by Christine Preston
Christine: This morning I was informed that I would be given a dictation by thought transmission, later on this afternoon, but it was given after I did some routine decrees, including some calls for Archangel Michael to go into action in relation to the armageddon the psyche, as there is still a great need for it. Then my ascended twin flame André, who is an aspect, or extension, of Archangel Michael and is commissioned to function as my tutor, and also works with the Galactic Federation of Light, told me to take a pen and paper and started dictating the following message which is word for word, as in most cases where these messages are concerned.
He said:
André: Dear ones, this is André. The video ‘the Evil Pyramid of Control’ seems to be attracting a lot of interest. There is much going on in the world, so much to talk about. I would like to pass on a message of hope with regard to the Elections in America. The vote has been cast and Donald Trump has been elected as a nominee for the Republican Party, and what will follow from this is a nasty battle of wits and words coming from the opposition, removing the possibility of an agreement between the forces of the Light and those of the dark. By this I mean that, in the past, some of the fallen ones on the dark side of the struggle between Right and Wrong, have surrendered or entered with us into some agreements to at least abandon their agenda of destruction and conquest, or their conspiracies of gaining power, and to stop interfering with mankind as well as the affairs of this world. But those that the Republicans, who want a resurrection of the original Constitution of 1776, because it garantees Freedom, are going to have to confront some forces of a very nasty nature acting through their physical representatives. They have a connection with the last core of evil that needs to be overcome before the golden age of Gaia can appear.
As we have said it before, in prophetical messages that have been published in February and then May this year, it will be Donald Trump who will be elected President of the United States of America, and he was the only one who had enough strength for the coming confrontation that will bring deliverance as well as to oppose the Establishment. His appointment is part of a divine Plan to restore order upon earth and release mankind from its captivity to the dark forces. It also forms part of the project of Ascension as it will bring peace to the world, as well as permit Disclosure to take place concerning all the truths that have been suppressed, and with them the knowledge concerning the fact that the beings of Light, spoken of in the traditions and the holy scriptures of the world, exist, and dwell upon the higher dimensions of the solar system, as well as in the Milky Way galaxy, and the entire Universe. And these higher dimensions have been called heaven. There are Ascended Masters, Archangels and Galactic Beings upon the cities of Light and Spaceships all over your Solar System and the physical vibrations of your world are being raised in the process of Ascension. You also are being lifted up upon the ladder of consciousness and are constantly shedding density as a result of the presence of the earth and solar system in the Photon belt. Understand that the distance that separated you from the higher realms in previous centuries has been reduced. It is for this reason that the time of great Reunion is approaching. There also are human beings in space in connection with the secret space program that you have heard of. Those are not of a higher dimensional nature but are like you, in a corresponding reality and density.
The time close at hand is one we have decided to call a time of Transition because it will still be one of great changes and shocks due to the process of disclosure that is to take place. It will bring the introduction of new technologies that have been kept secret and that will solve many problems upon the surface of the planet. It will also be one of preparation for a glorious quantum shift in spirit that will bring even more physical transformations and a golden age. This time of transition will be one of learning and of teaching that will be scientific due to the infuences of the Aquarian age, the Hierarch of whom is Saint Germain. So rejoice, and this is my message of hope for today.
All is relatively well and progressing according to divine Will despite a few geo-physical and political upheavals. All of this will soon settle down.
This was André and this message was delivered with love and light. Namaste to all.
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