
Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2013

Dying is not a natural thing. The God Seed that is in the Azure within the Thymus, has a certain amount of quantum when we are born.The spirit integrates into that seed atom about 60 days after conception.

That quantum expands after spirit body starts collecting more of the quantum of its consciousness into the manifest form in order to grow it.

If our bodies were acting normally, by the time we hit age 33 we would had brought in all four density levels of consciousness- that means the 12th dimensional level in the Universal Consciousness or the fourth sphere.

We would be able to begin transfiguring the body into eternal life body.

The mortal matter that is combined with our spirit. We can change the body into that self generates quantum so it is eternal life. It no longer needs to feed on anything else to sustain itself.
We were all originally created to be Krystic Beings that turn into this eternal life form.

Because of the damage done to our planetary structure we had an epigentic lay placed over our DNA that instructs our DNA what to do and what not to do. That epigenetic overlay causes great confusion and interferance by the ego intentionally.

Now we are getting that electromagnetic overlay removed from the planet and from our DNA.
We have had an environmental anomoly that has eroded the functioning of the Angelic Human DNA.
We have now been given the ability to resurrect our natural abilities as Angelic Humans or Indigos that were originally ours.

Some of us went through a twelve year process of learning how to remove the miasms that were placed in our bodies and how to turn back on the DNA in our bodies through processes given to us by our Guardian Races from systems that are not in the Fall status.

We have been given assisted by Angelic Races in Andromeda and Aquarius to pull us out of the Fall Status.

There has been an abundance of specific training given by the Guardian Races who are supervising our ascension.

We have been given the exact specifics of the entire creation process of Source and how to become reattuned into it.

Ascension -Connection between Consciousness and the body. Consciousness plus energy equals our reality. We are now placing a new consciousness and a new energy to create a new reality.

Our consciousness is being shifted into a new alignment as we were actually moved to one of the Earth's eight bodies that wasn't in alignment with the phantom matrix.

We were given new energy by learning to understand how to use frequencies by aligning consciousness with certain locations in the spheres of reality including the universal sphere and cosmic sphere and now Urtha.

Ascension isn't just about being a good person, going to church and getting forgiven by Christ and then going to heaven. It isn't that easy because there is a direct link between the consciousness of your spirit and the atomic structure of the body.

The part of the spirit that is embedded into the atomic structure of the body is called the JARI. It is a part of the spirit body.

If the JARI is trapped inside of the atomic structure at death, the body will not ascend. It will continue to be trapped on the Earth and will continue to return. This is what we did for the last ten million life times. Our JARI has been stuck insdie of our atomic structure.

We must make sure our Jari is free from the atomic structure in order to ascend out of here.
We must transmute our spirit body out of the atomic structure in order to ascend.

Once we have done that so many times that there is no quantum left in the body to ever ascend out of it, the person has entered the path of FALL.

That person will need to return to Source through space dust return -ashes to ashes dust to dust. That is what would had happened to this planet and everyone on it if we hadn't been given the assistance of the AQUARI MAtrix.

The path of Fall means the person just won't remember anything. They will return to Source and start over again.
Those on the path of fall have run out of energy. They are having to get energy from others.

In a normal system that is not in Fall there is an eternal flow of energy giving an eternal source of eternal life.
The natural coding that we would have in our DNA was eroded so it could pull in less and less from the natural energy supply.

If the sun were going into fall it would no longer have a natural breathing structure where the in flow and out flow of energy from Source is flowing through it. It would burn up all of the hydrogen it had and then it would go into a red giant and do its solar death thing.

The logic is flawless. The coding and alignments given by the Guardian Races has allowed us to break free from the mutations that would keep us from ascending.

The help was not given to us by those within the Fallen Milky Way Galaxy, who were simply trying to help us Fall into their Fallen Phantom Matrix.

The help was given to us by our Guardian Races who are not in Fallen Systems. Most of those who have called themselves our Angelic helpers were actually Fallen

Angelics who were trying to make us Fall. Almost all of the Channeled Masters were Fallen Angelics. That is why they were so willing to be channeled.

A person must hold at least one third of the Christ Quantum to keep from fall. Most of us on Earth made it.

The process of the Individual Eternal Life album is to alter the entire cellular structure from the inside out as well as the Light Body and Crystal Body and Etheric Bodies which contain the Radial Body, which is the sphere of energy that is like an atomic mirror surrounding the body.

That atomic mirror is also being transformed into the original 12 coded divine blue print that allows the new body imprint to be seen as the new reality around the body. That reality is projected from the mid brain projector creating reality through the pineal gland.

Individual ETERNLA LIFE Album is the restructuring the atunement of the mid brain through activation of the God Seed Atom within the Thymus that will burst into a cloud of crystal plasma dust and activate the streaming of crystal liquid light directly from Source Consciousness.

