HI All
Greetings from Alpha Starship!
Our commitment to safeguard you all and protect you fromany threat that could stalk you is an undertaking voluntarily chosen byus, thatwill continue indefinitely until you reach the point where you can fendforyourselves and are no longer in need of our help. Until then we will beveryclose to you, more than you can imagine, and have no doubt that we willfulfillour mission completely and without delay.
The being who comes to love as we do, does not hesitatefor a single moment to offer himself completely to other beings who havenot yetreached this same level of love, which involves a much broader state ofconsciousness, less self-centeredness (egotism) and focus on the joythat onefeels to meet the needs of others (altruism). For he who loves, it doesnotappear as an effort or obligation to sacrifice oneself (time, family,personalactivities) to help other beings be happier. We care about the welfareof allbeings in the Universe, because we know that we are all One and thesame. We seeeach soul as a light that shines in unison with the company of others inacosmic dance of praise to the Father and Mother Creators. And if youknow thatothers are part of yourself, how can we be happy seeing that otherlivingbeings, human and non-human, are suffering?
The one who is on the level of consciousness that givesselflessly, with an open heart and without fear of being rejected,mocked oremotionally scarred, is the greatest of all beings. Because truly, themostcharacteristic quality of a perfect being is Love. If we had to defineGod, theclosest to reality that we could understand is that God is Love, and hewho onlythinks of giving without asking anything in return, without expecting tobepraised or rewarded, really becomes in essence, God.
In the three-dimensional plane in which you live, that manor woman who leaves the physical body, which "dies," having understoodthat weare all the same; that we are children of God who are equal; and thatHis Lightilluminates and warms us all equally; gets to pass "to the other side"with anindescribable joy, an inner happiness that you cannot compare withanything thatyou can obtain or achieve in your three-dimensional world. It is thenthat thisbeing will live in a state of peace and love that you call Paradise insomecultures, or Nivana in others, but refers to the same inner state. It isnot aplace where souls dwell who have behaved nicely during their stay onEarth, butrather it is a state of inner consciousness that manifests from theinside out.In fact, you can feel this state of bliss or happiness in any plane ordimensionof existence.
So, if you aspire to achieve this incomparable state,unattainable for those miserable and mean souls, you must strive to liveat alltimes expanding outwards the purest form of love from your hearts to allbeings.Even the one who is not accustomed to loving others can learn if he hasthe firmintent to do this. It is all about desiring it and focusing your mindand yourfull attention to develop this love in your heart.
If you are not accustomed to loving others, because younever bothered to try it, try to begin feeling love for everything thatseemsthe easiest, like watching children when they cross with you, admiringtheflowers in the field, climbing a mountain and watching the sunset whilesittingat the top, or anything that inspires more tenderness and love. There isaCosmic Law that one draws himself to all that is equal in vibration; tofrequentactions or activities that awaken and develop the love in you; to makethis loveexpand more each time so you will transform into better people, moreloving andsensitive, and attract to your lives everything fine, everything nice,andeverything beautiful that life has to offer.
Our desire is that most of you reach an elevated level oflove, and that you help to ascend the majority of the population onEarth inthis way. Because you know that everything is connected. It is what weaspire toachieve, because already the humanity of this planet is prepared for it.Otherwise, we would not be here, because the Universe would not assignso mucheffort, nor would God ask for so much collaboration, if the result wasnothingmore than this: the raising of the consciousness of Humanity on PlanetEarth.
You can count on our full support and momentum that we aregiving you to succeed. Cultivate love in your hearts! There is nothinggreaterand more sublime than that!
Your brothers of Alpha Starship in Earth orbit.
Commander Sohin
Kris-Won was born in the Island of Mallorca (Spain) inthe Mediterranean Sea in 1961, where he currently resides. He got thegift ofchanneling when he was 21 years old, while he belonged to a spiritualgroup inPalma de Mallorca. He has traveled to countries with ancient cultures ofundeniable spiritual influence such as India, Mexico and Egypt. In 1985hepersonally met the Indian Master Sathya Sai Baba. His teachings andguidanceinfluenced his life profoundly, so he dedicated himself to translating agreatdeal of Sathya Sai Baba's teachings to Spanish during the last 10 years.By late2009, he joined our group of translators and began to translate otherchannelers' messages. Shortly after that, Alpha Starship began todictate himtheir first

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  • This is awesome and inspired and I feel the joy and love here. Thanks for making a wonderful ending to my evening.
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