Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

      New Metatron Channel

      Easter Island -Rapa Nui 144

      Umbilical of the New Earth

      Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

      Greetings Masters! I am Metatron, Lord of Light. I greet each of you
in a vector of unconditional love! We take a moment to bring in an entourage
of Angels and the Spirit of Place of Rapa Nui. We are joined by the Hathors,
and ancient ones of MU in a brilliantly shining spiraled  vector. Close your
eyes for one moment and feel our collective.....

      Oh Dear Human Angel, we embrace you fondly, both individually and
collectively. You wear duality filters which keep you from fully seeing what
an exquisite energy you are. Many of you do not even recognize the
magnificent accomplishment that the Ascension represents, and fewer still
understand the fact that YOU created it. You are all on the cusp of an
utterly astonishing graduation, and we honor you !

      Dear Ones, the earth is part of a solar system that is vast, powerful
and far more extensive than you may  fathom There is one physical Earth, but
it exists in  more than one reality, and in many versions. The Earth has
served many purposes and will continue to do so. There are specialized
points and places above, upon and within the earth where dimensions merge
and frequencial door-ways occur. There are numerous unique cavern-apertures
that reach far into the earth and enter other realities, and into the realms
of beings of differing experience & expression.

      We have told you previously that other beings and races currently
share the Omni-Earth with you. There are numerous others that have come and
gone in differing epochs of space & time. Most of them know a quite
different earth than yours.  The earth has since its beginning been home of
myriad races that have chosen to live upon and within the earth and its
moon. They have been aware and unaware of each other -- separated by space,
time, dimension and purpose.  The earth is uniquely symbiotic in that it is
a camp-ground to some and proving-ground to humanity. But all who enter
above or below ground on the planet know Rapa Nui, for it is a Stargate of
extreme potency with a unique alignment to Arcturus. All life that enters
the Earth plane passes first to the gateway of Arcturus.

      And so we speak of Rapa Nui, Easter Island.

      Mega Portal

      Indeed it is one of the most powerful & unique portals on the planet,
and has been recognized as such for millennia. It is absolutely a potent &
benevolent 'Umbilical of the Earth'. It is a dynamic balancing and nurturing
energy that supports the Earth, its Elemental Kingdoms and indeed Humanity.

      t is a place that was once home to giants, to Hathors and walking
Cetaceans of Sirius. It was the surface Temple of the LeMurians. Most of you
know it far more than you realize. We tell you it houses a gateway of
extraordinary proportion & importance. And it will play an extremely
important role beginning in 2013. We have accordingly requested the channel
to bring Keepers of the Earth to (re) experience Rapa Nui, and receive &
anchor the codes. The clarion calls!

      Now, Portals are normally considered to be a wormhole in space or a
stargate that allows entry from above the Earth. The astonishing portal that
exists on Easter Island is of a double octahedronal matrix. It is two
octahedronal 'gates'. Both a vertical octahedron with entry above & Below
the Earth, and a horizontal octahedronal portal that connects to other point
in time.

      Rapa Nui 144

      Rapa Nui (Easter Island) is also in the truest sense of the word a
point of power generation. The Earth's axis receives and generates energy
patterns that are similar in nature to that  termed Scalar Waves It is one
of 12 locations on the spherical globe that is a direct conduit of this
incredible energy. Rapa Nui holds a very specialized relationship with Giza
as well as the other 11 mega nodes. In terms of its function as a Vortexial
Portal. We validate its location on the Planetary Grid as being a major node
functioning in the Precession of the Equinoxes.

      With Giza appropriately assigned the 'zero' longitude, Easter Island
is in the important progression of 144 degrees! That is very significant,
both in the planetary grid and the frequencial keys of the numerics. This
will indeed be even more important in the not too distant future, for
reasons that are both known and unknown to your scientist and seers. Rapa
Nui is awakening into a new role, and will be one of four major anchors in
the Southern hemisphere for the New Firmament.

      Balanced Field

      Easter Island was formed from the lava of three triangulated
volcanoes. The volcanoes are embellished, much like Mt Shasta, & serve to
lock in the vast dimensional overlay which occurs above and below the
144-Portal of Rapa Nui. The energy generated here is incredibly powerful,
yet benevolently in balance. It exudes an almost musical serenity and opens
each pilgrim and visitor to heightened awareness and spiritual merging with
Divine Self. It is a remarkable place of 'thin veils' . One experiences
Divinity in meditation here in extraordinary lucid clarity.

