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ANZUS treaty: New Zealand discloses UFOs as U.S. hides possible ET/UFO base at Pine Gap, Australia

February 16, 4:30 PMgreydot.gifSeattle Exopolitics Examinergreydot.gifAlfred Lambremont Webre


Even as Lt Gen Jerry Mataparae, Chief of Defence Force of New Zealand announced on Jan. 23, 2010 that New Zealand’s secret UFO files were being vetted for public release, its technical partner in the ANZUS treaty - the U.S. - remains entrenched in high secrecy and non-disclosure about an extraterrestrial/UFO facility at their underground base at Pine Gap, Australia.


The ANZUS treaty (“Security Treaty between Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America”), signed Sept. 1, 1951, appears to be key in understanding why the the U.S. government continues a mutual policy of refusing to disclose the extraterrestrial and UFO presence at Pine Gap, Australia, although New Zealand has recently announced it will release its secret UFO files.

The ANZUS treaty was previously a full three-way defence pact among Australia, U.S. and New Zealand, governing mutual security and military intelligence matters.  However, the ANZUS treaty no longer applies between as the U.S. and New Zealand.  One source states: “following a dispute between New Zealand and the United States in 1984 over visiting rights for nuclear-armed or nuclear-powered ships of the U.S. Navy in New Zealand ports, the treaty no longer applies between the United States and New Zealand, but is still in force between either country and Australia, separately.”


In interactive UFO disclosure in response to advocacy from a citizen UFO group (UFOCUSNZ), the government of New Zealand, the third party to the ANZUS treaty, announced recently it has begun vetting its secret UFO files for public release.  Yet the U.S. government continues to maintain a policy of tight secrecy over its secret UFO and extraterrestrial-related programs and files, despite public releases of UFO and extraterrestrial-related files by NATO (U.K., France, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Norway), OAS (Mexico, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador), and ASEAN  Phillipines) allies, as well as Russia and Switzerland.


Since 1948, military-intelligence agencies of the U.S. government have sporadically released UFO files to private parties, with 50,000 UFO files pending release from NORAD and 13,000 pages of UFO files pending from U.S. Air Force-related organizations.


Military-intelligence cooperation agreements under the ANZUS treaty, such as the Pine Gap treaty signed Dec. 9, 1999 between Australia and the U.S., appear to be a legal shield keeping the U.S. government from disclosing the existence of a vast, underground working base that the U.S. maintains at Pine Gap, Australia, which may include extraterrestrial liaison programs.  According to whistleblowers, these human-extraterrestrial programs may use the Pine Gap base as an extraterrestrial rest and recreation area, as well as a possible staging area for off-planet operations both by extraterrestrial and human black budget fleet space vehicles.


According to former Command Sgt. Major Robert Dean, teleportation links between secret teleports on the U.S. mainland and the underground extraterrestrial-U.S. base at Pine Gap exist for the rapid deployment of personnel (both human and extraterrestrial) between U.S. mainland and Pine Gap, Australia.

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  • At last disclosure! Let's see what we're dealing with so that we can finally start taking care of this planet, each other and really get creative. I'm sure our star families are just busting to get us all back 'online' with what we've discovered here in 3D and to hear how different it is to our less dense experiences in other realms. Integration of the the dimensions....what a party idea!!!
    • Good on ya, Zeer!
  • possible base at Pine Gap?!!!!! Hahahaha! (try, "definite") ;-)
    • Too right, mate! As far as I know, it's been common knowledge here since...eons ago. I even wrote a [fiction] send-up short story (I used fictitious names, of course!) about it in my 1980s writing class; the tutor said it was hilarious but dangerous!!! :-O
      • Yes, there is all kind of stuff going on in Australia.. I heard at this conference that near one of the U.S./illuminati bases there is some kind of time worm hole.. anyway some people who were in the area said they were temporarily transported back in time to the 1950s.
        • I could handle that. I can just imagine cruising down the highway in an FJ holden with some killer sideburns, flared pants and paisely shirt. At least back then u could make some serious spiritual advancement with Ronny Hubbard and his scientology people who would sit around and talk about their past lives on other planets etc and do freaky stuff like shift their cars sideways on the road to avoid accidents etc. Its a shame what happened to them but anyhow........
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