
The first thing on my mind....This must be one of the most beautiful statements of matters that I have ever heard. Thank you so much to Ellen for this quick turnaround.
An Hour with an Angel, November 7, 2013, with Archangel Michael

Geoffrey West: Greetings, and blessings to all! Welcome to another Hour with an Angel with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of the book The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness. Joining her this evening is Steve Beckow, founder of the website Golden Age of Gaia.com, and author of Building Nova Earth: Towards a World that Works for Everyone.
I’m Geoffrey West, sitting in for Graham Dewyea this evening.

I invite you to bring in Archangel Michael’s blue flame of truth and peace as we welcome Michael back again. This evening, Michael will offer more information on the rainbow collective and look at the synchronistic coming together of lightworkers and also discuss the way in which one mission for this life path is triggered.
With that, I turn things over to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow: Thank you very much, Geoff. And just let me remind our listeners that Hour with an Angel will now air on Thursdays at 5 pm Pacific time, 8 pm Pacific Time. And with that, I welcome Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael: And I welcome you! Greetings, I am Michael, archangel of peace, warrior of love, bringer of news, comrade, companion, ever-present friend.
Welcome, my beloved ones. Welcome again to this time of union and reunion, because that is truly what you are doing.

You are reuniting and unifying not only with each other but with yourselves, with the sacred divinity of your being in the recognition of the wholeness, the completeness, the totality of who you are and who you have always been.

You have many faces, many lifetimes, even many masks that you have worn, and even that you continue to wear during this lifetime, for not all the layers are completely gone as yet.
And, by the way, because it is that season as well, (1) I will remind you that sometimes you don a mask because it serves a purpose and because it is fun. And, dear hearts, this journey of life, and this journey of love, was intended to be fun. It was intended to be joyful.

Are there moments of disarray? Have there been moments of disillusion, disappointment, despair? Yes. But that has also been you, breaking through the illusion of the old paradigms, the old ways of the third. Part of the reunion, and the union, with your sacred selves is the coming to embrace all the facets, all the aspects of your sacred being.

We have asked of you, in preparation for your transition for Ascension, to call back into yourselves all parts, all what we refer to as aspects of your being that you have sent out on various missions and purposes, often, my beloved ones, in service to the Divine Mother and, of course, to me.

But as you welcome these parts of your being back into your core, embrace them, celebrate them, but also acknowledge the various parts of who you are - angelic or archangelic, it matters not; starseed, star-being, hybrid, human and Earth-keeper, elemental, deva, fairy, man or woman or child. And within those pieces, embrace all the faces of who you are, because we do.

Embrace the warrior and the peacekeeper. Embrace the rock and the flower. Embrace the highest and the lowest part of your frequency, because you are all of these things!

There are times when you look at yourselves and you think, in the illusion of your archetype, that, “This is who I am,” and it becomes one of these masks, these illusions. Now, is this related to your soul mission and purpose? Of course it is. But do not limit yourself to the definition, the breadth, the width, the height and the depth of your being.

Now, why do I begin our conversation this day in this manner, particularly when we are speaking of the unity of the collective, of sacred union - with yourselves, with the Divine, with each other, with sacred partners, with friends, with family, with community?

If you are not prepared, conversant, familiar and celebratory of all the pieces of who you are, this wonderful mosaic, then how do you reveal yourselves to each other?
Yes, in many ways, what I am speaking of is standing etherically naked in front of each other and seeing the brilliant light that shines from each and every one of you!

Do not hide any portion, any sliver of that light, of that brilliance. Do not fall, ever, into judgment or say that some piece of you is unloved or unlovable, because that is not of the truth. And if you bring my blue flame to this judgment, you will see what I speak of, and you will see the beauty, the magnificence of who you are.

Now, I wish to return, just for a moment, to how I have begun, and that is saying that this journey of being in form was intended to be a walk of joy. And I hear the hearts of many of you, and I hear your prayers, and I hear your cries in the dark of the night, as you say, “Well, Lord, this does not feel to me like joy.

And I do not feel loved and supported. And it is not consistent enough. And, yes, I have known moments of bliss, and of ecstasy and of union, but why do I not know this, consistently, constantly, like the Mother?”

The joy, and you know this, is within you. It is within that divine spark from the birthing of the Mother. It is within your core, within your heart. It is part and parcel of who you are. And that is what we mean when we keep saying to you, repeatedly, until we sound like a broken record, to find the joy. Because for many of you it is the ticket, not only to Ascension, but to survival.

