It was very difficult deciding which category this discussion should go under....

For years I've been getting messages during my sleep.  Until recently I didn't know what was happening.  At first I thought ego-centrically, believing my superior brain was getting 'smarter' with age and experience--lol, boy was I wrong.  When my knowledge and especially memory began astounding my children, I knew something much deeper was happening--and I got a bit scared.  I'd told my daughter "it seems like someone is tapping into my brain at night and implanting information."  Of course she thought me a bit mad, then she'd paused and realized how much my knowledge had expanded and said "knowing you...I wouldn't doubt it."  Finally after years of searching for an explanation, I'd read about the Arcturians and how they will aid humanity's Ascension by 'transmitting' divine technology and healing information to human channelers. Thank God--something that finally made sense!  

You may be wondering what universal knowledge has been imparted.  I've asked the same questions about life, health, history and humanity everyone has.   Usually every day I get new answers; most of of which come in pictures or patterns laid out in very direct form.  It's been an incredibly enlightening journey and now I'm compelled to bring this awareness to others if I can.

If anyone else has had similar experiences I'd love to hear from you.  It would be wonderful to not feel quite so much like 'an island.'  And if anyone would like to know something, anything really...just ask.  Chances are some information has been passed on to me.  Some topics I've gotten some fantastic information on include:

The Source of All Disease

The Source of Mental Illness

What causes Autistic Spectrum Disorders(Neurology)

How the Human Brain Works (when used properly)

Source of Society/Humanity--how & why they "fall"

How humanity became so: self-centered/non-spiritual

The Keys to Divine Thought

There is more, but I think the above covers a decent amount.  I very much look forward to hearing from you.  Thanks for reading--


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  • 8113681672?profile=original

  • Lori...please tell me you're kidding.  You are far from 'idiot.'  There is no such thing as idiot compassion.  Please read the above post--you simply have an infection--take 250mg's of Niacin daily until you can tolerate upping the dose.  If you react to it it's solely because your body has the very parasite that causes severe(latent) emotional disorders. (Toxoplasma Gondii parasite) 

    THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU...that can't be cured. Depression is nothing more than your brain functioning below 6.66 Hertz due to poor diet, bad food(GMO's), and low metabolism brought on by all of the previous.  Stop eating inorganic products, stop consuming fluoride(in all water), add vitamins like b-6, C, D, E...especially D & E--->if you're in a state that lacks sunshine, those vitamins are hard to come by.  

    Please keep in touch....all my Love...Cassandra!

  • Thanks, Feather Winger. glad to hear that it's not all in my imagination and that others are experiencing the same things. It's so nice to get some validation from you all. Looking forward to the whole process....
  • Thank you so much for posting this, can't say this enough.  So much is clear now~~~what an incredible relief.  I have much more to give--I've been told the location of the'Holy Grail (you will be amazed), and the 'proof' of God was just transmitted.  My life is truly complete with your help and guidance.  Thank you again--much great Love... Cassandra... Namaste!

  • Hi Cassandra, I've had similar experiences. Oftentimes I feel that I am being "adjusted" mentally and spiritually when I am sleeping and/or dreaming, I think by the Arcturians, although I've had communications with Pleaidians as well. Lately, my "extrasensory perceptions" have been enhanced to the point where I can read people's thoughts and emotions, even people who are strangers to me. This is a mixed blessing, though, as most people I've encountered have very negative thoughts and thinking, which makes me sad for most of them. I do run across a few people with pure and loving hearts, which gives me hope. As for knowledge, lately it feels that I am able to pick up information a lot faster and with more comprehension. Needless to say, this has been freaking me out a little so reading your post has made me feel a LOT better and that I'm not alone. My husband and friends think I'm making this stuff up.....LOL!
  • What do you think of pink noise and binaural beats? I actually read in my younger years that it helps with third eye dilation and clairvoyance intensity. I also read that the C.I.A. actually was investigating pink noise for improving those with psychic potential.

  • Any links or more info on this team--when I Google it leads me back to this post or government articles. :(

  • I KNOW THIS!!!  The pic above and below!  Especially this healing chamber.  I don't remember being in it but in a room that looks just like this!  I absolutely can't believe you posted this.  This is also the color of the 'plasma' I was asked to control or manipulate in one of my dreams.  Wow....thank you so much for posting this.  I'm going to go do research now.  

    Now I'm really beginning to understand what's happened to me.  I've been given an encyclopedia of information over the past few years and it's wonderful to know others are having similar experiences....Namaste--a lot--lol

  • Excellent!  They absolutely do like dark, damp, warm, acidic environments--that's why synthetic sugars are so tasty to them.  Sugar breaks down into pure acid.  Dr. Otto Warburg did some wonderful work in the 1920's and discovered processed sugars and meats cause Cancer.  He won the Nobel Peace prize for his work.  Very interesting--

    and YES!  The Human Genome Project is a complete and utter rouse.  "Genetic Disease" is a cover for much more sinister agendas.  The really great news is like you said: parasites cause DNA mutations passed from generation to generation.  Mothers also pass parasites to their children during birth(Dr. T. Smith 1927) after her parasites & father's have mated/mutated pre-conception. 

    Also....Parasites chew through cells then PEE & POOP inside you!  Disgusting I know--but true.  This is the "acidic" and "disease" causing influence on our bodies.  H2O2 Therapy, Baking Soda therapy, Vitamin C(Ascorbic Acid), Niacin(triggers Nicotinic Acid), and other organic cures are wonderful for ridding the body of these awful inhabitants.  Where the phrase "cleanliness is next to Godliness" came from.  How it should read "parasitic cleansing throughout home and body promotes the health optimal for spiritual enlightenment."  Guess that's a bit wordy though~~~


  • Thanks!

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