Hi All

My beloved brothers and sisters of the sacred Creator aspect, it is adeep and meaningful pleasure to bring forth my energies to you today,sharing them with you so openly and easily. I, Archangel Michael, am theoverseer of the Wisdom of the Light community, protecting both thechannel and arranging for the most appropriate light beings to stepforward guided by the will of the Creator to share essentialconsciousness with humanity. Today I have been guided by the Creator tobring my own light forward more prominently in order to remind you ofinsights that you already hold but may have temporarily forgotten. As Ispeak with you I stand behind you and wrap my energy around you,emanating the purest of angelic unconditional love into your being. I amcreating a barrier of protection around you with my energy of love withthe purpose of maintaining your balance, high vibrations of energy andensuring your safety at all time. Take a moment to imagine, sense oracknowledge my presence and protection around you and open your heart tomy love.

With my energy flowing deep into your being I will allow myconsciousness to activate the energy and process of enlightenment.

The Earth is changing so rapidly when your view point is from the innerplanes but when you exist on the Earth these changes are not so apparentbecause of the solid feeling and manifestation of the Creator’s light.The Creator’s light is pouring abundantly into the Earth due to thegreater focus of humanity and their concentration of their alignmentwith the Creator. As we experience the Creator’s energy flowing into thevibrations and energy levels of the Earth and humanity we are able toembark on a valuable development of learning and discovery. We areguided to understand the energy, influence and manifestation of light,we begin to accept that there is not only one vibration of light and onequality of the Creator’s soul but there are numerous. It is akin tobelieving that there is only one sound or note of music when there is amagnitude of sounds, vibrations and harmonies that can be expressedindividually or a united sound. When we become accustomed to anchoringlight into our beings and reality we are then able to grasp themagnified, variety and expansiveness of the Creator, similar toexperiencing the largest musical choir and orchestra that you couldimagine, offering your ears so much to explore, understand, accept andbecome familiar with. We realise that there are many shades to the lightof the Creator which allow us to follow a path that is abundant ininsights and enlightenment. It is your purpose and mission to hold theentire light of the Creator within your being but this will take timeand will activate a process of evaluation. The more light that youanchor into your being the more qualities of the Creator you willdiscover, as you anchor light you are blending your energies with theCreator’s soul. In many ways it is simply not enough to hold light youmust also understand the light vibrations that you accept as yourselfand your truth. Through the integrated procedure of accepting light andexperiencing your physical reality you begin to decipher the layers ofthe Creator’s energy; you may learn to accept and to share the energiessuch as love, compassion, courage, focus and determination. Realisingthe light vibrations which may also manifest as emotions will enable youto remember their influence, vibration, purpose and influence, storingthis energy so that it can be activated and experienced once more whenneeded. This in many ways is to take control of your energies andrealise that reactions and activations come from within you from theenergies of the Creator that you have already experienced. For example,if you were only given one book to read as your entire education thenyou would draw wisdom, guidance and understanding from this book to helpyou in your life lessons; it is similar when anchoring light. If youconstantly anchor the energy of love then it will be this lightconsciousness that you will draw from in order to aid your physicalreality on the Earth.

It is my wish that you begin to think of the Creator’s light as shadesof energy or consciousness that are needed to manifest yourself as acomplete aspect of the Creator’s soul. The more shades of light that youaccept the greater volume and wealth of energy and consciousness youcan activate within you or draw guidance from. When I speak of shades oflight I am referring to the many light vibrations, consciousness andqualities of the Creator’s soul both of a higher and lower vibration.The simple process of anchoring light from the Creator’s soul can beexamined as a single path to mastery and unity with the Creator becauseyou learn how to increase your sensitivity, develop the ability todecipher or understand energies and their influences, comprehend thepurpose and meaning of the Creator through the evaluation of theCreator’s qualities and you eventually embody a complete aspect of theCreator. These are all processes that will lead you on a path of castingaside negativity and false impressions and awakening to the purity andtruth of the Creator.

It is the shades of the Creator’s light that are so very important, youalready embody and exist as shades of the Creator’s light, now is thetime to understand each shade as this will assist you in accepting anddealing with the greater volumes of light that are anchoring into theEarth and your being. In order to be able to understand the shades orqualities of the Creator’s light there is a simple need to focus onincreasing your sensitivity to the energy that flows within you. Ispecify the energy that flow within you because this light will remainpure and concentrated where as the energies around you can be tainted orunbalanced. As I stand with you now expressing my love and protection,simply ask me to clear your senses to the energy within you, dissolvingblockages and limitations, activating antenna like senses to assist yourmind in comprehending the shades or qualities of light that youexperience when connecting with the energy of the Creator or a Creatoraspect, as well as deciphering your own energies and currentconsciousness. Imagine, sense or acknowledge my light flowing throughyour being and awakening your senses, it is as if a fresh breath offragrant air is blowing through you. Asking me to achieve this with youeach day will assist in furthering your awakening and deciphering ofenergy but you may also ask me to assist you in comprehending the energythat you connect with throughout the day in order to evaluate thequalities within the light until you are able to achieve this yourself.To remind you of my analogy, this is akin to evaluating a section of ascore of music, each energy or light that you experience will have awealth of qualities and this is because of the expansiveness of ourenergies as guides and aspects of the Creator’s soul. You will come torealise that the more light you anchor into your being whether from aguide or directly from the Creator’s soul the deeper your knowledge andunderstanding of energy will become, and so your evaluation of a guide’senergy at the begin may be completely different from your evaluationthree months later. When we learn that every light, energy and evenemotion is an abundance of consciousness and qualities we realise thatthere are many energies or shades that you will not come into contactwith and this is due to your focus and the path that you are travellingon the Earth. It is in many ways the focus and comprehension of humanitythat allows different interpretation of the energies and purpose ofmany ascended masters and angels. This practice assists in enhancing aperson’s faith, trust and belief in themselves and their acceptance ofothers.

With a focus of understanding the shades of the Creator’s light you willbegin to discover more about yourself, the energies that you need andthose that are no longer needed but the volume of energy and inspirationthat you have to draw from to assist you in your reality will increaseand so you will begin to adopt the nature, consciousness and light ofthe Creator due to the fact that you will be connecting with a purervibration of the Creator’s light.

To summaries my purpose of connecting with you, I wish for you toincrease your focus on connecting with the light of your guides and theCreator, and as you are experiencing this connection allow yourself tocomprehend the qualities, emotions or consciousness that you are feelingor receiving due to your connection. Remember these feelings orqualities and ask for them to be stored within your body andconsciousness so that you can draw upon the energy and teachings thatall beams of light holds for further use and integration into yourreality. Please know and accept that I am here to assist and guide youalways.

With angelic unconditional love,
I am Archangel Michael

May you walk in the love and light always

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  • Thanx for posting this J, I often forget to visit Natalies site. Winds of peace to you from downunder.
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