Do we pretend that the circumstances that surround you are always filled with joy, with laughter, with happiness, with contentment? No. Of course not. We are not blind. And we most certainly do not mistake you for fools.

And because of some of the difficulties, the hurdles that you masters on Earth in this tremendous undertaking, the struggles that you face and the victories that you enjoy are outside of you, but they reflect and they are part of this internal kernel.

And when it is dark outside, that is what I am asking of you, is to turn to that kernel, that flame, the spark of joy within and allow it to become the blazing inferno.

No, I am not simply asking you to nurture and to be completely responsible, alone, for yourselves. The thing about joy, dear hearts, is that it is highly, highly contagious. And when you call upon that, when you nurture that ember, when you call out to that ember you are calling out to the entire Company of Heaven, to the Council of Love, to every kingdom upon the planet and far beyond, to your star brothers and sisters, to your soul family, your friends, and every aspect of yourselves

The journey of union - and this is a preface to Ascension - the journey of union, just like the gift of clarity, is a precursor and necessary for this forward thrust, for this final thrust, in many ways, at least in this phase, this chapter of Earth, of Gaia and of the plan.

The first union is with your sacred self, adhering, embracing, and, yes, celebrating the totality of your being. Acknowledging it, reveling in it, and allowing it to expand even further is the first step.
This Council of Love has used this term the “rainbow coalition” long before any politician ever mentioned it, but it has been in the very ethers of your consciousness for eons. Because you are of every ray, every color, every stripe, every heritage, every hybrid, and you are beautiful.

So, while most of you travel upon a specific ray, even within that ray you are a rainbow. But as you join together, in community, in undertaking, in creation, you create first and foremost this wonderful rainbow of love.

Because, what are the rays? What are the colors? They are simply particles of the Divine. They are simply particles of love, free floating throughout the universe, anchored for a while in form. And when you mingle, when you come together in that determination and choice, it is beautiful, above and below.

And we strongly desire - and therefore our desires are creations as well, you know - we strongly desire for you to see and to acknowledge how you are coming together.

Sometimes you look at the world and you say there is still war, there is still injustice, there is still mayhem, there is still poverty and inequality. But there are massive advances, and these advances are happening within each of your hearts. And they are demonstrating, within each of your lives.

Let me stop there and see where your questions lead this conversation, because this conversation, dear hearts, is for you.

SB: Thank you, Lord. Well, as a matter of fact, it has already started the conversation, because what you’re saying is precisely what I wanted you to talk about.

Following the Mother’s baptism of energy, I’ve noticed that more and more lightworkers are making connections. And they’re making connections at a rate that’s unusual. And the people who are making connections are very well matched to be making connections, so to speak.

Is all of this part of the Mother’s divine plan? And if so, can you tell us more about what this part of the plan will see and what its purposes are and where it will lead?

AAM: To call this a baptism of clarity is very astute. It is a term that we will lift from you! [laugh]

SB: You’re welcome to Lord. I thought I got it from you! [laugh]

AAM: I am teasing you, dear heart.
You are the one that so often will say to me, “Oh, I am not sure I am channeling.” And so I am teasing you.

SB: Thank you.

AAM: Yes. For this phase. Think of it as a massive plan, of course, an undertaking, like a shuttle to Mars. There are various pieces that have need to be put in place. The gift of clarity from the Mother, and the continued gift because it has not stopped.

It is as if you have received the full penetration, but she is maintaining it so that it is not dissipating. So very often, when you receive, for example, an attunement of energy, what you notice or what you are concerned about is after a little while it seems to dissipate.
This clarity will not dissipate. If anything, you will notice it growing and growing and growing.
And it has given you the clarity to know more fully who you are. But what it has also done is given you the clarity, the vision - although you do not necessarily have your third and fourth and fifth eyes fully open, you have the capacity (you’re not quite sure at times how) - to recognize one another, and more importantly to see one another in the truth of who you really are.

And yes, this is happening at an unprecedented rate, and it is happening in terms of union of friendships, of groups, of what we would call partnerships or sacred unions. Even family members are beginning to recognize one another.

But strangers across the lands, across the continents, are realizing, “I need to be working. I need to be talking. I need to be playing. I need to be in a form of relationship with that person,” or with that group of people.