      The proximity to the Pacific Ocean waters literally make Rapa Nui an
oasis of tranquility and nurturing heart. Because the island is presently
quite small, the ocean wave effect on its shoreline easily encapsulates the
entire area with a benevolent and soothing plasmic field of anionic charge.
Being in this energy otherwise would be too intense, but because of the
blend of telluric and comic energies, it is an area that can be termed a
regeneration node. The numerous forces at play here homogenize extremely
well, and provide an energetic induction field that is of great benefit to
those that spend time on the island. Its energy is literally capable of
balancing and aligning the human auric field, of healing infirmities and
indeed extending longevity. This was well known by the LeMurians and Rapa
Nui was utilized as a Center of Healing and Spiritual amplification.

      In 2013, beginning in the March Equinox, energetic coded crystalline
light will flow into this area. It is the light of a new era, and sustains
and advances the emergence of enlightened humanity. It will be a beacon to
many and will be heard above and below the Earth. It is seeding the New
Firmament and preparing the way for a grand reunion.

      . Now specifically because of the enormous utility and complexity and
extreme generation of the Easter Island power-node and it is an
extraordinary Mega Vortexial Portal. It was recognized initially at the time
of LeMuria, and was in fact the entry gate that was used when many first
experienced the Earth plane, before the planet was one of duality. This was
in the time of the original firmament. Rapa Nui remains very active in its
function as a major point of entry into the Earth-plane.

      Easter Island served as a Utopian Mecca in the time of the Firmament.
It was a much larger land mass at that phase of the planet, and was visited
from throughout the Cosmos.  Incredible Pyramids were constructed in the
area, most of which are now submerged below waters, although several are
located and are functioning in the vast city below it in what may be termed
Hollow Earth.

      Much later in linear terms, during the 'Golden Age' of Atlantis, when
many extra terrestrials of Sirius A, Sirius B, the Pleiades and Arcturus
manifested upon the Earth, and walked with humans in biology, the Earth was
mapped and the location of such sites were embellished technically with
transmitting and receiving Pyramids and circuited monoliths were placed in
such locales and vectors.

      Easter Island, Giza, Titicaca, Patagonia, Israel, Turkey, Arkansas and
Newgrange were among these. Some of these were on the surface of the planet;
many others were placed in frequencial chasms below the surface.

      The circuitry and transmission stations enabled a more condensed
concentric merging of dimensional fields and a means of stabilizing &
controlling the energy flows within them. Yet understand the technology
utilized responded to and was operated by high frequency thought. We tell
you that the Earth is much different than you realize. To put it in an
understandable 'computer' analogy, there is one primary Earth program, and
within that program are many subprograms or files, that contain different
versions, different epochs and different probabilities of time and space. So
with this somewhat explanatory image, understand that within the Omni Earth
are dimensions of time and space that are separated by frequency.

      Dimensional Corridors of the Omni Earth

      Masters, dimensions are not separated by distance and as such neither
are other worlds, or other realms of Omni Earth. These cannot truly be
accessed by physical travel in the manner you may think within the limited
laws of your physical reality. Had mankind in his present era devoted as
much thought to mental locomotion as physical locomotion an entirely
different set of physics of movement would be understood. All dimensions of
the Omni Earth take place in the same timeless moment and the same
(spaceless) space, but not in the same frequency. In other words, dimensions
border each other somewhat in the same way that a radio carries many
different stations.

      The Earth now and always contains specialized dimensional gateways;
portals that are entry points to other frequencial worlds. To most of
humanity that is a moot point, for a frequencial shift is requisite to
recognizing and lucidly opening these astonishing portal door-ways.

      Atlanteans of the Law of One, LeMurians, Ancient Egyptians, Tibetan
Monks and certain indigenous cultures (before and after them) understood how
to do this, and were able under certain shamanic disciplines to alter their
reality and their dimensional resonance.

      Rapa Nui- 144-The Original Entry Gate

      As we have stated, Easter Island housed the Portal that souls used to
initially enter the Earth plane during the early stages of humanities
experiences in what is termed LeMuria or MU. It is equally as potent as the
Stargate located in Giza, and was utilized prior to Giza, particularly by
the Arcturians and Sirians.

      In the manifold of Easter Island you are standing upon a gateway where
time and frequency are capable of offering doorways in different dimensions
and temporal holograms. The Rapa Nui land mass is also the location of a
potent opening to what is termed the 'Hollow Earth'. It is the largest of
several major entries which was used by the LeMurians to enter the
subsurface realms of the Earth, at the time in which LeMuria was no longer

      Rapa Nui is a land that many code carriers are drawn to revisit, for
it contains within it beautiful memories of MU that will be reactivated. As
such those drawn to this land will recognize it immediately. The energy of
Place of Rapa Nui will welcome you and will benefit by your presence, and
indeed you will benefit by receiving an incredible activation. It remembers
you. It knows you. You carry within a seed that will reactivate, anchor and
align to a very special re-emergence that is coming in your future.

