
Archangel MichaelThanks to Ellen for the second part of this week’s Hour with an Angel.
An Hour with an Angel, September 30, 2013, with Archangel Michael

The Global Currency Reset or Reval (Continued)

Archangel Michael: There are those that will naysay because they do not wish change, and they do not wish to risk. They do not wish to risk being made fools of. But is it not foolish to not believe that you can create and bring forth? This has been in process for much longer than any of you can dream. So let the naysayers go. Hold the vision and keep going.

Steve Beckow: Well, Lord, when people benefit from the reval, some people could think, “Well, look, I’m going to hold on to what I’ve gained,” and other people may think, “No, no, I’m going to get my portion” - we’ll come to that in a minute - “but a portion of what I’ve gained out to others, to help others.”

Am I correct in thinking that those people who cultivate generosity will - how can I say this? - well, why not just say it frankly? - will be used as channels for further abundance?

AAM: Yes, that is correct. Understand: love begets love; generosity begets gratitude, begets generosity; joy begets generosity, begets gratitude. You are absolutely correct.

You see, one of the starting points of the density of the old Third was this issue of hoarding and greed. I will hoard what I have and I will not share. So it is like having a campfire to cook meat on and not being willing to share an ember with your neighbor. Well, you already have your campfire. Why would you not share? Is it as if someone is stealing your power? That is absurd.

The hoarding is the root [of the old Third], because it is fear-based. It is the belief that you are not taken care of. So to hoard, whether it is new wealth - and there are people all over your planet who become, through circumstance or what you believe is luck, instant millionaires. And then in those groupings there are those that become benevolent and generous, and then there are those who choose to maintain the old paradigm and hoard.

What you are doing is setting the new paradigm, and that is that unity is important. [Linda coughs.]

SB: Let me just mention to listeners that Linda does have a cold and she’s been kind enough to come on the radio even though she does have a cold. So, please, let’s grant her a little latitude.
Thank you, Lord. Please continue.

AAM: And so what I say to you, whether you have inherited money, whether you have earned money by the sweat of your brow, whether you have won the lottery, or whether you have invested in currency, it matters not. Whether you have been a recipient of one of the prosperity funds - and there are many of you who have - the point is to share.

Now, I tell you this because it is very important. Take care of yourself. It is part and parcel of honoring the vessel that you have chosen to inhabit, to ascend in and with, and to continue on as vessels and wayshowers and builders of Nova Gaia. You take care of your family, your friends, your soul family. And I do not mean in a small way. You provide.

And, my friends, I am always telling you to dream big! So, allow those dreams to come forth, but take care of the basics as well - your health, your home, your family - and then share! It is that simple.

T=here are so many creative projects. Now, some are flimsy and have need to be solidified, to be built out, as it were. Some are ready to go. And we are not talking merely small projects, we are talking about projects that will change the face of Gaia. So, proceed bravely. That is what the role of the pathfinder is. It is the shower of the way, not the follower.

SB: Well, Lord, you gave me advice on how to proceed myself. And let me just recite that advice. And nobody wants anybody to come into sudden wealth and then find themselves having gotten themselves into a difficult position. So maybe we can talk about a kind of a formula for managing sudden wealth.

You told me to pay - now, this may only apply to me - but you said to pay my tax right away, and I’m happy to do that. Then you said to take care of myself first, take care of my family and friends, put aside a significant contingency fund, and then, with the disposable income, if we can call it that, the leftover, to do the work that I want to do. In my case it would be with lightworkers.

Could you tell our listeners how they should approach coming in to sudden wealth, please?

AAM: Yes. That is a very good formula. And it can be applied across the board. It is that simple, and it is not just to do with this RV that you speak of; it is to do with everything.

To be given any form of wealth, yes, even that that you believe that you have achieved through hard work - and all of you work very hard; make no mistake about that; and that is recognized above and below - but we are not encouraging anybody, in any nation, to be foolhardy.