This allows the MIND OF GOD to be reconnected into the mid brain for the beginning of co-creating through frequencies of light and sound.

This rearranges the structure of the body and the brain through the restructure of the DNA. DNA has its 12 subharmonics reinstated in each of the double helix to restore the 24 DNA template of the Angelic human, or the 12 subharmonics in the double double helix of the Indigo to create the 48 DNA template.

The crystal miasms will melt from the pineal and inner ear. The crystal miasms will melt from the blood cells and be replaced with crystal liquid light - the water is made into wine.

The blood of Christ is the new restored crystal liquid light in the blood.
The bones transform into phonons of sound energy and the skin transforms into protons (at a omnion level - raydons, myons, and many micro levels beyond what the eye can see).

The body will actually transform into a completely different chemical and biological structure that is based on liquid light. Liquid Light is the original creation substance and energy of Christ Consciousness at the 12th dimension. It is the creative substance of Source.

The carbon based body that we have grown accustomed to is not our true body. It is a body that is completely mutated. It is so dearranged that it is projecting someone elses movie on to its movie screen. And the movie was created by very dark Fallen Angelics who wanted to use us as their source of energy.

Each individual has his or her own unique energy pattern or signature, that is different than any other individual in the Cosmos. That individual also has an energy signature that is a part of a Soul Group signature.

That energy signature is a part of the Over Soul Signature, and that is a part of the Monadic Signature and that is a part of the Avatar signature and that is a part of the Rishi Signature.

Even though the individual signature is individual, it is also a part of the the entire Family Signature.

Once our Individual Signature is restored or re attuned into the entire Family Signature, we regain the Mind of the Entire Creation Group. including the Avatar level at the 12th dimension and even the Cosmic Family at the Rishi Level.

When I create Individual Eternal Life Albums, I am connecting the Individual's Frequency Signature into the entire Family Signature to begin the re attunement of the entire Frequency Shield.

The Eternal Life comes from the return pattern that we can now become a part of. We came from our Rishi selves and lowered our density into our Avatar selves and then lowered our frequency or density into our Monadic self and our Over Soul and our Soul Family, and then chose to experience complete Isolation as an Individual who was not attached to the Family any longer.

Now, we can return into the frequencies of our entire family. This will allow us to first retune into our Super Conscious Mind of the Fifth and Sixth Dimensions. We can also tune in to our Avatar Consciousness and our Cosmic Consciousness.

Our family at the level of Avatar and Cosmic Consciousness only communicate through frequencies. They also only perceive through frequencies. We are in reality a colorful mandala that looks like a Cosmic Sphere that is now in minature form.

That mandala, or frequency signature that can be seen as light or heard as frequencies, is unique and individual but it is also a Divine Template of our Cosmic All.

A Moment in Energetic History of the Planet
Every moment is stored as vibration in cellular memory as history
DNA of each individual has ability to run interdimensional frequencies like a radio receiver or t.v. transmitter.

This is how DNA works. One person might only have one or two stations. When a group are put together they would have many stations.

Some of us have learned how to access any station of another individual's radio receiver or communication satellite and plug it into another radio receiver, or plug it in to all of the radio receivers all over the Cosmos.

A planetary shield is a massive sparkling shield, and every one on it is a sparkle. Certain geometrical forms occur within our shields every time we connect to another communication satellite to give or receive information.

All higher life forms communicate through these light shields and sound shields. They all know what everyone else thinks anytime they choose to.

We can interact and communicate with the planet through certain geometrical patterns we create through our body and the codes and frequencies that we run through our bodies.

WE have been holding the highest frequencies on Earth to utilize KRYSTALA- Christ alignment on Planet.
Point in history that involved infiltration of natural planet.

Come listen to SOURCE BREATH AND SHEER HEALING. Bring your earphones for the coolest trip you have ever taken.
Eternal Life Album focuses on one part of the complete alignment into SOURCE. The focus is always Source.

We must align every cell through the micro omnions of Source and weave every particle into the Source Frequencies in all fifteen spheres of the Matrix.
The Sun, is in a way, the creator of the Universe, because the Sun holds the IDEA of Source in the form of he Plasma that holds the crystal liquid light of Source.

Each form of creation - Cosmic, Universe, Galaxy, Solar, Planet or Person is always made from the original divine blue print template of Source.

We are created from one form of atomic radiation and we manifest from a different form of atomic radiation. In 3D we think of electron and neutron. But, we are now multidimensional, so we are made of all forms of this atomic radiation.

We are made of the crystal liquid light, the crystal dust gamma, the crystal gel gelaisic radiation, we are made of raydons, mions, omnions and millions of levels of ions inbetween. We are everything we don't see yet.

WE need to stop tuning in to all of those frequencies that we can see and hear and start tuning in to the ones that we've never heard before.

