I have been wondering if there are other form of breathing techniques for meditations. I' have tried the ka...blah, the breath of fire is what we westener's call it and I like it benefits....Even tho, it did give me some pains and it felt like my brain was gunna have a large amount of blood vessels explode in my head. However, those were just test runs, and I slowed my breathing dramatically, and sped it up from time to time and the gut motions didn't take me that long to get used too.I was just wondering if there were anymore breath techniques.
I have been doin the air thru nose, out the mouth routine for a very long period of time, and it has worked for me many times. I used to get my breath slowed down so much, I couldn't tell if I was high from the lack of oxygen or sumthing. And at times it felt way more effective then taking large amount of air into my lungs.
Anyways if there anymore techniques that I should be aware about...Well holla.
I always think, do and practice certain ways :
~tibetan 5 yoga(excercise) rights...........each practice requires heavy breathing.
~there are well documented breathing excercises from ages past, such as : Zarathustra, chorus, krishna, buddha,jesus, st. francis, and greeks, essenes,etc. which all advocate heavy breathing to clean lungs, livers, blood stream and mind. These practices ask for intensive breath~in and quick breath~out practice for as long as you are ok with it, even if you go on doing it for 5 or 10 minutes. after breathing try to enter meditative state , in peace and love , in what ever one does ; lotus pose or corpse pose in vedic believes.
Many of past masters and teachers did this excercise in cold water, often times in freezing waters from a creek, river, lake or city tap. It does harden human body and spirit.