Are You Able to Talk About Ascension?

Can my comet discussion be a way to open a dialog with those not aware of the current ascension opening? Wouldn't it be wonderful if more could ascend than are already committed? What to say? "Are you aware there's the potential of more major disasters coming because of the comet moving towards this area? Contact with the comet is not going to create them, but an atmospheric condition that it causes can. What can we do to get ready for this possibility? Get camping gear at your door, get a good amount of dried food to camp with, and get a water cleaner to change the water quality to drinkable. Pack a bag! Be able to walk away from your home with only these things. Any area of the Earth can be altered. Any area can be made chaotic. No amount of assets can neutralize this comet's active change demands. Cause and effect cannot be altered now—only getting together those things you might need. Can we make any predictions about this? No, only that anything can happen."

Now, this does not mention ascension, but you can go there if you then ask, "Are you aware that many people think they can ascend? Can this be a real possibility?" In this opening you can talk about what is being said, not what you are thinking about the subject. Ascension can mean anything to them, and nothing also. What I want is to open minds to the curiosity of what ascension is and let them check out the data available to them via the internet. Many sites are available to help them understand the mental attitude ascension needs.

Maybe they won't be able to accept ascension now. Can they be candidates for the next wave? Absolutely, because if they are able to determine a cause of the mass disappearance to be ascension, this may point them to healing, caring and awakening.

Change agents can also be good guys who open mental doors for more conscious awareness to come through. Give the gift of awareness and go to ascension with divine gratitude as you answer your call.

Ample warning has been given to humans regarding the changes that are coming. Not being aware is no excuse when a major change activates. Confidence in the divine plan will get the body to ascension, although it won't carry you to safety if a tornado detonates your home or an astroid appears to destroy land in your country. All mental demands on God for care and safety cannot be heard. Are bodies able to avoid death? No. Why would you want to when ascension can be attained at death's door? Go in the door. Ascend as I Am That I Am and activate love in the body so it can contact all who have trapped fear in their container.

What can be done to let this fear out? Chase it away with great happiness, then deepen that happiness into awareness that comes out of the Master within. In a fear dynamic, the more happiness you can bring to the world the easier it will be for you to ascend. What can be done to complete the contract? Ascend. No contract continues beyond ascension. Only a love awareness remains.

Have you been avoiding conversations about ascension? Are you caring what others think of you? Yes? Than you are not ready to ascend. When you are able to live without being afraid, even if it is the fear of being declared mentally deficient, you can go beyond the whole 3-D experience. Caring about your ability to be accepted by those not as aware as you is your own dense attitude, that needs to go. Are you going to be an Ascended Master or not?

A clear definition of ascension is helpful: "The end of an illusionary decent into darkness." When there is fear, darkness commands! Choose to let darkness go. Give the light in you a chance to be free. Ascend and dream the dream no longer. Are you able to drop the attitudes that are dense? Choose this now!

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna

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