      For within 3 centuries of your linear time, Rapa Nui will re-emerge
as a Cosmic Mecca. Master Beings will journey from throughout the Multiverse
and relish that the land is still hallowed. It will once again become a
Pilgrimage site and Utopia, especially for the re appearance of Inner Earth
LeMurians as well as the Golden Hathors and Sacred Cetaceans. In this phase,
the seas levels will have declined considerably, and Rapa Nui will again be
a much larger land mass. II will also be a refuge of rejuvenation and joy to
all forms of life. It will harbor and nurture all who visit. It will be
among the first areas in which Master Beings walk again among humanity in
manifested form. Uniquely so as its energy field will offer quite clearly
expression in hyper dimensions that are sustainable within its resonance. It
will be an interface for the inner Earth populace, for just beneath its
surface area, is one of the largest cities of the ancient LeMurians, as well
as a base for the Hathors. Indeed the two are very connected.

      Inner Earth

      Many of you do not truly consider that the interior of the Omni Earth
is inhabited, but we assure you that it is absolutely populated. In fact
every planet in your solar system, as well as three of your planetary moons
are inhabited internally, in chasms below the surfaces.

      Those that dwell within the inner dimensions of the Earth are
numerous. But we add that none of the extra terrestrials currently on the
Earth are hostile or interfering. Indeed they are providing a protective
shield  for the planet.  All are associated with the Ashtar group or the
Sirian-Pleiadian Alliance. Some of the extra terrestrials have been here
from the beginning, before humanity in fact. The most prominent of these
include those from Sirius, the Pleiades, Arcturus, and other specific
benevolent of the bi-nary star systems.

      They have observation bases or what may be termed laboratories. Some
have roles in maintaining aspects of planetary interface with other realms.

      The LeMurians of Inner (Hollow) Earth

      The greatest inner earth populace, however, are the humans of LeMuria.
Many of you were originally among them before the earth entered a
cataclysmic phase in which the surface lands could no longer sustain human

      Keep in mind that LeMuria originally occurred on the planet before the
Earth became a 'University of Duality', at the time of the Firmament. In
this phase humanity was not truly physical, and the Earth was a utopian
experience, in which semi physical forms were manifest and dissolved at
will. After the Fall of the Firmament and polarity realms predominated,
bodies became more dense, and filters were in place. Their vibrations moved
into polarity stance as the life journeys became one of chosen growth and
challenge. Their utopian existence was lost and replaced by greater mission.

      The LeMurian society and energy embraced the nurturing and
unconditional love aspect of the Golden Hathor and Golden Dolphin. Their
vibrations were also very much attuned to the Faerie Kingdom and they
expressed a deep love of all nature.

      When the Earth's environment was no longer able to sustain human life,
(as has several times), approximately 65% of the LeMurians chose to enter
into the hollows of earth. Others chose to reincarnate into Atlantis and
others into the Sacred Cetacean (Dolphin) realms in order to be of service
to humanity. We have told you previously that dolphins and whales regulate,
joyously upshift and anchor the power nodes & energies of the oceans, which
cover two-thirds of the present earth. They are the loving guardians of the

      Physiological Evolution

        Adaptation into the hollow earth took many generations, and the
LeMurian community adapted accordingly, both to the inner Earth environ and
to one another such that mind, spirit and body acknowledged the bond and
through Divine will the shift did occur. We tell you that the human body
will acclimate and quickly evolve its physiology to match the needs of its
inner and outer environment. Within a few short generations, an environment
that was previously toxic can become quite hospitable, and such was the
experience of the gentle LeMurians. Indeed this remarkable physiological
adaptation was the case long ago and it will be the case again in your
probable future. As events upon the earth continue to progress in the
centuries to come, experimental communities beneath the earth, above the
earth, as well as on the moon and as far away as Jupiter and Saturn will be
established, and in each case, human-kind bodies will adapt and in so doing
make the new home compatible .

      And so to continue, the LeMurians of inner Earth are now in bodies
that are much less dense than that of humanity inhabiting the surface. They
have the mental ability to adjust to their environ, somewhat chameleon like,
in forms that can be frequencially transformed, in bodies that are far more
resilient and malleable to their conditions. Their eye-sight has evolved to
perceive accurate imagery of their environ in a much wider scope of
visibility, reaching above and below that of what is termed the visible
spectrum of light. They have developed capabilities similar to the dolphin's
sonar. There is a skeletal framing to their forms but it is more elastic in
nature. Their skin is a blue-grey tint, because of the rich mineral content
of the water they drink. They derive nutrients that energize their bodies
almost entirely from the enriched mineral-waters they drink. They cultivate
a form of aqueous algae similar to spirulina. Their bodies produce very
little solid waste. Their bodies are more capable of longevity. They have
life spans triple to quadruple that of surface humans.

