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Here's an article i wrote recently..
Impacts of attachment, acceptance and perspective
Many have heard teachers speak about dull and crazy sounding things such as attachment being an issue, and that one should accept what is. Many have also heard or experienced that a positive mindset (perspective) can make a great difference in life.
This article explores these concepts with pratical day to day examples, and attempts to empower you with knowledge that can help you reach your personal goals.
This article assumes that you understand the law of attraction.
Exploring Acceptance
Not accepting things in daily life causes you to focus on things that you do not want - they stand out within your vibration. This then puts law of attraction in action, in a way that you probably do not prefer. To not accept something, is to generally have a negative emotion about it (which you metally choose to have).
Example: Someone says something that offends you. You have an emotional feeling and respond. By doing so, you merely tell reality "Hey! When people offend me, I have a strong emotional response - send me more such insults!". By supporting such an emotion or taking action on it, you merely perpetuate it. By the way, you'd only take offence if you learned such a pattern from other people - because it makes no sense to take offence.
Acceptance on the other hand allows things to [u][b]flow[/b][/u] by you - you remain unaffected. That which is a problem to those that do not accept, is merely an available choice to you. Acceptance is a powerful way to neutralize an issue. You can choose to have a conversation with someone that is nice to you, just like you can choose to walk away from one that insults you (unattached to their actions).
Keep in mind the impact on your own vibration with acceptance vs not-accepting. Accepting more, allows more flow. More flow allows more powerful and faster manifestation ability, more joy, more healing ability and more special new skills.
But how do you just accept things and not take offence? How can you just let go / detach when you can sometimes get so worked up? It's actually very easy! Read on.
Perspective & Attachment
The easiest way I have found of letting go, is to never get attached in the first place, by holding a perspective that prevents most things from being an issue or relavant to you.
Reaching such a perspective is a major element in your life and can take time. Many people develop their perspectives very slow througout life (unconciously) by years of work on successful business and personal life. What they do not realize, is that they could have done it all so much faster if they focused on developing their perspectives sooner within, instead of taking external actions. We know that everything we experience is perspectives of energy.
Consciously focussing on developing more empowered/positive perspectives is probably the most potent tool you will ever find in your own evolution.
To summarize: If you cannot see the absolutely most positive side of something, then look at it from the most positive state of being that you can (and vice versa).
Exploring Attachment
By now it is probably more clear that attachment, acceptance and perspective go hand in hand with each other.
When you consider and attempt to keep a perspective that you are abundant in all things - that all things that you desire can flow to you, you can let go of your attachment to results. You can also feel (perspective) that there is no rush, since there is no end to your concious life.
Exploring the feeling/state of being within of being at peace and abundant is a critical step here.
Many are attached to beliefs that are simply not valid to what we really are - and these beliefs cause resistance. Being more familiar with what it feels like to be at peace and happy can tell you what beliefs do not feel in alignment.
I know that some people will agree with facts in this article and that some will not. So when someone replies with a disagreement, some authors would become upset as they've taken a belief that is out of alignment such as:
- I have to make sure other people do not get incorrect information
- I have to prove that I am right and that I am important
When you understand the nature of the reality that we live in, you will find that neither of the above statements are valid at all. Some may not understand this element at this stage - thats OK for now, this can be explored in another article.
When you find yourself feeling negative or unhappy, it is typically caused by an invalid belief. Here is a helpful tool to discovering and breaking that belief:
Each time you feel bad, ask yourself very honestly:"What would I have to believe is true to feel a certain way". When you discover the belief, ask this question again about that next belief, and the next one and the next one. Soon you will find that the beliefs make no sense - and they are surfaced. You can then replace them with beliefs that are more aligned.
Thats it for this article. Watch out for my next article entitled 'Hyper developing your perspective'.
Author: Me
Article 2 is available at
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