Ashira channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco

Sugat Gu Ra Ru and OWS channeled by James McConnell

(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Prepare for Change group in Glendale, AZ on June 21, 2015)


I wanted to take a moment because this was, indeed, a planned exercise because we know there are still aspects to the relationship with mothers and fathers that are still hidden in corners. These are times for healing and these are times for forgiveness. These are times for self-forgiveness as well.

This is the time now that all come together on this day to honor the energy that fathers bring to this planet. And while there is much discussion of the Goddess Energy that has entered the planet there is many times that bad-mouthing, is that a word, I do not know, but bad-mouthing and reprimands of the male energy occurs. Many times the masculine energy, the patriarchal energy is associated with the negative. That is not what we desire.

We desire that the men and the women, the male and the female and all of the sexes in between and everywhere are coming together with an understanding, a forgiveness and a tolerance for one another. It is more common these days to see men and woman as true partners, true strong partners within relationships. Even within relationships that are not marital in nature but those relationships such as with Susan and James. There is a strong balance and an equality that is shared.

These are the types of relationships that are moving forward in the 5th dimension. The understanding of strength on both parts. The understanding that each has a role to play. And in the 5th dimension you will understand this more clearly because your roles will become more clear. There will be clearer communications with one another.

However, in the past there is still much to heal and much to love. This is a brief message to follow up on the exercise today. We will return with questions and answers and a closing at the end.

Let us prepare for “One Who Serves” and James by singing three “Ohms” please.

“Sugat Gu Ra R

Greetings to you. This is not who you thought was coming. We throw a monkey wrench into the works here! This is Sugat Gu Ra Ru. And I hail to you from the mountains in Tibet. Where I spend all of my time and some of you here have been with me before in what you would call a student –teacher relationship. And yes, you were the student! You were my chelas. And there were those times when we were together when you were experiencing and working with various aspects of raising your consciousness, just as you are doing now.

 I can tell you that in those times when you were with me in a more stricter fashion you might say, more different, disciplined, something very foreign to you now. We do not see you in this lifetime being one who can sit in a lotus style position in a cave for hours and hours, sometimes days and weeks and even months at a time and meditate. I can tell you that you raised your consciousness in this way.

This time you are doing the same thing. It is just taking a little bit different route here, acknowledging that you have your everyday aspects here, your life to live. That life does not work together with the austere life which you had at those times.

At this time now, we would ask you and this has been coming, that you would continue to work with your thought processes. And raise your thoughts for as you raise your thoughts you raise your consciousness. As your consciousness raises your thoughts raise. And very soon you will find it is more and more difficult to have a negative thought.

When you have come to this point when you are no longer having negative thoughts or at least when you have one, you can push it out immediately. When you come to this point then you are moving closer and closer to your transition. Yes, the transition towards the Ascension Process. It is a process though. It is not an overnight sensation here. You will not be here one day and gone the next although there will be some who have more of that type of an experience. You have been told that everyone will have their own type of experience and yes, this is true.

 And you in this group and many who are reading these words are in training to bring about the changes in yourself that can lead you to the point when the transition happens for you, for the entire planet, you will be in a position where you can be ready to go through it. You will not, have the aches and pains and the quandary that many will feel as to what is going on.

You will be experiencing it as a sense of bliss. A sense of wonderment. And you will be saying, “OK! I am ready. Take me now!”  Because that will be the feeling that you have. But in order to get to that point you have to first come to more and more of an understanding of your thoughts and how creative your thoughts are and how to control those thoughts as much as possible.

We say to you now every day, focus on this. Bring your thoughts into a more of an understanding that you are in control of the thoughts not the other way around. Because your thoughts create you. Every day your thoughts create that which is your life ahead of you. And as you move into the higher dimensions your thoughts will continue to create but they will be creating instantaneously.

So you have to prepare yourself for that eventuality when your thought manifests immediately. We would certainly not want some of your thoughts to manifest at this time in the higher vibrations. And the “One Who Serves” has told you it cannot be this way because there is a “fail safe” process here and this will keep this from happening but even so we want you to work on this every day. Feel your thoughts, experience your thoughts, and then take your thoughts into the higher vibrations with you. You will not want to stay in the lower vibrations with lower vibratory thoughts.

That is my message here at this time. I do not come to this group very often but when I get the chance and when there is the movement of consciousness within the group, it can call to me. This has happened. I have been called here to work possibly a little closer with you and to bring you closer and closer to what would be your own personal transition here.

I will not take questions. “One who Serves” will take care of that.

Shanti. Peace be with you.

“One Who Serves”

Greetings to you! “One Who Serves” here now to answer your questions with “Ashira” standing by here as well. We will say something at the end before “Ashira” comes in.

Would you have questions here for “One Who Serves” and “Ashira”?

Question: Several friends and others have had the inspiration to create their own language in symbols. I have written entire pages with symbols. When I went to the hospital recently, I spoke to people who have been seeing symbols appearing on their skin. What can you tell me about these experiences?