This is only going to intensify, because you are willing to stand there etherically naked and be seen. Because Earth and many of the illusions of your world - and I use world, not planet - has been perceived as so dangerous, many of you with good common sense remained hidden.

The time of hiding is over. When we have spoken to you, oh, now for several years, and certainly recently, we have emphasized not only the importance and the readiness but the imperative of stepping forward now.
And that is what you are doing.

You are stepping forward into the light, into the dawn of a new time, a new realm, a new reality, a new dimension. And as you are stepping forward you are seeing each other. And you are seeing each other more clearly than you ever have before! And you are saying, “There you are!” And you are saying, not only “There you are,” you are saying, “There you are! I love you.”

You have no idea how long we have waited for this. No, we know this is not a platform for us to discuss the Mother’s patience or ours, but you are not alone in knowing that this is the moment that you and we and your star brothers have been waiting for, for you to unabashadly say to each other, “I see you and I love you.”

It is so simple, and yet it is what has been so sadly and desperately missing from Gaia in the human collective. You have had this belief that friendships or partnerships come and go, that love comes and goes. And that is erroneous. It is truly incorrect.

Now, how you relate to that love and the form that it takes is always a choice. Always a choice. And what is occurring, again with this rapidity, is the choice to step forward and say, “I will engage,” and to be choosing to engage with those who have made the same decision and whose frequency is of a nature - not identical; none of you are identical - but of a frequency that is harmonious and allows that point of intersection, of conjunction and of union.

It is you, humanity, the collective, this rainbow collective, saying, “I will open my heart and see what happens. I am going to do this. I am going to throw away my false judgments of what has happened in the past, false history, and I am going to create, with clarity and a sense of purpose, based on the knowing of who I am, I am going to create new relationships, new partnerships, new friendships, and I am going to join and find and be with my soul family.”

And we are going to play, we are going to laugh, we are going to work, we are going to cry, and we are going to continue on and create Nova Earth.

This decision, this clarity input resulting in forward thrust and decision spills over into every realm of what you think of as the paradigms you wish to shift - politics (and I say that in a very wide, generic sense), finances, equality, the creation of new values, of what is truly valuable and what is not, of societal structures, of justice.

What people have thought of as the human collective who has spent a great deal of energy creating these false grids, these edifices that hold no value, now you are saying, to each other and in growing numbers, “Well, this doesn’t work for me. Therefore I do not participate. I do not support.”

And you think - and I emphasize think, sometimes feel - but you say, “Well, what difference does a small group make?” And I tell you, your numbers and our numbers are legion. And if you are planning a space shuttle to Mars, every nut, every bolt counts. And you cannot have one missing screw.

So, as you remove yourselves from the old and put yourselves in the new, you are literally withdrawing the support that has held up these institutions that have enslaved you.
So, yes, this rainbow collective, you are finding each other at the speed of light and the speed of love.

SB: Well, you know, I really do want to concentrate on the spiritual partnership aspect of it, but if I can make one comment on the lightworker aspect of it, I’m champing at the bit to be up and doing. Give us the tools, and we will finish the job.

AAM: I hear what you are asking. I acknowledge. I agree. But let us be very clear. Do not think that all the tools that we are giving you are not concrete, or that they are concrete. For example, this gift of the Mother’s clarity is one of the most important tools you will ever have. Without it, you are proceeding not in the dark, but certainly in a shadowy cave.

And you are seeing that in the sacred unions that are being formed, that are bringing people together in partnerships that conjoin not only the hearts, complement the minds, the emotional fields, but also intersect on mission and purpose - again, not completely, not totally, but the way that you intended it when you designed your part of the plan in conjunction with us, in conjunction with yourself, with each other.
So you are being given the tools. Now, I know you say, “Well, more, faster.”

SB: Yes. Yes! [laughs]

AAM: And as my sister, Gabrielle, who is far more impetuous than I am would completely agree with you! But there is a timing, and it is not a timing to override you, but to complement you and to allow these shifts of the heart and the heart consciousness - yes, as Linda would say, “the new you” - to emerge. And that is happening very rapidly. But we don’t want what you would call tools ever again to be put in the wrong hands. So the clarity of those leading the charge with me has need to be 20/20.

SB: Okay. Well, I understand that, and I surrender, but I AM champing at the bit.