So of course you tend to yourself. You keep a significant portion aside so that you can tend to yourself.
We do not simply send down rains of money - although that can happen as well - but for this instance we want you, we ask you, and we guide you very clearly to practice discernment.

And discernment is quiet. Discernment is not showing. Discernment is being the observer, not the judge. It is not a question - let me be very clear - of “Do I deserve this?” It is a question, in any situation, whether it is $10 or $10 million, it is a gratitude to the heart of One for the blessing you have received. And then, from the place of the discerning observer, to decide what is important. I have said to you that this is a time of choices and decision. You decide what is important.

And what can be more important, first and foremost, than taking care of your sweet self and family?
Then you discern, with your heart. What appeals to you? Is it projects that promote free energy? Are you the unseen benefactor?

Are you one who wishes to build new schools, what we would think of as nova schools, star schools? Do you wish to be in communications, like you, Steve?
So, you discern where your heart and your mission and purpose has always pulled you towards.

And then you invest not just money, but your energies, your love, your focus in that direction. Always with your eye on the larger undertaking: what promotes love and spirit? What creates the new Earth? What anchors the Cities of Light?

SB: Very good, Lord. Thank you very much for that. If we have time at the end of the program, we may come back to the subject. But for now, let me…

[Linda coughs]
Thank you, Linda, for doing this program today even though you have such a hard cough.

Pope Francis
Let’s turn for a moment to Pope Francis, who has allegedly excommunicated an Australian priest who was apparently working for the ordination of women. We don’t really know, and that’s why we’re coming to you.
This move has reportedly shocked many Catholics who thought that Pope Francis was a progressive. Can you give us your perspective on the matter, please?

AAM: First of all, there has not been an excommunication. And it is a matter of timing. And it is a matter of bringing the women into the priesthood. So this is not the truthful report.
It is that simple.

SB: Has somebody tried to undermine Pope Francis?

AAM: Oh, yes. There will be many who will try to undermine.

SB: Well, I’ll be darned!

AAM: But that will not be permitted. The truth will win out.
The Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine
Understand, too: the role of women, and the role of women in what you think of as traditional churches, is going to shift. Now, this is the time of the anchoring of the Mother’s plan, and the anchoring of the divine feminine.

Now, there is not one of you who does not know or who has not experienced the attempts of many structures and paradigms, belief systems, to keep women in a position of servitude. That is not possible, and it most certainly is not possible in the new reality.
The Divine Feminine within both men and women, and the awakening of this power, cannot and will not be halted.

SB: Lord, could we spend a moment on the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine so that I can understand it anyways, because the Divine Mother and the Holy Father, the distinction between them is not a gender distinction.

Obviously, people have been divided into genders, and there seems to be the suggestion that some set of qualities inheres in one and some set in the other. But what is the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine? What is being referred to, and how does it relate to androgyny?

AAM: Well, androgyny is the mixture of both, as you well know, and in many places it is simply thought of as the ideal combination. But the feminine form is part of the beauty and the diversity that the Mother has created.

When we speak of the anchoring of the Divine Feminine, we are talking about the creative force of love, the ability to bring into form love. It is the movement of love (1) - throughout the species, throughout the kingdoms, throughout the entire galaxies and the multiverse.

So, you can think of the Divine Feminine in terms of that movement, and the anchoring of movement into creative force. That is why you are staying in form. It is to anchor that energy in the form. It is to rekindle that energy that has always been within you, in form.

When you speak to the masculine, to the Divine Masculine, you are speaking about the force and the power - not just the stillness, (2) but the power of that stillness that fuels the energy behind the movement.

SB: Okay. So that’s the distinction between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. Thank you for that. Where does that separation or distinction of the two stem from? It’s not inherent in a body, right?

AAM: It has come from the mind of One to assist those to understand the differentiation, (3) and that both are necessary and present in all, all energy and all energy forms. So that you have both. You have the stillness and that power, (4) and you have the power fueling and inherent in the movement of creation as well. It is not an either/or; it is a both.

SB: But men can love, and women can be powerful, right?

AAM: Oh, it is never meant to be gender-restrictive!