One Who Serves”:  We can tell you that you are experiencing that which we have been saying for some time now. Your memories will come back. Your understandings will come back. As to the deeper understandings as to where you hail from, where you come from, your system, your experiences prior to this. Even some of your past lifetimes are coming in. It is not so much at a conscious knowing level but it is a subconscious level that is feeding into the conscious level. You see?

So, that you may not understand what those symbols are and where they are coming from but yet they are there within you. As the time goes on here we are seeing that as you continue to work with this and this is the important thing that you continue to work with this, that these symbols will become more familiar to you. Then one particular day you will have this experience as you are reading these symbols or looking at them that it will come back to you what they are meaning. Okay?

Anything to add, “Ashira”? “No, splendid!”

Would there be other questions here?

Question: Í have a major question in my life. Since the plans have been initially made each girl has developed a major issue in life. Do you have any advice? I feel this is my last shot to be able to have some influence with them.

Ashira”: Yes. This was received (from “One Who Serves”).

We would just say to you as “One Who Serves’ would say, “Go with the flow”. If you are asked questions, you may give advice. We would share that giving advice without the question is part of that wall that you are striving to tear down. And that said, the problems that have developed in their lives is a subconscious way of them being able to come to you with a reason and allow this to play out the way it is meant to play out.

You are at this point in time given the opportunity to change what has happened in the past. For you to respond in such a way that they will not expect. And so if they present you with a problem and say, “What do you think I should do, Mother?” Remember what we have said in this group previously. Baby steps. Teaspoon full. Not the whole apple. Not the who game plan that they should follow to make it right. It is their’s to figure out.

You are right. It is time for you to move in new direction with those who have come to you I this lifetime and to be able to share with them as a mother who supports them and allows them to be who they are as they strive to meet their path.

So we feel you would have another question. What would that be?

Question: I don’t understand baby steps and not the whole apple. That might be one of my problems. I want to pick them up and carry them.

Yes. From one who understands that maternalistic urge we so much do want to see our children at any age in pain or confused. We believe that we have the answers and yet, each of these has their own strengths and their own answers. It will be an opportunity for you to allow all of those things to play out and to walk away after this month feeling much more accomplished as a parent and feeling that you have indeed accomplished that which you set out to do in this trip. We bless you!

“One Who Serves” would you add to that?

One Who Serves”:  Yes, we would add something here that you bring up the term, “this is your last shot”. This is not your last shot! No matter what happens As the “Event” and all of these things occur, you will continue to have experiences with your loved ones.

Please understand that when the “Event” happens and the “Ascension Process” happens it is not going to be taking your loved ones away from you, it is going to be adding to what you already have. It will make it more wonderful, not less wonderful. We know that this question has come up many times to many different sources. What will happen to those who are left behind? What if our children are left behind? What if our pets are left behind? Or whatever it might be?

That is not a concern at all. What would be to rip your loved ones out of your arms? How could that be wonderful? That is not to be. Do not think in terms of this is your last shot because whatever happens you will be with them again and again. Not in terms of reincarnation or anything of this nature but with them. And with them in a wonderful way. Not in the trials and tribulations that you have here in this 3D illusion. You see?

Time to put away the 3D’d expressions! Do as “Sugat Gu Ra Ru” said. Gain control of your thoughts. It is very important here. It is all part of the training we are bringing to you! How can you have negative thoughts when you think of going with the flow, Be the One, you see? All is purposeful.

Question: For the past 7 years I have been going through a lot. I was wondering if I am going in the right direction for healing.

One Who Serves”:  We understand your loss here and many would echo this same loss. Not specifically what you have gone through or are going through but loss in terms of those who are finding themselves estranged from those who were close. You may have had the friends before but they are no longer your friends. Or you were close to someone and no longer close to. That is because of the changes, because of the vibratory changes. Those who are changing in vibrations are now looking for others who are changing in vibrations.

It is the same as when you enter a room and there is much negativity. Let us say it is an office function or something of this nature and you walk in and everybody is down and negative. Do you want to stay there? No! You want to leave. You don’t want to be brought down by their negativity.

So you search for those who are at the same vibration as you or even higher vibration because it makes you feel better. That is what is occurring across the board here. Not only to this one who has asked the question but planetary-wise. There are many who are experiencing these changes where once they had these relationships and now they are gone. Whether it is job relationship or family relationships or friendships or whatever it might be. It is all changing and it is all purposeful.

Now to deal with this as you need to, that is what becomes difficult because you have what are called the familiars in your life. As you move through the transitions in your life as “Sugat” has spoken of, as you move through this transition the familiars in your life leave both at the physical level and at the spiritual level. New ones come in, new friends, new family relationships sometimes and even new pet relationships. Whatever that might be but it is the new and you are moving to the new. Think of it that way. Create it that way.

Know that you are moving on and everything that is happening to you now is being orchestrated by those who work with you directly. And know that there are many working with you! You see? Does this answer your question?

Anything you wish to add “Ashira”?

Ashira”:  We would add that you have asked about healing and are you on the right path. And as “One Who Serves” has said this is about release. Releasing the past. Not judging the past. Allow it to flow through you. Move into a consciousness of acceptance for the new. Move into a consciousness that forgives yourself and all others in your life. Move into a consciousness that everything that has happened has placed you in a exactly the place you are supposed to be even though it may not feel comfortable.