      Life Sustenance in Inner Earth

      The LeMurian humans live in a life-sustaining portion of the interior
of the earth. It is far more stable than the surface. They have been there
for a very long time, and are a civilization very close to completion. At
present they have very little desire to intermingle with surface humanity,
despite what others may tell you. Although there is a small contingency
among their leaders who have interfaced with more advanced humans who were
originally part of the LeMurian existence on the surface. This generally
occurs in the human's subconscious realm or dream state. In several rare
incidences a specialized core of what may be termed diplomatic advisors has
met with some of your governments and leaders. This took place in the early
years after your WWll in the times of the highest potential of a nuclear

      Very very few of the LeMurians venture to the surface in physical
form, for indeed their adapted bodies would not be able to sustain the
present sunlight (UV levels) for very long periods. This will begin to
change after the establishment of the New Firmament in 2038.

      Many of the recent past accounts of LeMurians surfacing at Mt Shasta
are somewhat exaggerated or are remembrances from dreamscapes. (But there
are indeed interactions within the sub-conscious realms of dream horizons.)

      The LeMurians simply do not presently physicalize on the planet
surface because their physical bodies would be quite vulnerable to viruses,
certain bacterial infections, and over exposure to sunlight. Their physical
vision is adapted to a different form of light than what appears on the
surface. The LeMurians are also quite aware of the aggressions and issues of
the surface world masses, and are very content to complete where they are
until humanity progresses over the next three centuries.

      LeMurians were somewhat confounded by the shift of the planet into
duality realms after the fall of the original Firmament. They have always
been repulsed by violence and aggression, and as a society and culture had
difficulty confronting it, or learning how to defend against it, even when
it was appropriate to do so. That is the reason most moved into inner
dimensions. We will tell you that all of the planets in your system have
societies living in their interior, and as a general rule, societies that
reside internally are more spiritually advanced.

      The fact remains that strength is an attribute of Love, and Love
without strength is incomplete. Yet the LeMurians have found a way to
achieve strength of will, but have not resolved the duality issues of
confronting & successfully resolving issues of violence. That remains an
issue for several of your past civilizations. It is a difficult rubik, but
is necessary for mastering duality. When resolved it carries expansive
growth and tremendous leaps in creatorship, but it is a complex task.

      We will add that some surface members of humanity are more resonate
with the Inner Earth LeMurians because they have dually incarnated in the
inner earth as well as the surface, but these are few. These special souls
are providing a unique & honorable emissary service to both realms, and will
play an important role when the LeMurians begin to surface after the mass
Ascension of humanity in approximately 15 generations. This surfacing will
occur in the areas of Easter Island, Patagonia, Arkansas, Titicaca
(Tiahuanaco), the San Francisco Peaks (Arizona) , Turkey, Guatemala, Yucatan
and Mt Shasta to name some of the major exit points.


      Much lies before you from 2013 forward, as timescapes and landscapes
reveal their hidden layers. The corridors of space & time are beginning to
open now, offering you the benefit of creating present, past and future.

      Many of you feel that you are in your last earthen life experience. We
tell you that beyond 2038 and into 2312 many of you will chose to return.
Not for lesson, but for celebration, for joyous reunion.

      For in this phase is the mass shift of humanity into enlightenment.
You see 2012 is the Ascension of the Earth, the expansion of the crystal
grid & matrix, and that 2012 expansion, allows for the enlightenment and
Ascension of humanity in mass. You may feel it is a long time away, but it
is but a flash of time from higher perspective.

      As this phase draws nearer you will have the benefit of guides,
teachers and visitors who have been residing in frequencies and inner spaces
that most of you have not visited. It is through this rare  corridor, Rapa
Nui,  that allow worlds that mirror your earth to be revealed in ways that
are new, exciting & wonderful ... which is why the earth is so utterly

      The star system to which the Earth belongs is quickly pulsing into a
magnificent graduation...into a stage of exquisite crystalline resonance.
The Earth's Ascension is inspiring an evolutional leap that is affecting the
entire Cosmos. It is a rare event within the great design of time in which
duality experience moves higher, and all frequencies, all energies; all life
within the Cosmos is elevated.

      As we have told you 2013 is the true beginning, not an end. The New
Earth  in all of its grandeur is truly unfolding now. This is an
extraordinary and wonderful  time of re-making that which you are, even as
the earth continues to do the same. We honor you and shower you in blessings
of Love. You are truly magnificent Beings...never forget that !

      I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved!

      ...And so it is...And it is so...

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