Hello, My Name is Zachary (Zechariah),

Lately I have been fascinated in the idea of starseeds, and walkins among our present human family on earth. I simply love the idea that souls all over the universe are being called here because of compassion and reverence for the potential beauty that this planetary sphere exhibits. Ever since I first looked into the reality of starseeds, I have been able to see (day to day) the backgrounds, in some beings I encounter, of alternate planetary origin.

This post is one concerning my own planetary origin. Through extensive meditations upon my present experience in this lifetime, filtered with past experiences within the same lifetime, i have become aware of a place I call home within the Bootes star system. Arcturus, the name of this star resonates within my heart every time I read, hear, or say the name. Through research of opinions, channeled information, personal meditations, and accounts of higher dimensional encounters, I believe that I am one of the Arcturian Walk-ins.

I possess about 95% of the mental and spiritual qualities that an Arcturian walk-in will most likely experience during their lifetime here on Earth (Urantia). I have a very hard time feeling any integration toward the popular human consciousness. Due to my hyper-sensitive nature I am easily hurt, and I constantly feel discouraged and frustrated with my purpose, and the abilities I am given to complete this purpose. 

I have a constant mental awareness of higher spiritual planes, and how action, thought, speech, and belief (karma) of the human race relate to such realities. I resonate strongly with the study of science, particularly chemistry and physics, and am currently studying both as a potential career option (though I am highly dis-concerned with any type of 'serious career path'). I study this simply because it is comfortable and I naturally desire to understand such material.

Though I experience much alienation from the beings here, my opinions, thoughts, and advice has been in high demand my whole life as far as I can remember. The reason I post this is not to express how I feel/believe of myself, or to convince the reader of my starseed. It is so I may examine possible experiences that are similar to my own, through my brothers and sisters who have also answered the call to incarnate here.

If anyone has had any similar experiences, or thoughts, or feelings, please share. My heart goes out to all of you in similar situations. Mainly post if you have any specific truths about the Arcturians, or if you feel the need to express yourself being of another starseed. I seek friends, or a group of beings who are dedicated to fulfill their life's purpose as I am. I sincerely love and thank you for reading this, and may the light of our infinite creator pour through your heart and open your eyes in this seemingly turbulent time. I love you my brothers and sisters in eternity and am grateful for your presence here.

Love be strong with you all way.

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  • Interesting; I've told that my point of origin is in the Orion star system but your post strongly resonates with me.  I've been to the Arcturus star system in a past life of mine out of observation purposes and because I wanted to learn about their healing practices.  

    What is your purpose here?  I'm still trying to figure mine out.


  • Hello Zachary, its pleasing to see that you have found yourself and your true soul origin.

    I myself, am also an Arcturian star-seed. Before my spiritual awakening ( 7-8 months ago )

    I witnessed in astral form, a viewing in my room. Across my bed stood three slender, transparent and silver aura-d beings. When I began my quest into spiritual self awakening and ascension, i would constantly resonate with the Arcturian messages. In most of my sleeps, I would have a higher dimensional being such as an Arcturian, present me with holographic, complex geometric images which would refine my memory, soul matrix and light quotent.

    I feel at home when I am in a meditation, remembering how it felt to be a fifth dimensional being, constantly receiving unimaginable amounts of light quotent and love energy.

    I remember myself walking along a plane of flat ground that was lifted up upon a higher leveled mountain. I walked along a peculiar path.. flowers I had never seen before, trees so beautiful..

    I witnessed walking towards a temple, carved in strange and geometric shapes, large crystals growing alongside the temple. This was my home. I walked across to one of the large, transparent  six faceted  indigo crystal which stood alongside this amazingly designed extra terrestrial temple.

    I knelt, put my hand against the crystal. My whole body vibrated with such cosmic energy, I felt so divine and connected with the universe.

    I was then greeted by two other Arcturian light beings.. they seemed to come out of nowhere and I felt a very strong vibration when encountered by these beings, 

    very light blue shaded skin.. slender lips.. quite slender bodies.. only stood about 4-5 ft tall. their eyes were double or triple sized than human eyes and had a dark tint over them. You could only just see the soul piercing pupils, which examined every feeling and thought of any being.

    They telepathically greeted me.. resonating with something like '' Antonio, we are very glad to see you back home. You never visit! '' 

    One of them held my hands while saying this.. I cannot describe the amount of joy and resonating energy when this took place.

    But anyway that is one of my many rememberings of home in the Bootes constellation. 

    Thank you for reading, love and light my dear friend. 


    this is my video which I created! I hope you enjoy my brother.


  • I can relate to how you feel about having a hard time"feeling any integration toward the popular human consciousness." I lost two of my closest friends because they had lower vibrational thoughts and  actions. I just wasn't able to communicate on the same wavelength anymore. I am close with my mother and daughter. And I thank god and spiritual guides for that. I have a spiritual guide who communicates with me quite frequently. He keeps me on the right track. I tell him that I love him and ask him if he is my  twin flame. I just know that he is. He says I do not need to have a 'boyfriend at this time. He says I attract men that are abusive because they see me as an easy target. So, yes there are turbulent times. I choose to be solitary without a partner at this time.

    I wonder too; am i a starseed?

  • Suzan Lie Phd is an Arcturian who channels them and gives much information and neditation. Also on many other topics; regarding new earth and ascension. She is a breath of fresh air. Find her on youtube or her site many beautiful Arcturian nessages...
  • I am grateful to all of you my brothers and sisters for being so open.

