Vegan Sausages ....could be named Vegan rolls ...the word sausage has been here for such a long time and the meat vibes it resonates is not too friendly.
Vegan Burgers ...could be named Vegan Cutlets... the word burger has been here a long time and and the meat vibes it resonates is not to friendly
Vegan Bacon ...could be named vegan long cutlets as the word Bacon has been here a long Time and has strong meat vibes so not friendly
Vegan cheese..sounds ok
Recently new vegetarian products from a firm called the vegetarian butchers...the word butcygher's doesn't sound good at all and should be PHASED y out
The words like sausages, burgers, bacon need to be phased out and replaced with a more vegan friendly names
Please contact the Vegan Society and tell them what names you feel are more friendly instead of sounding violent @