AAM: I do not want you surrender, or your white flag, dear heart, I want you to bite at the bit.

SB: Okay.

AAM: I want each of you to say, “All right, Lord. Tell me what to do.” And then I’m going to ask you to sit down and listen to yourselves. Because we are whispering, in your hearts, in your ears. We aren’t asking you to slow down or to stop. If anything, we’re asking you to speed up.

SB: And dream big.

AAM: Yes. Even bigger than you are.

SB: All right. Well, I’m all for that.

Let’s return to sacred partnerships, Lord, if that would be okay with you.
Many people are starting them or wanting them. And these are not taking the usual form that they would have months ago, but reflect the fact that people have missions and different needs than they did years ago.

Can you shed some light on the new shape of sacred relationships, and give us some insights on how - well, you have already; I acknowledge that; but any more insights you care to - on how they are to run if they are to be successful in these new conditions?

AAM: Yes, because the conditions, the environment, the situations have changed. Now, there are very few of you - and I do mean that, very few of you, even those of you who have most ardently declared your desire in the past, in the old realm, to be alone - there are very few of you who truly, in the new energy, wish to proceed alone. And I do mean that in terms of having a sacred partner.

And yes, the energy with which the sacred partnerships are being infused is dramatically different - and I do not mean drama in the negative sense; I mean it in the most uplifting opera you can imagine; they are very different.

Too often before, relationship has been based on a form of need or control. And I do not say that in a negative way. It is simply where many relationships were. I do not mean all. But even those who have been together for 50 years are finding that their relationship is taking a turn.

As you have discovered, as you have been filled with the higher frequencies, with the endless downloads, it is not a matter of a download here, a download there, a frequency adjustment and attunement. You have been penetrated 24/7 for years, and it is only increasing. It is only going to continue to increase. The clarity gift is one of many. So yes, get ready.

SB: That’s amazing.

AAM: But what it is doing is you are recognizing that there is a heart desire that you may not have even recognized before, because you kept those pieces of yourselves hidden, that you are allowing to come to the forefront and can I be so romantic as to say, fall in love? There is nothing above or below that is more wondrous, more joyful than the expansion of love. And how this is happening is in the recognition of sacred partners.

In very sometimes unusual circumstances - and they are going to become even more unusual as your star brothers and sisters appear, because you have allowed the truth of your multidimensional, hybrid self to come forward - you are seeing your mission and purpose and you are understanding that not only can it not be completed in isolation, that it is not desirable. It goes back to that expression of joy, to that experience of joy, to that yearning for joy.

So there is this clarity about wanting to create and to co-create, first and foremost, union with another.

And so, one of the first parts of these new forms, shall we say, of union is coming together and understanding through that standing etherically naked the points of conjunction on which you come together. Where do you mesh?

Where do you unify in joint forces to achieve something, tangible or intangible? Where do you act as a support mechanism, and the lead mechanism, to achieve something? How do you come together where two have always been much stronger than two? Even to start with you are four, and then more. (2)

So it is more mission-driven than simply an ideation of what a partnership or a marriage is about. This notion - and it has been a human notion, and we could spend a great deal of time talking about how the power structures of union and marriage have evolved and shifted - but these unions do not require a set form. And that is new. It is original. It is how it is on this side. It is how it was in the very beginning.

But there is a decision between the two souls on that form, depending on what you are working on, what you are achieving, what you are dreaming, what you are creating, how you are playing. And then the form follows the creation and the desire, rather than setting the form and then making everything fit the form. That is how you ended up with institutions that don’t work. So, you aren’t repeating that error. You have grown.

And the form that these partnerships will take, or can take, by choice, will shift and morph, again, depending on what you are dreaming, what you are desiring.

But the key to this is freedom, complete liberation, and the acknowledgment, not in lip service, but on the deepest soul level, of the freedom of the person that you are joining with the sanctity - yes, the sanctity! - of their path, of their choices, of their desires, of their decisions. So there is no push and pull. It is the ebb and flow. It is the infinity. It is the tide.

Look at the rhythm that Gaia has set for you. She is in union - no, not sacred partnership, but certainly in union - with her kingdoms, and there is a rhythm. And in many parts of the world there are seasons, and there is this ebb and flow, depending on whose time it is to flower, to change, to die, to leave.