    I smile at the thought of beings like you all over the planet, openly discussing these matters face to face. One day maybe. I feel beautiful energy coming from all of you after reading your posts. Thank you for your love and blessings, my heart truly jumps to see replies like this.

    i am so grateful. <3

  • Beautiful post. My three year old was identified as an Arcturian and what you say about yourself certainly resonates. The word also resonates very strongly with me whenever i have seen it. I know little about Arcturians except what the reader mentioned at the time, that they are great healers. I know that one of the next steps of my journey to wholeness is to find out my planetary origins. So any further info on this subject would be highly appreciated. Love to you also xx
  • Hi Zachary

    I am Pleiadian but have spent much time on Arcturus studying and preparing for my journey to Earth. I have many Acturian friends and one of them sent me this information  below which you may find helpful if it resonates with you :-)

    I send you much love & light 



    Did you know the Arcturians are closely connected to the VIOLET RAY?!?

    "Do not hesitate to call upon the Arcturians ... they are of the Violet Ray and beyond ... Edgar Caycee referred to them as the most advanced civilization in our Universe ... the most God-like ...

    Arcturus is home to the most ascended of beings known as the White Brotherhood of Light ... Its master is Sananda, also known on this Earth Plane as Jesus, the Son ...

    ... many encounters with angles are encounters with Arcturians ... "

    Arcturians are the most advanced 5th Dimensional beings in this galaxy. They operate under 5th density mostly. They give us an idea of what our future will be like. They are to us, spiritual, mental, and emotional healers for all of humanity. They believe love is the primary element of life in the 5th density. Their ships are the most advanced in this free-will universe. We have not been hosts to a violent extraterrestrial attack here on Earth because most civilizations fear the advanced Arcturian ships. The Arcturian civilizations are governed by ‘elders’ who are the wisest and highest in the spiritual ladder. Arcturians range from 3 to 4 feet tall and are generally slim. The Arcturians have a greenish hue about their skin and have very pronounced, almond shaped eyes. They have the ability to move objects with their minds and are highly telepathic. Their hands, unlike human hands, have only 3 digits. They have brown and sometimes black eyes, but they rarely use them, they see telepathically. They can live to the age of 350 or even 400 years. They age slowly and do not fall prey to sickness, this was eradicated long, long ago. In the Arcturian civilizations, professions and life’s paths are chosen by one’s spirituality level. This is used to decide which female is suited to give birth. The birth process is unlike that of ours, it consists of a female and male mentally bonding and thus a clone of the bond is produced as a result. Arcturus evolution is based on teachings of spirituality, and thus as one evolves, one becomes more spiritual, if one fails to reach his allotted goal, that individual is then tutored more so the individual can succeed. The arcturians ingest energy instead of eating like us. They also live off little sleep, they rest only once a week. They can also ingest knowledge therefore they can intellectually advance faster than any human. They are here on Earth on a mission to educate humans and help us cross over to the 4th.

    • Wow Liza, ask and you shall receive! Can i ask where you got this info from, a book? Id like to read more. I feel a stronger pull to Pleiadeans than Arcturians as far as i am concerned.. I know nothing definitively though. There is also another one, Lyra i think.. that resonates. Is it possible to be from many?
      • Hi Mystic Chelle :-)

        sorry for late response! My friend sent me the info so not sure where she sourced it from? However I have some further info for you which is from the following website - http://www.multidimensions.com/Superconscious/super_fulfillment_cor...

        Much love



        Arcturus is a red supergiant star 36.7 light years from Earth in the constellation of Bootes. It is believed to be one of the first stars to be named by your ancient observers, likely because it is the fourth brightest star in the sky, outshined only by Sirius, Canopus and Alpha Centauri. In your language, the name Arcturus is translated as “Guardian of the Bear” due to our nearness to the sky Bears, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Arcturus was once the name used for our entire constellation of Bootes.

        We on Arcturus have been identified as a beacon of light for many of your millennia. Your ancient Egyptians called Bootes “Smat,” which means, “one who rules, subdues, and governs,” as well as ”Bau,” which means “the coming one.” Arcturus was worshiped in Nile temples, as it was in the temple of Venus at Ancona in Italy. In 13th century India, Arcturus was named “Svati,” “the Good Goer.” An early Arabic name for Arcturus was, “Al Haris al Sama,” the “Keeper of Heaven.” Arcturus has been identified with the Chaldaeans’ Papsukal, “the Guardian Messenger.” In the Euphrates, Arcturus was the “Shepherd of the Heavenly Flock,” or the “Shepherd of the Life of Heaven.”


        In your mythology, Bootes is the Ploughman who drives the Bears, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, around the Pole Star, Polaris. The Bears, tied to the Polar Axis are pulling a plough behind them, tilling the heavenly fields “in order that the rotation of the heavens never ceases.” Arcturus is easily found by noting that the curve of the handle of the Big Dipper is part of a circle, or arc, then follow the arc to Arcturus. From the northern hemisphere Arcturus is visible in the evening from about March to early summer.

        Red-supergiant stars, such as Arcturus, are precursors to super-novae, neutron stars, and black holes. Therefore, Arcturus is in the last stages of its life in which it can be perceived from a third dimensional reality. Since Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation of Bootes it is also called Alpha Bootes. The pattern of stars in our constellation forms the shape of a kite with Arcturus being the star at the base of the kite. Arcturus is a giant with a diameter about 18 times greater than Earth’s Sun, with four times the Sun’s mass and a surface temperature that is about 1500 degrees lower, but its much greater surface area results in an outpouring of energy at a rate that makes it 105 times as luminous as Earth’s Sun. Arcturus was formed about 10 billion years ago, in the halo of the Milky Way in a generation of star formation prior to that in which your Sun was formed. This makes us about twice as old as Earth’s solar system and the oldest object easily visible to the naked eye.

  • my name is zachary too :)~
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