Sunday Call 12/26/2021 (Archangel Michael, OWS, Shoshanna)

James & JoAnna McConnell




Sananda and One Who Serves channeled  by James McConnell

Shoshanna - Joanna’s Higher Self


These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ on December 26, 2021. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

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 ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (Channeled by James McConnell)


I am Archangel Michael. I come at this time to be with you. To be with you more, and more, and more. Myself and many others that are your guides that are working with you are coming into your space, I will say, more and more. If you will become aware of those of us that are here to bring you forward, to continue to guide you.


But up until now, many of you have had this guidance, but you did not fully believe that it was there. But in the times coming ahead, you will feel it more and more. Some will even see evidence of our arrival of our more full connection with all of you. And it will be in many various ways that this will happen. Some will see. Some will hear. Some will feel. The connection will be there regardless of how it comes to you. Just know that this is in process. This is part of your ascension process. And it is only for those at this point now that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. So know that you, in this moment now, are preparing yourselves—not that we are preparing you, but you are preparing yourselves—to move more fully into the new higher dimension that is being formed on this planet right now, making it easier, more access to it than you have ever had before in this evolution as a collective; individuals yes, but more as a collective.


And now I want you to consider an analogy, and picture this, if you will. Those of the collective, mankind, coming to a fork in the road. As you approach that fork: going left, going right, or going straight ahead, you are unsure of which way to go. And many are veering off into the left fork. Many others are moving ahead straight. And then there are those of you who have already taken the road to the right, for you know that that road leads to full connection with your Higher God Self, with the Cosmic Source within each and every one of you, and you have already made that choice.


Then there are many that are going straight, going as they have always gone, not veering off either way, following what they think is their path, and unknowingly moving forward, following the comfort zone that they have always known. But those that are moving straight ahead also at some point will come to a fork themselves again. They will then have that choice once again, whether it is months, or years, or lifetimes ahead is up to them and their Higher Self.


And then there are those that have already veered to the left. They are the ones that will continue to be steeped in darkness, and will and have decided to not go straight or to the right. They will continue on their path, their path that will take them away from this planet entirely. For they have chosen not to ascend, chosen not to move up into the higher vibration because they cannot withstand the higher vibration. They cannot be in that frequency. And they shy away from it, thereby moving down the path to the left.


Of course, this is only an analogy. But it is something for you to consider as you contemplate the idea of timelines. For you can replace these paths now with different timelines. The timeline to the left is the one that those of the forces of darkness have attempted to hold on to, to bring as many along as they can on that timeline, even to the point where they kill off a huge majority of the planet and continue to hold their souls to that task. That, of course, is not being allowed.


The timeline, of course, that continues on straight: that is the timeline that many at this point have chosen, because they do not know; they are as yet asleep. And they have so far chosen to continue on asleep. At some point, can they awaken? Certainly. At  some point, those of you that have moved and are creating your own timeline, a timeline that leads into the fifth dimension, you are there to assist those that are moving straight, moving on the continuing timeline that they have been on.


So think of this as timelines now are beginning to diverge more and more. This is why you are noticing your families, your friends, those that are pulling away from you, pulling away from your ideas, your ideals. For they do not understand. They only understand what they know. They do not understand what is possible, as you do.


So continue to trust. Trust in yourselves. Trust in those that are mentoring to you, guiding you. Trust in the plan. For it is an unbreakable plan. It cannot be stopped. And everything is leading you in a direction that continues to follow that plan.


I am Archangel Michael. It is always a pleasure that I can be with you and share with you, and to help you more fully understand who you are and what you are here to do.


You are all here for a great mission. Some of you have already taken up that mission. Some are moving along to another part of a mission. You are all being guided to follow that path and that timeline to the right.




ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. Shoshanna is here.


And we are ready and gearing up for your next year, your New Year’s Eve celebration, and the new year that is coming. We will give just a bit of a hint here: what a year this is going to be in terms of truth coming forward. Get ready, because it is going to be quite astounding at times. But we will save that more for your New Year’s Eve celebration here.


We are ready for your questions if you have them.


Guest: I have a question. Can you hear me?


OWS: Yes, we hear you.


Guest: Good. I was just wondering if it is true that President Trump actually got the booster shot for vaccines. I didn’t think that he had any vaccine yet and I heard that he got a booster, and was wondering if that was true.


OWS: There is much information and misinformation that is being brought through here. And the truth is somewhere in the middle, we will say here. In terms of there are things that are going on, as you have heard many times behind the scenes, behind this one that you are speaking of that he is working in a certain direction, and he must work both sides of the coin here, you might hear here. And he is needing to do certain things to bring about a certain occurrence and various events that are building up here to bring about the more full change, we will say the more change that you have been expecting in terms of your announcement over the airwaves, and many various ways you call it the EBS system. It is all building for this. So whether or not he has taken the shot or not taken the shot is really not important here. Even what he says to the people at this point is not important, other than he is playing a role here. He is playing a role. Now at times that appears that that role is leading to the other side, to the dark side. And at other times he plays the role that is leading to the side of the light. So he is playing both sides here to bring about a great announcement that is still yet coming. Okay? Shoshanna, maybe you can add here?


