Hi all i suppose this is a false message too ha.....

Apha Starship Commander Sohin: Warning of False Information Channeled by Kris-Won March 28, 2010
Today at 8:03am | Edit Note | Delete

Greetings from Alpha Starship!

We would like to warn you so that all our brethren from planet Earth are forewarned. There will be an influx of many channels who will inundate you with false information which does not come from us, but from the subconscious mind of those persons who, even though their intention is not to willfully mislead others, nevertheless without knowing it are collaborating with the dark forces who take advantage of these people's good intentions to bring to light messages which are not from the Light, although they say they come from the Light side.

All this stems from the desire of many people to channel in order to enter into contact with us; but it is not easy and is not within the reach of all people. It is not necessary for everyone to channel. Allow those men and women selected by us to serve as the connection thread between us and the humanity of this planet. All the others can serve the cause working on another aspect, we repeat, it should not be the goal of each and every human being of planet Earth to channel our messages.

There are so many wonderful things that can be done! It is a matter of exploring your own qualities and abilities and offering them to all Guardians of the Light, so that they can be used in the most practical and useful way.

When a message channeled by one of your brothers or sisters comes to you, feel within what that message inspires in you. Feel, feel within yourselves and from there will come the certainty of whether that message is genuine or not. If you feel within that what was transmitted is not true, discard forever those messages coming from that channel; but if your intuition tells you that the message is genuine, follow the advice of that faithful source and stay tuned for future messages coming from that channel. Allow your inner conscience to guide you in that sense.

If you are not sure, then ask for the advice of someone who has that kind of intuition and greater experience than yourselves. But do not believe everything that is circulating through the Internet, as there will be true information as well as untrue information that will tend to confuse you. The dark ones will know to take advantage of the confusion that false information can cause. Not everything that shines is gold, and for that one who is really committed to the cause to help humanity on this planet in the Ascension process, that person will have the necessary support to follow the straight path without becoming disconcerted by those false channelings.

Put your faith then on the transmissions you recognize, that come from channels who inspire your confidence. We do not want to say that there will not be new channels in the future, because there will be more as the need for them arises, as Marina revealed to you in the previous channeling done through this channel. So be careful and remain attentive. And allow your intuition to be your guide.

We explained in a previous message some facts regarding you as a humanity on planet Earth and as part of the Nature Kingdoms, that you would experience a spectacular quantum leap, a previously unheard of Ascension that has never before occurred at this level in your past. We explained that you are going to be leaders of an Ascension from the third dimension in which you have lived until now into the fifth dimension, without going through the fourth. We would now like to clarify this, as that information has not been understood by a great number of readers.

We don't want to say that ALL humanity of this planet will go directly from the third to the fifth dimension, no, not all people. All inhabitants of this world have been given an opportunity to lead a life following the behavior guidelines based on the correct way to think, the correct way to feel and the correct way to act. All men and women of the world have had access in one way or another to the moral principles that can transform them into good people, open to not harm any living being, to help others who are asking for help, and to not live solely and exclusively to satisfy their own selfish interests.

All people who have learned what love is, real love, not a feeling disguised as personal interests, who love all beings around them and who wish to never inflict harm on others will reach the necessary state of consciousness to continue on their personal path in this New World that they will soon get to know, after Gaia has modified Her structure to reach the new model.

When Gaia ascends to Her new energetic and dimensional configuration, all those who inhabit her Physical Body, who are the cells of her organism, will ascend in turn to the fifth dimension along with Her. And what will happen to all those who have not reached the required spiritual level? They will be physically transported to other planets where they will continue their evolution, or they will leave their physical covering after the end of this lifetime to be born again in another physical body but on another third dimension planet, just like a student who has failed his exams will have to repeat the course while his classmates who have passed them will move on to a higher grade to study subjects of a higher level.

However, this planet, which until now had lived in the third dimension, will be inhabited only by those amongst you who have achieved living in peace, harmony and love.

The evolution of all beings in the Universe will always go/on/forward, dear ones, and will not stop until all of Creation has been absorbed again by the Supreme Creator.

Love and Peace

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  • peoples you just can't help yourselves can you's, you guys just got to find something to amuse yourselves, fighting, is this all people do in here now days........judging, griping, denegrating, overpowering others opinions, over empowering another to feel good about themselves, controlling, mate who are you to say i am a light or dark worker, the best thing i done to you today was the fact controversy sparked interests, b ut in your case it seems to prove what kind of character came out of you.
    The message i channelled through is this i say to you now.

    When someone sees you in disgust. It only conirms my theory on how they articulate their inner child.
    • I really have no problem that you post these things...problem is you are not the only one. And it get's to the point where it is repetitive. I really do not care about warnings that this or that will happen, as we have seen these warnings never ad up to anything,and we can not cope or do anything with or about them untill they are in the now. I am shure that most people here are well aware of what is going on and are at least half prepared to deal with the stuff that will come in the future,that we do not need to be reminded every day from this or that channel. It makes me feel like we are taken for idiots with al this information. I also think it is more wanted to be able to talk on a personal level here about what you personally know or want or can,than some channeling that came from another source. I do agree that the name calling is of no need, i do not believe anybody is more than anybody else we just seem to be on diff levels that is al.And for someone that is or think is on a higher level to deminish another person is degrading to himself, and shows no wisdom. You keep in there Jason, most of us seek the same thing we just seem to do it in different ways. And those who think they are light should lighten up instead of atacking someone they think is dark force. It is as kicking someone who is already on the floor,where is the light in that? {I am not refering to you Jason when i used the word dark forces :)) } Chill out people.
      • because there is still the ego and the natural instinct of a man to defend itself. Besides, a poster cannot expect to receive a flowery kind words after they attacked them. Do to others what you want others to do to you.

        Some continue because they think it's okey, it's because someone doesn't do it back to them. Taste their own medicine, wonder how they taste. We're no jesus - or at least not yet. Everyone is just trying so hard. LOL.
  • Yes Love, discernment is very required during these critical times. But not just the channels too. People should also be aware of individuals who tries to force their views and opinions and mock you for having your own.

    Remember, we have our own individual truths. Don't get sidetrack by other people's wants, desires, opinions and beliefs, you have your very own too. Listen to that inner voice inside of you.

    Love and Peace to the Humanity of our dear Planet Earth. =D
  • I know the good and bad information for myself. I don't care about yours, just like I don't care if you're a lightworker or not. Your opinion simply doesn't matter to me.

    But nub, I never claim to be a lightworker, but the feeling is mutual, You ain't a lightworker for me either,I think you're a darkworker brain shrinkwrapped with a microchip shoved your arsed, LOL, which I don't care. Suit yourself baby.

    Your username is very ironic when you yourself I think is actually darkened. Just like how very ironic it is when a self-proclaimed religious person utter "evil" words and spread more hate and hatred more than those of ordinary individual. Much love to you my dear friend, I hope you truly brighten and sparkles like a real brightstar. LOLS.
  • channels debunking each other. classic.
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