SB: Okay. Just trying to get a sense of it.

AAM: You see, that knowing innately of the differentiation came to be so abused, misunderstood, so that, if you look to the Old Testament of your Bible, for example, you see the patriarch, the autocrat, the unmoving father figure that is demanding in many ways and must be adhered to, and then you see the female figures in servitude - it was never intended this way!

It was a human translation of a knowing, and a faith-based knowing of how things work. Was it done with the, mmm, heart belief that they were trying to emulate Source? Yes. But it was not an accurate emulation.
Opposition to President Obama and the Transition to Uncorrupted Governments

SB: All right. Maybe I can squeeze in one or two questions just before we go.
At this moment it seems as if in the American political spectrum the same blind opposition to President Obama is still apparent.

When and how will the governments of the world emerge as uncorrupted institutions, given that there will now be a wholesale move towards new administrations? I don’t mean a toppling of administrations, but a reformation throughout the world.

AAM: The political landscape, not only in the United States but in many places, is going to shift rather dramatically in the coming year, and particularly within the next several months. Do not be overly concerned about opposition to Obama.

What it is doing is bringing to the forefront - and making it very public - those who do not wish this energy [Obama] to be in a leadership position. That is not going to change. It will come to the forefront and the light will win.

SB: Oh, that’s very reassuring.

AAM: We are very present in the White House.

SB: Oh! Very good! Okay. I think I recall you mentioning Medicare in Canada. Canada has a wonderful system of universal medicare. When will the United States enjoy the same quality of medicare? Or other nations, for that matter.

AAM: You see, this is one of the fundamental rights, and your United Nations has just begun to peek at this. All of your - yes, all - of your medical systems have been based on false grids that you are eligible for disease. Many, many industries have grown up around this belief system.

Now, we would not dismantle this in a day, because the displacement would be very large, but you have already begun to see the shift to wellness, to healing centers, to alternative methods of energy healing. And with the arrival of your star brothers and sisters this will become even more so.

So not only universal medical care, but universal healthcare and the right to wellness is going to become the simple stand-alone fact over the next year to two years. Oh, and it will happen much more quickly in the United States.

SB: Oh, that’s good to hear. So many people are bankrupted by a sudden illness. And it never should be that way.

AAM: It is an atrocity that one may suffer and die because one does not have adequate money. That is absurd.

Reval Continued

SB: Yes, indeed. Well, I’ve finished with my questions, Lord. Is there anything more you want to say about the reval? I’ve been encouraging people to go out and buy some currency, and going out on a bit of a limb to do that.

AAM: Reval your sacred self, dear hearts. Go within and see how your [inner] currency has changed. Go forward in trust, and go forward, period, knowing that you are loved and cherished and attended to.

Do not drop into fear. Do not drop into need. Do not do this out of a sense of greed. None of that will work.
And know that you are the agents, and the angels, of change.

You are anchoring Nova Earth, and this is part of it. And know that you are supported, not only by this Council, but by the Mother, the Company of Heaven and your star brothers and sisters.
Go, my dear hearts, in peace.

SB: Thank you.

AAM: Anchor my flame.

SB: Thank you, Lord. That’s not only very, very informative, but very eloquently put. Thank you.

AAM: Farewell.


(1) There is significance to Archangel Michael’s use of the term “movement” here because the basic distinction between the Holy Father and the Divine Mother is that the Holy Father is God when he/she/it is still and the Divine Mother is God when he/she/it is in motion.
(2) Here he associates stillness with the Holy Father but he combines it with the power or force (Shakti, energy) that the Mother is. The Mother is the only form that the formless Father takes that can be experienced and so it is clear why Archangel Michael should be emphasizing the Mother here. It is hard to worship a formless God, but not hard to worship God in form (i.e., the Mother). All forms of God are in actuality forms assumed by the Divine Mother. She is not a god among gods. She IS God.
(3) I have always suspected what he says here, but where else could we get confirmation of it but from a celestial being like Archangel Michael?
(4) That stillness = The Father. That power = The Mother. Together they are One


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