SHOSHANNA: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)

We can share, Dear Brother. Do you wish us to share?


Guest: Always. always.


Shoshanna: Dear Brother, we are going to step out of bounds here, and hope tha we do not receive karma for this. But we will tell you unequivocally this one did not receive what you call the booster shot. He did not receive this. Namaste.


Guest: Thank you.


OWS: Very good. I thought it was code for something, I don’t know what, but I think it still is code for something.


Shoshanna: Yes.


OWS: Very much so. Much is coming forward in the times ahead here. So be ready. It is going to be quite astounding as to many things that come forward in terms of your so-called the vaccine, which is of course not a vaccine as you understand it, and many other things that will come forward in terms of truth and bringing about more full disclosure of everything that has been happening up to this point.


We are ready for another question here?


Guest: I have a question.


OWS: Yes?


Guest: Okay. It’s another one of these crazy ‘is this true, is that true?’ I heard an explanation for this vaccine that anyone with DNA connecting to the dark is what’s going. And I don’t know if that’s true. But Gene Decode had put that out, and I was trying to wrap my head around it, and it could be possible. Anything’s possible at this point! So I just wanted to see if there was some truth to that.


OWS: First of all, you have to understand that those of you and your DNA processes are changing. And those that are not changing will not continue on in this evolution here in terms of moving up into the higher vibrations of the higher dimension. They cannot. Their DNA is not changing to allow them to move up into those higher vibrations. So therefore you are seeing the disconnect that is happening between the two sides here, we will say. Not speaking about the other side that Archangel Michael gave in terms of the straight path here. But the one to the left. And it is true that their DNA is not changing and will not be able to withstand, we will say, the higher vibrational frequencies that those of you have been preparing yourself to be able to withstand here. Not only withstand, but thrive with it here. Okay? Shoshanna?


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, may we share:


Guest: Please do, please do!


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, the One Who Serves in many words simply has stated that this one is correct. He is not a purveyor of misinformation. He is a straight-shooter and tells the truth. Namaste.


Guest: Great. I thought so. Thank you so much. I had a feeling it had something to do with that at the higher level, at the wider view, that this was a way for that element to leave, or for ones that couldn’t go forward, to leave. Thank you.


Shoshanna: Namaste.


OWS: Always know that if you look at things from a 3-D perspective, you will remain in the 3D perspective. But if you look at things with eyes that open up wide in terms of your third eye opening up wide to the higher vibrational frequencies, then that is what you will see. And you will understand, and many of you, all of you at some point here coming up, will understand all that has been happening up to this point, and why it has been happening. You will have the full truth coming forward.


We are ready for another question here, if there is one?


Guest: Regarding the Quantum Financial System, is it accurate that it will be able to read people’s fields of energy in order to know how to allot the money? Or if somebody has currency, for example, will their aura be read so that they can get the money, as opposed to going to people who might use it for themselves?


OWS: What you are speaking about is more of a higher level technology that you will not come into initially here as the Quantum Financial System takes hold. And it will be more of a transition from what you have know, although a great transition, and it will be quite different than what you have in terms of the background of it all, and how the banks and all of those that work with the money and things like that will nopt be able to steal from those of you any longer. They will not be able to do that.


So what you are speaking of in terms of consciousness and consciousness connection. And that is all a process that you will be moving toward in the times ahead. More fully down through the transition here. Okay? Shoshanna?


Guest: Okay.


Shoshanna: We have something to share here, may we share?


Guest: Yes, please.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, all that you speak of is in the forecast for this Quantum Financial System, and it will be dependent upon, as One Who Serves has given, the consciousness of mankind. And in addition, the life quotient on the planet, you see. The higher the quotient rises, the more this new technology can take hold and be introduced into the stream of consciousness that results in a higher level Quantum Financial System, you see.


As One Who Serves has given, it is a process. It will begin, and as the dark leaves, as the evil is quelled, and no longer can exist on your planet, the life quotient rises and the Quantum System will introduce technology that was not available due to the light quotient not being high enough, you see. This is all a process. Namaste.


OWS: Very good. Would there be any other questions here?


Guest: Yes. I want to follow up from some information from the Advance. I am currently in inquiry of what to do next and where to go next in terms of to reinforce my highest contribution to the world while also bringing forth the highest level of prosperity. At the Advance, it was spoken about that I have the Mother Archetype, which I know I shook up quite a lot unwillingly, but I did when I had to separate from my children in their last teenage years. That was quite momentous for me. So I am wondering (1) a little more about this archetype, what might be still standing in my way, because I didn’t think there was, but maybe there is, and also (2) what direction then;, I know you won’t give personal information, what direction would you see as far as going. There are so many possibilities.


OWS: We will answer the second question here, and then Shoshanna can work more with the archetype here, as she introduced that more fully within the Advance that you had here. So for you, we cannot go into personal guidance here, because that must come from within you. And you are in the process of following that inner guidance. And it will take you as you need to go here. But it may not be what you are thinking in terms of what you’re mind, your brain is telling you to do. It will take you where your heart, your high heart, is leading you here, if you listen to it. And we know at this point that you are more and more beginning to do that, beginning to listen to that whisper, to that wee whisper within you. And that will guide you. And it will guide you in a way that will be not necessarily easy, but it will guide you in a way that feels right as you are moving through it. We cannot say much more on that point.


