The following message, channeled by Meredith Murphy, was transcribed verbatim from:
10 October 2010
Arrival: Beyond the 10-10-10 Stargate
Message from Naeshira
Telepathic transmission 10 October 2010
Meredith Murphy
To YOU Who Have Re-membered Your Beauty!
From beyond knowing you emerge into being. Having released all that you were before you enter this new domain of life shimmering! Luminous. Transparent. Radiant, crystalline—carrying codes and knowledge and your own cosmic blueprint—and find yourself newly formed by gravity, heat, light and willingness upon a new frontier.
In this land of emerging potentials, the Law of One is the law of the land. Inter-IS-ness is experientially valued and love is abundantly available! Now, let us commence the work at hand.
Very little exists in form here. In order for the entire system which is YOU which is EARTH to tip, in one spontaneous moment into residency here, we will need, together and individually to get about the business of creating.
There are three things which you must do in order to fulfill your new role as a renegade settler of the new earth:
1. Protect Your Energy
2. Listen to your Divine Light within for Inspiration
3. Affirm and celebrate one another.
That’s it!
That’s actually a lot.
Let’s open up and enter into a new relationship with BE-ing which is coming forth and is online for you to tap into, download and commence upon completion of the key aspects of prior phases: integration of BE-ing rather than DO-ing (choose more do less); integration with the Unified Field and re-connection with your divine soul blueprint.
Protecting your energy is increasingly important.
As the dynamics on Earth become increasingly dynamic you will find those who exist on the energy of others finding it more and more difficult and their experience will intensify. As individual focus points of light become fully resourced from within and sovereign in nature, you will not be as available to others in terms of donating and actually “leaking” your energy to them through being triggered and excited by their usual and truthfully—unconscious—antics deeply imbedded to provide them with access to life energy.
They would only experience a deepening of shame to realize they are doing so; let them discover this on their own. But for YOU, Lightworkers, having awoken in this new, spacious land, it is time to realize that you will indeed want to be a source of energy flowing from the Great Central Sun and into form without distraction. There is much to be done!
A civilization is evaluated by its wholeness. You have participated many times in the Earth’s civilization and as such this is in part why you are here now and why you did so, all rolled up in one! You came many times to prepare for now, you are here now because you have so many ideas and observations from your other experiences here that you see great opportunity for creativity, innovation, harmonizing…for flavoring the Earth soup exquisitely and subtly, such that it is nourishing and palatable for all!This civilization you will shape and extend into structure, process, networks of connectivity and patterns of communication, alignment, BE-ing and co-creation is but a single celled organism now. As with all life, it exists holus-bolus! In its entirety, and yet the diversification the specificity of this wholeness depends on the uniqueness and the cosmic blueprint which is you.
Begin to consider the elemental qualities of experience one might see in the New Earth from a distance. The peaceful qualities of a beautiful blue and green planet, flowing into culture and civilization that amplify, diversify and yet maintain this amazing beauty of life, abundance, balance, movement—which are visible from afar—this is the orienting vision for you to play with.
Listen to Your Divine Light from Within
You can confidently trust yourself! Having become profoundly aligned with the Zero-Point you are increasingly in great if not full alignment with the Unified Field. Your Divine Soul Presence communicates to you in dreams, meditation and in simple urgings arising as desires and inspiration. Trust your light flowing from within and BE as a force of the Universe; activate potential and energy to initiate the process of convergence into form and human experience. Bring forth that which makes your heart soar! Trust that what is glorious for you is indeed a blissful experience for many others and give life to new forms and consciousness; pave the way for happiness and well-being in our New Earth!
We, your beloved friends, your soul family, the Ascended Masters—all who watch rapt with love and idealism have not been disappointed with anything which is taking place! We are AWED by you! You have often turned to us for clarity, direction, love, support, guidance. We are happy to be of service. Now though we are really on the sidelines as the act of creativity in your new world although we may encourage, or help you to clarify your own inner direction, we are unable to create in your sphere; that magic is yours.
And so Magicians of the New Earth: take out your wands!
Give birth to all that makes sense to you. Do not doubt! Do not hesitate! Light loves speed…so flow and be fed more energy! If you make “mistakes” re-create and re-vise! Commence the creation of the New Earth templates for civilization and culture.
Affirm and celebrate one another.
There are many more Earth angels coming to join you. Some are still deeply resting. Some are deep in intensity which will be the catalyst to their awakening. Some look and long to be where you are. Some know where you are is merely an arm’s length away and within no time, they will join you. But YOU, you know who you are.
You for whom ease, abundance, clarity and light are flowing consistently into your experience and for whom this 10-10-10 portal found you awakening to see an entirely new person in the mirror, YOU have work to do. The stuff you came here for! So get on with it my dear ones.
The show must go on, and we, in the peanut gallery, are squealing with delight at all that is already and will take place. For we too jump in time and read the end of the story sometimes…and part of what is SO exciting about this one, is how much it changes, all the time!
Realize that each of you is experiencing this process perfectly as you chose and continue to choose. Celebrate and affirm one another. Play your part to the hilt. Love all the others in the game with you and realize the beauty of their performance.
The Law of One, which liberates so much, including the emergence of completion, informs all that you are, sense, wish to act upon and enjoy.
You have rewired your body, mind and emotional nature and aligned all of this with Spirit. For you matter will start to open up and reveal it’s inner essence as energy! As you begin to know matter directly as consciousness, this consciousness and energy flows into your body cells carrying explicit information and loads of energy. Your life will be somewhat incomprehensible to others, as you elevate different rule apply to your entire experience.
Do not become too enamored with all of this. Embrace and appreciate the role you have chosen in preparing and laying the groundwork for the New Earth. Do not become distracted by those who cannot relate to your experience or who question it. Know that your presence, your clarity creates a momentary restoration of order, of wholeness in anyone who is lost or at the time of your encounter confused. Rest in this. You will be living from a place of great security and personal power. You are beyond external validation; trust your inner knowing and commence the creation of the new culture reflecting here on Earth your sense of love, unity and beauty. Order longs to converge with energy; you are the missing dancer in the dance!
The music has started. Join together and as Ashira would do herself…sing the future into being, with the harmonic qualities of your focus here and now.
I AM Naeshira. Envying your form and celebrating joyously your outrageous new beginning!
to your very own Zero Point. The amazing thing is, is that it is a multifaceted point connecting
with a myriad interfaces. All in harmony, all working all doing their job. What you have channelled
verifies very succinctly the work and believe that we collectively have in a diverse fashion.
This is so we all flower profusely, abundantly, individually being at the same time of one mind
and one voice. One purpose to get this show happening. Start where you are and remain
centered and focused at all times. My luv to everyone. Kingjeff