The judgment you seem to have in your speech about this situation, release that. Know that you are allowing life to flow in you and through you as it is meant to.

Becoming concerned about what types of healing will be best for you; this is a time of frequency of vibration. This is a time of thought processes taking you into the next dimension and those around you are pushing you into those directions. We would share that is the direction to be looking for the healing and the wholeness you seek. You are moving forward into it even as we speak and even though there are those that would tell you that you need this crystal or that potion this is not a time to become hung up on those things. This is time of self-improvement and wholeness and of affirming that you are an amazing being and that all things that come to you as you, in you and through you are all in perfect Divine Order. That will help you to be in the place that you are moving to and that you are welcoming.

Wonderfully said, “Ashira”. Are their any further questions than we will release the channel.

“One Who Serves’

Understand that as these times continue on and you continue to look upon being in the NOW, certainly in the NOW at all times for the present NOW is what is the most important. It is the journey you are on, not the destination. Yes, you eventually get to the destination you are looking for but then when you arrive there will be many more that will appear in front of you and that is life! That is the way it is.

To be in joy in the present moment and that is what is important to do. And the more you are in those thought processes that “Sugat Gu Ra Ru” spoke about here will bring you into the higher vibrations and keeping you there. That is the thing. Keeping you there. Many of you can have a wonderful thought and be in the higher vibration but the next thing you are back down again. Now you have to work on staying there. That is the more difficult here but that is the discipline that is necessary to find yourself in the higher dimensions and stay there and maintain there so you will be in the position to reach back and help your fellow human beings move forward.

That is all. Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.


I am “Ashira” and we are giving time to allow James to come back into his body and consciousness for he has a question for us today. We would share too that is a time where much is being revealed every day. More and more you will see these things occurring in what is called your mainstream. You will know that those who are to be awakened at this time in their 9-5 jobs, those who are to be awakened on the streets and in their homes. Their alarm clocks are going off more and more quickly. And you will see upon faces more and move visions of people who are confused. People who are fed up with the world because the world is a mess and they do not know where to look. And now, they are hearing about civilizations on other planets. They are hearing about other civilizations who have had their hands on this planet. The world, all of a sudden, seems larger and more mysterious. It is even expanding into the universe.

Yes, this is what you have been preparing for. They are the exciting times that you can be called into service at any given moment. At the grocery store, at the bank, in the office, in the park. Any place where there seems to be a conversation that starts with people who are confused, people who are wondering about what in the world is going on. These are your cues! These are what we have been preparing you for.

And we are very excited that all of you who are in this room, hearing us on the phones, all of those who are reading these words or hearing us around the world, are those who touch one another through the work that is being done through these two. We give you thanks because we know you are ready to move into action.

James, are you with us?

Question: Yes. Speaking of action here. I have a snippet of a dream. In this dream I knew that I was supposed to bring together the “rival groups or  factions”.  That memory came to me as I was driving back this morning  from Flagstaff as I did not remember it when I first woke up . Is there anything you can tell me?

It has much meaning on many different levels. It is part of the work that you and Archangel Michael have been working on for a very long time and you have had memories of some of those dreams. Bringing those of different forces into harmony has been that plan in that particular dimension but let us also bring it into this world for the work you have been prepared for here.

You have been an observer at this point in time, have you not? More than an action because the action has been in other dimensions, other places. However, the time is come that you will have very soon this awakening in yourself again. A whole new awakening as to who you are and what your purpose is.

Standing beside Archangel Michael on this planet for all those that are the minions of those who were at the top, they will continue to be troublemakers for a while. It is your recall that you will have to move you into your next position. This is what the dream was about. It is to help you to not be surprised when the shift happens for you and you realize that it is time to be called into service with Archangel Michael and those who are in service to him.

Now to bring together under his wings of love, grace and protection all of those on the planet who still thought they were in service to those who had something to give them and they had something to gain. But as they come to realize that they have no more to gain, that their world has shifted and they will be confused. They are looking for someone to serve and Archangel Michael and his forces will give them that particular direction. They will fall to their knees in gratitude.

How does that feel to you, James? Thank you very much.

Ashira”:  We know you are also in service to Lord Sananda. And to building the Twelve of Twelve and having those expand. And it may seem, in this moment in time from your seat, that it all seems too big, too broad, too overwhelming to conceive of but all of you will find that once the Event happens and the awakening comes to each of you, you will find yourself in many different duties. Serving as one of the Twelve of Twelve is there for each of you. You also will have callings into this world and the universe depending on who is receiving these messages.

This is the reason we have all been so excited. It is not just the shift into the Golden Age upon this planet. It is the shift into the true meaning of your lives and why you chose to be here at this moment in time to go through this process and to move into the future.

Does that make sense for each of you?

That is what we came to share today. We are so glad as always to be a part of the Sunday meetings in this group for we know that it reaches out into the world and that the mass consciousness of this planet is shifted again higher into frequency for the time you spend together as a group.

I give you all my love and all my peace. Namaste.


Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated




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