Perhaps Shoshanna can give more personal direction here. But we will ask her to answer that first part of the question in terms of archetype here.


Guest: Thank you.


Shoshanna: We can share. Do you wish us to share, Dear Sister?


Guest: Yes, please.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, the Archetype Mother is a divine archetype. It is a high resonance, high vibration archetype. It is one that is given to those that are willing to open their heart to all that they receive, you see. All that they receive that they may think is negative, and all that is positive, you see. It is a transformational archetype that transforms darkness into light, to grace, to giving, to compassion, to understanding, you see. It is a high vibrational archetype.


What the challenge is here in this third-dimensional realm is that this archetype that has been given to those with the most open heart has been modified for the third-dimension and, as these archetypes are modified through the human consciousness, they become not what they originally were intended for in terms of divine consciousness.


So the goal must be to rise above that, and to seek the divine archetype and all of this attribute by letting go of the 3-D characteristics of this archetype. It is complicated, you see.


But it has been bestowed, this archetype has been bestowed on the most open, and the most divine potential, you see. That is what we can give. Namaste.


Guest: Wow, thank you. If JoAnna wants to share that archetype book with me, I’m up for that.


Shoshanna: We will ask to communicate with you, Dear Sister. Namaste.


Guest: Thank you.


OWS: Very good. Are there any further questions here before we release channel?


Guest: I have a question.


OWS: Yes?


Guest: Hello. Sending lots of love. We have heard of the recent operation by the Light Forces where they took some of those worst of the worst of the cabal down to Antarctica and they gave them an ultimatum whether they turn to the light or they can be removed through the portal someplace else. Is there any truth in this? I’m not going to name names, but I’m just wondering if there is some truth to this operation.


OWS: We will tell you that there are indeed many operations that are, again, behind the scenes, not for the general public, but for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear such as yourself and those of you on these calls, yes, this is definitely happening in that area, as well as others as well. Many are being what you call ‘rounded up’ and brought to justice. Some will find justice within the criminal courts here, and others will find justice within military courts, and others will find justice when they leave this realm and find it beyond this realm, we will just say here. We think you understand what we are saying. Perhaps Shoshanna, can you add here?


Shoshanna: We will share. May we share, Dear Sister?


Guest: Yes, please.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, we are aware of what you speak of, and we will unequivocally say that this is true. That what you have understood, what you have perhaps found of this information, it is true. And we will say that this place on Earth, this Antarctica, is so far removed from most civilizations and is so private that those Galactics who have come to negotiate with these evil ones have found that this area is completely open to negotiation, because the vibration is so high, and these evil ones will capitulate. However, there is much negotiation going on, because the evil ones wish to win! So they will continue to negotiate. But we will tell you that the Light has won, and it will just be, we cannot say the time, but soon, that this will be over. And you will see miraculous things happening here. Namaste.


OWS: Yes. We will add here that negotiations are nearly over. Almost to the point of enough is enough. But it is still ongoing at this point, again, in various places throughout the planet here.


Guest: Fantastic. Thank you.


OWS: We take one more question if there is one, otherwise we release channel.


Guest: I have a quick question. I am asking for my fur baby. He is not handling this energy well. He is a Malamow, a work dog. He is home from work, as my husband was injured, and he doesn’t know what to do with himself literally, back and forth, back and forth. Do you have any suggestion I can have to help this dog deal with his energy?


Shoshanna: We will share.


OWS: Yes, please, Shoshanna.


Shoshanna: We will share, Dear One.


Guest: Great.


Shoshanna: Dear One, this one that is in your care, wishes to expend excess energy, you see.


Guest: Yes.


Shoshanna: This one cannot sit still. This one cannot be within the confines of a home. You must do two things. You must allow this beautiful animal to run. You must find a place for him to run, to expend the energy, to run, to play. And this is not only a walk, taking this one for a walk. This one must be able to run. Does this make sense, Dear Sister?


Guest: Absolutely. Because my husband is injured, I don’t really have a way to do that with him.


Shoshanna: Dear One, is there not a park? Is there not a ball field? Is there not somewhere that is fenced in that this one can run?


Guest: Yeah, we can try that. It’s just that my husband is not supposed to leave the house. It’s complicated. But he’s going to have to. Alright, I just if there were crystals, or any way I can help him in the house.


Shoshanna: He must be outside. This one must be outside. Namaste.


Guest: Thank you so much. Thank you. I kind of knew that myself. He is a doll, he is an angel. Thank you.


Shoshanna: Namaste.


OWS: Very good. Then we are ready to release channel. Shoshanna, do you have parting message?


Shoshanna: The only message that we wish to give is that all is well. When the being releases the illusion, completely releases the chaos of the illusion, they will find the perfection on the planet. Namaste.


OWS: And we will just simply say get ready, because things are going to very much begin to heat up in your next year coming. But we will give more about this on your New Year’s Eve time here.


Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.  



Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

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