So, the crux of the new sacred union energy - and I am pleading with you, because this is a sacred beginning for all of you, whether you think that you are in sacred union now or not - this is the new way. It’s freedom and liberation, and it is love. And it is the freedom to say to each other, “Is this love? Are these words love?”

“Are these actions love? Are these feelings love? Are they the demonstration of purity and clarity? Do they lift me up, even when I am looking at something that perhaps I have avoided, or evaded? Does it lift me?

Does it liberate me because I am free to look at this not in a threatening manner, not in a way of punishment and brimstone, but because I am cared for and cherished and seen for who I really am?”

This is a reflection. It is the anchoring - you have that expression, “Heaven on Earth”? - it is the anchoring of how union works, certainly on our side, but certainly in the higher dimensions and in the more evolved civilizations.

We have talked often, and certainly from time to time this channel has spoken, of experiences with your star brothers and sisters and what relationships and family and freedom of relationships looks like with your star brothers and sisters. And sometimes you think of it, or have thought of it, in terms of sacrifice. But it is not viewed that way.

So, for example, we have talked to you about having many, many star beings on the planet - not starseeds, star beings, your star friends, your family - on Earth in this moment preparing for the next step.

And that has included the separation of sacred partnerships, of unions. But never is there a word of saying, “You can’t do that. You can’t leave me. I will be so lonely. What will I do?”

No. Because there is the knowing that even in that separation, to do the mission, the telepathic and the heart connection does not fade in the slightest. If anything, it is strengthened, because that is what is drawn upon.

And it endures, and it is solid and it is nourishing. And there is a knowing that nothing, nothing, can interfere with that love, with that soul commitment that has been made to join together in this mission and purpose.

Now, previously, most human beings did not understand that. There were exceptions in terms of religious mission, but the only other true example has been akin and related to war - “Well, you must go off to war, and I will continue to love you.” But that in itself is an aberration.

So, you are learning how to extend your energy field to each other, to dance in the ethers and tap dance on the Earth together, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, not always as mirrors or twins, but as points of conjunction on your mutual grid that you are sharing.

And you are learning, you are starting to learn about how to play with this, so that you can slide along that grid and enter into another’s sacred space, your sacred partner’s space. And similarly you can allow them to slide into yours.

You do meld in a very new and different way, because the fear element is going. And then you take each other’s hands and hearts and you travel throughout the universe, you multi-locate to whatever planet or dimension you want to explore.

You play. Because that feeds your creation and your creativity. You don’t put parameters around what is possible with your sacred union. And there is a willingness, a determination, a drive to explore it all.

It is what the Mother had in mind - mind! - when she created this movement, this attraction of one to another. It is a gift, and it is beautiful. So, do not resist, my friends. Allow this beautiful dance to begin.

SB: Well, you take my breath away, Lord, truly. How is the Company of Heaven bringing people together? In other words, should people be looking? Should they be going onto meet-up sites? Or is this all going to happen in a slow and - well, not necessarily slow, but - gradual unfoldment?

AAM: No, it is not gradual. Each person has the choice of their timing. But what we are asking you to do is to listen to your hearts. And if your heart is yearning, yes, we are coordinating it! It is a gift from the Mother. It is the gift of sacred union.

First, the union with yourself, the union with the Divine, and the union with your partner. For some of you, because your personality - we do not wish to destroy delightful personalities! - so, for some of you it is on meet-up sites, or meet-up occasions. But when you feel the urge to go and do something, then do so!

Do not say, “Well, that’s ridiculous. I’ve done this before a million times and nothing ever happened.” Or do not say, “I’ve never done this before. I’m not going to start now.”

No! Listen to your heart. You are being divinely guided and inspired. You have asked us for the tools. Well, this is one of them.
Now, there will be many, what you would think of as simply synchronicities and meetings. For those of you who are aware and open to it, that is how it occurs. And it is occurring every single moment, all over your planet. Because you have said “Yes” to love.

Many times you have said to me, “Michael, how will we get 6, 7 billion people to ascend?” And I say to you, through love, through freedom, and through the desire to travel together. So, yes.

Do not avoid each other. Engage as you see fit, and please, your guides, your guardian angels are working to bring you to your lover. Yes, your lover!
You all have choices, but some are more perfect than others, and this is the time of perfection and freedom.

SB: Thank you, Lord.

AAM: Go with my love. Farewell.

SB: Farewell.


(1) Hallowe’en.
(2) Mother, Father, and twin flames.

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