Arrival Begins..

Hi all :)I read this today on SpiritLibrary & it really resonated with me so I thought I would share :)a message from Aurora channeled by Karen DowningSunday, 12 August, 2012  (posted 16 August, 2012)4733 views, 5 comments - login or register to commentThere has been so much change going on; changes in emotions, relationships, careers, resources, and of course, energy. Now, that you have moved through this Mercury retrograde period (July 15 to August 8), where things were tossed around, re-examined and some even replaced, you are going to be able to move forward at a speed that you may not have thought was even possible.You will find that now you are in space where you are arriving at something new in your life. It is like starting the first day of a new job. Sometimes this job is very similar to what you were doing before, and you arrive knowing exactly what to do and your workplace is nicely prepared for you. But sometimes, you arrive at a new job altogether, and the person who was there before you left a big mess for you to clean up.Whatever you are arriving at next in your life, do know that it is there for a purpose. The greater purpose is always for you to learn your life lessons and to move forward on your process of soul evolution. But, there is always so much more to it than that! You are arriving at connections, experiences, situations, relationships, careers and energy where you are now able to start sharing your wisdom and energy with others in new ways.If you are someone who already has been sharing your energy with others for many years, you will be arriving at place where you are now using that energy in an entirely new and different way. The energy of August and September is truly amazing for anyone actively working on a spiritual level. You are in store for unexpected and expected surprises in wonderful ways.In the last three weeks, you have cleared out your new Nasal Chakra and released the sinus pressure, congestion, and other symptoms. You will now begin to find that your dreams are more vivid, and your inner promptings seem much more undeniable than ever before. This increased intuition will continue to lead you toward each new step in your life.With your intuition wide open, many of you have been experiencing a whirlwind of ideas and inspiration flooding through, and often it can be difficult to sort out priorities and what you need to do next. But, if you can do your best to tune in and to decide what the most important thing to do each day is, then you are going to be finding yourself exactly where you need to be.There are no accidents, and everything truly does happen for a reason. That reason could be to teach others about an experience, to complete a karmic debt, or to assist you in your work in the future. You often will not know what that reason is until you have moved beyond the energy of it. And, the past 3 weeks have sure flushed so much energy to the surface. If you have been sad, angry, depressed, lethargic, frustrated or just confused, then you are right on track! These feelings were pieces of energy locked deep inside of you that were brought to the surface by the Mercury Retrograde transit.In the next 7 days, you will find that you are able to have more clarity about putting your increased intuition into action, and you will see glimmers of the pieces falling into place around you. As arrival begins it can still be confusing, as it will feel like there is so much happening. But, soon the dynamic of change will settle into its own groove. As the whirlwind of intuition and inspiration calms down, you will start to be able to feel comfortable at whatever new place in your life you have arrived at.Love, Aurora

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  • OK...I would like to add this to your message. Yesterday, I was getting some energy work done online through They do free energy work each month on the last Tuesday of the Month. Anyway, Jo Dunning came onto the call with this information (check her out on YouTube) She says she was meditating yesterday morning and received this message from Divine Source;

    On September 9, at approximately 8:15-8:30pm pst, there is going to be a HUGE, HUGE influx of Love energy coming onto the planet. The window is very short for this, but if you want to contemplate/meditate at this time, you will also receive this energy while it is downloading into the planet! Yea!!!

    If you are unable to do this for whatever reason, you can go to her website, and just give her your name and email address and you will be included in the work she does. It's a very special opportunity...FREE...and she NEVER sells your email address to anyone! Her website is:

    Thank you! I don't have a clue how to put this on the main listing, so I hope you all can spread it around to all your family and friends!

    • Hi Lady C :-)

      Thanks for sharing!

      I have seen this date of early September mentioned in other posts on here and they also said that something big is going to happen...

      I will definitely be doing this and will also check out the website.

      You can add a discussion through the menu bar on the left of your profile page, there is a tab there for Add Discussion :-)

      Sending you much love :-)



      • I have also posted on my FB page :-))

  • Many of us have been awaking and ascending at different rates over the last few months.  Mine has gotten super intense with increase spiritual gifts that I would never dreamed of happening.  At first you wonder if you are going crazy, then you come here and read different channelings, etc to confirm what my experiences were.  I would not have even known a name to some of them.

  • Sweet

  • That entire text is applicable on my life at the moment (including all dates and the changes that happened between those dates). 

    Very cool. 

    Thank you for posting this. :)

  • "nasal chakra"

    lol! xD

    Yes I should indeed purify it.

    I already got some ideas about how to do it.

    I'm optimistic that I will soon succeed to do so.

  • very glad to hear this :)


    Thanks for posting this Liza



  • Beloved Liza, 

    This totally resonates & confirms my unexpected nose bleeds! 

    Thank you so much for sharing this

    Love, Light & Glorious Rainbows  _/\_


    • You are very welcome Rosie :) blessings Liza
This reply was deleted.

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