Aries the Ram 2015 Esoteric Astrology

8110867676?profile=originalAries the Ram 2015

"I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule."


(Full Moon Festival: April 4, 2015. 1.05 pm GMT)


"The fire blazed forth and through that fire I died to life 
and so was born to death. And then again I died to form (Aries).”


Aries, Impulse of Electric Fire

Thor: God of Thunder and Lightning

          The Sword, Symbol of the First Ray of Will-Power

          Thor’s Hammer

The Combined Destiny of Russia, Britain and USA


New Book: Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays III

Annual University of the Seven Rays Conference 2015

Blavatsky, Bailey, Roerich Gathering: Thailand 2015


The Germanwings Tragedy and Andreas Lubitz


          Aries and the First Ray

          The Case for Sagittarius Rising

          Lubitz’s Main Problems, Astrologically Considered

          Sun-Neptune, Identity and Drugs

          Germanwings Crash Horoscope

          What is the Lesson for Humanity?

Uranus square Pluto: Not Finished with Us Yet!



Aries, Impulse of Electric Fire

And so the cycle of the year renews itself in Aries, the first of the special three annual spiritual festivals – Aries, Taurus and Gemini – that establish an aspect of the Planetary Plan, the Divine Blueprint, precipitating into human consciousness. Aries’ theme is about the emergence of the noumenon[1], patterned and programmed in the ethers, about to precipitate eventually as phenomenon.


“Aries is the place where the initial idea to institute activity takes form. It is the birthplace of ideas, and a true idea is in reality a spiritual impulse taking form—subjective and objective.”[2]


In this first zodiacal sign Aries, the power of the first ray of Will-Power brings its electrical pulse. This impulse of “electric fire” destroys the past, clearing the way for the future, establishing a new pattern for the following twelve ‘moonths’, the lunar cycles in which these solar festivals are celebrated. Vulcan and Pluto rule the first ray - that aptly finds its most powerful expression in Aries, within the greater cycle:


“… the energy which streams from Vulcan is fundamentally the strength and potency which sets the world evolutionary process in motion; it embodies also the energy of the first ray, that force which initiates or begins and that which also destroys, bringing about the death of the form in order that the soul may be set free.”[3]


When the Sun moves into Aries at the spring equinox, it is in the sign of its exaltation. It is in its “blaze of glory”, irradiating and transmitting the Plan of the Solar Logos to Earth via Aries.


Aries rules the head and is profoundly connected to the mind that utilises the brain as its instrument. Therefore, Aries is headstrong and impulsive, carrying an urgency for action via its exoteric ruler Mars. Vulcan rules the head centre (or crown chakra, the 1,000 petalled lotus) and the first ray. Hence, the close association between the firstray, the head centre (the first centre occultly counted) and the physical head.  The head centre (crown, 1,000 petalled lotus, Sahasrara chakra)

 “The Sun is exalted in Aries. Here the Sun stands for the life of the spirit which comes to full expression as the result of the great evolutionary process, initiated in Aries. The life of God which in this sign is "swung into activity" eventually achieves consummation. Latency becomes potency and midnight merges into midday. God, the Father, rules.”[4]


The electric fire that pours through Aries via the first ray of will-power, holds within its subtle ether, its electrical plasma - the modifications of the Planetary Plan for the annual cycle. This “divine tweaking” has its source from without the solar system, most likely in Sirius, based upon no doubt, the ‘signals’ that are regularly transmitted from Earth to Sirius via the Sun. These signals can be summarised and ‘read’ as a snapshot of where the “Earth is at”. Similarly then, signals representing the “adjusted plan” are relayed back, transmitted to the solar system and planets, reaching the Planetary Logos of Earth, via Sanat Kumara, the Lord of Shamballa.


Shamballa is regarded as the planetary crown chakra, “where the will of God is known” – acting upon this greater directive, transmitting to all kingdoms of nature, especially the human kingdom. Humanity embodies Earth’s throat centre, seat of the mental body. Humanity receives the divine impulse (or not!) and through its own free will and accord, acts upon it.


Tibetan Buddhist and ‘new agey’ depictions of Shamballa. City of the Gods.

“Shamballa, a centre in the Gobi desert, called in the ancient books the "White Island."  It exists in etheric matter, and when the race of men on earth have developed etheric vision its location will be recognised and its reality admitted. The location of Shamballa will be one of the latest etheric sacred spots to be revealed as it exists in the matter of the second ether.”[5]


Humanity’s unfolding awareness of The Plan will allow it to co-operate more consciously and this will increasingly be the case as the Age of Aquarius unfolds. The Science of Invocation and Evocation will come into its own during Aquarius and through group ritual and meditation, The Plan will be incrementally contacted and implemented.


