfe who was in the Air Force for 4 and a half years beginning in January 1964 and had a top secret crypto clearance and worked with the Tactical Air Command at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia talks here about while he was working at a NSA facility, he was shown photographs taken by the Lunar Orbiter of the Moon that showed detailed artificial structures. The photos were taken prior to the Apollo landing in 1969.
  • Donna Hare who had secret clearance while working for NASA contractor, Philco Ford talks here about a photo she was shown that shows an ET craft on the Moon. Her colleague explained that it was his job to airbrush such a evidence of UFO's out of photographs before they were released to the public. Donna also talks about how she heard from other Johnson Space Center employees that some astronauts had seen ET craft, but were not allowed to talk about it.
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