The Sun is exalted in Aries and acts as a transmitter for some planets with which it has a special relationship – Vulcan and Mercury particularly because of their close physical proximity and triangular relationship. Vulcan is an intra-Mercurial planet and also very close to the Sun, hence the reason that it is hard to see and has not been “officially” discovered yet.


Both Vulcan and Mercury’s obscurity renders them very esoteric. Mercury is described as, "…still more occult and mysterious than Venus.”[6] Mercury is also the esoteric ruler of Aries, expressing the intuition and embodying the keynote of Aries, “I come forth, and from the plane of mind, I rule”:


“The light of Vulcan and the light of the Sun are one light and these three—Mercury, Vulcan and the Sun—stand for a synthesis and a radiance which eventually dims the light of Mercury … and only the Sun remains. We have consequently a vision of the Sun, the experience of the personality and effort, which is the mode of attainment governed by Mars.”[7]


What does the latter part of this previous passage mean? In Esoteric Astrology, the Sun in the horoscope is regarded as the personality expression (the rising sign is the soul’s expression) – the three-fold lower self – mental, astral and physical.


The Sun represents “personal identity”, Vulcan the-divine-smithy hammers out a fit vehicle for the soul. Mars as personality ruler of Aries is a driving force in this process. In ancient times, Mars was called “Vul-cain”, probably an euphemism or “veil” for this “undiscovered” planet, but that which has been known by initiates for millennia.[8] It is also said that Vulcan, “… reveals that which is deeply hidden and brings it up into the light. Esoterically—the heart of the Sun.”[9]

A statement for deep pondering because Neptune is connected to “the heart of the Sun”,[10] closely associated with transmitting Love-Wisdom in this solar system. With regard to another fire-sign Leo, the "heart of the Sun" employs Neptune as its agent”.[11]  Hence the energies of the first and second rays are blended in their expression.


Vulcan is active in the first two signs of the spiritual new year, Aries and Taurus. Vulcan is connected to the initial emanation through Aries but really gets to work in earthy Taurus “hammering out the divine plan”, “knocking it into shape” the initial impulse that finds its way to the physical plane. (More on this when the Sun enters Taurus.)


In Esoteric Astrology there are three major constellations that form a triangle of conditioning energy; from this triangle flows the forces of the seven rays as they transmit into this solar system via their vehicles the planets, that in turn transmit these collective forces through the zodiacal signs.


Broadly speaking, The Great Bear is the source of the energy of the first ray, Sirius the second ray of Love-Wisdom and the Pleiades the third ray of Active-Intelligence.


“In connection with Aries, which expresses or is the agent primarily of the first Ray of Will or Power, the ray of the destroyer, it should be stated that first ray energy comes from the divine Prototype in the Great Bear, that it becomes transmuted into the force and activity of the planetary Logos of the first ray, and works out as His triple activity under the guidance of the three [Aries] ruling planets—Mars, Mercury and Uranus.”[12]


In other words, the three rulers of Aries distribute the force of the first ray, all according to their ray line affiliations (‘odd’ or ‘even’), softening-up somewhat the ‘hammer’ aspect of the first ray’s power. There are seven stars in the Great Bear constellation and Merak is a likely candidate as a first ray source:


“Aries, the initiator of impulses … is closely in touch with one of the stars in the Great Bear to which we give the name "Pointer" [Merak] in common parlance. This Pointer is a "major star of direction" because through it … flows the will to unify and to bring about synthesis. This is the force which brings about the fusion or integration of the personality, the at-one-ment of personality and soul, the unification of humanity or the Great Approach of the Hierarchy to Humanity.”[13]


Uranus is the hierarchical ruler of Aries, presiding over the “raincloud of knowable things”, the thoughtforms that exist in the higher realms, available to all seekers of light and truth. Uranus is also the ruler of the seventh ray, that brings together spirit and matter - or, electric fire (spirit) and “fire by friction” (matter):


“Uranus leads the soul to the burning ground during the final stages of the Path, when the fire of Aries and the fires engendered through the potency of Uranus produce the flaming heat of the final burning ground. Through this burning ground, the initiate has finally to pass. Uranus rules the occult Way and is, in an esoteric sense, connected with the Hierophant of the Mysteries of Initiation.”[15]

Please follow the link to continue this excellent astrology reading:

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  • Thank you, Malcolm, coming from you that means a lot :-)  You know your stars.... 

  • KELLY: not bad at all. I've always liked doing readings with people born with the Sun in Aries.  Thumbs up.

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