Dr. Angela Barnett (c) 2013

The ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM is a personal HEALING SESSION. It could be likened to what would be expected if one of you went to a Reiki Healer or Sound Healer for healing sessions. It could be likened to having eight hours of healing sessions per day for a week.

When I create the ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM I first go to Source Consciousness field and ask Source to hold the 12 coded divine blue print of the individual (the name of the person who ordered the ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM) inside the flame of eternal life creation that the idea was originally made from.

We are each made in the image and likeness of Source. That image and likeness is a negative of the picture of the idea that Source is creating. That idea is held within Source Consciousness and reborn into creation every trillionth of a nano second.

When the brand new image and likeness is imprinted on the idea, the idea is reborn as a brand new image with the new thoughts and ideas of the new experiences encoded within it.

I hold that idea within the Source Flame. That idea is already perfect and it contains the 12 coded divine blue print of angelic raceline.

That old idea that was created billions of years ago must go through a rebirth at this time. We are all being reborn into a new harmonic universe, a new space and time portal.
Each time we are born we come into the planet through a stargate. Many of the stargates attached to Earth were destroyed and we were disconnected from many of them.

Now, we are being placed in a different time portal where we are back in alignment with all 12 stargates, which allows us to obtain the 12 subharmonics in each of our chakras.

These 12 subharmonics comes from combining the spiritual coding from the chakras outside of the physical body with the chakras within the physical body.

In order for an entity to return to a place in the universe, there must be an essence or a frequency signature of that entity left in that place from the time the entity left the place in the universe.

In order for our bodies to become realigned into the eternal life domain of the harmonic universe, I take the idea or the image that is within the Flame of Source and create a light body image of that idea. I place that idea within a flame. I use a candle flame.
Within the flame is the complete spectrum of light, the entire rainbow. The flame includes the hertzian, infra red, visible light, invisible light, x ray light, and gamma waves. The idea is held within the complete spectrum of light of Source Consciousness.

That idea that is whole and complete walks through the candle to the other side and returns back with the connection of frequencies of the spiritual side- the blue body self. The idea becomes complete as it connects with the blue body.

The idea must also be taken in to the Inner Earth realms of the Cosmic Domain. I take the idea into the Etheric Core of the 13th dimension and then into the 14th dimensional of the Spiritual Etheric Heliotalic Light Domain of the Cities of Light, the Inner Earth, and then down into the Crystal Liquid Light, the Mirror light of heliotalic frequencies.

This is the location of the Etheric Star Formation that was placed around the area where Earth is located now. That Star Formation is called Urtha.

This idea within the Source Flame must have its frequency signature implanted within the Cloud Cities, Cities of Light, the Star Formation, the Aquafarian Realm of Urtha. The idea does not exist there because most of us haven't been there before.

This place was created by the Aquafarians from the Aquinos Matrix millions of years ago as a refuge and an escape chamber for this time. Since we were never there before, we must leave an imprint there so that in the future we can go there.

Crystalai and aDolphino went to Aquafaria to leave this seed of their frequencies. However, when they went there, they were met by a family who took them to a crystal palace. They were told that they built this palace for them long long ago and it has waited for their return.

So, there are in fact, a few of us who have been there before. That is why it is necessary to link frequencies of those who haven't been there before through the frequencies of those who have been there.

When the client is being put through the eight hour healing sessions, the old damaged codes within the chakras are transformed by having the frequency signatures of the individual returned to the original perfect divine imprints.

This coding is imprinted in each of the chakras to align the 12 subharmonics of the perfect raceline back into the individuals template.

Each cell in our body is supposed to contain this divine blueprint that was created in the image and likeness of Source. As the clients idea body is taken into the crystal liquid light of Inner Earth and into Urtha, the heliotalic frequencies emerge from the skin and the skin becomes the shining.

The healing takes place from the within, beginning with the blood crystals transformation, the bones turn into sound frequencies and the skin turns into light.

Each one of these steps of transformation takes a great deal of focus, alignment into the allness of Source Consciousness, a continuous holding of the idea within the flame of transformation. Each time I focus on one specific aspect of the entire healing of the body, there is one tiny little breath involved.

Each time I can feel and hear that the breath is perfect and the healing is complete, I record that breath.

I layer each of the breaths of transformation for that one specific individual into my recording mechanism. By the time I am finished, I usually have five hundred or more breaths.

Next, I weave these breaths into the formulas and frequencies of codes of atunement that the Guardians and Source direct me to. Each individual is given a different set of codes and formulas. These codes come as frequencies and I breathe them.

Some times they are heard as tones of God Language and sometimes they are pure breaths. Each recording comes out very different.

I am givine this guideline to help my readers understand why this item costs the price it does. I am sure that there are not any Reiki healers out there of any reputable nature that would give you eight hours of healing sessions for five to seven days in a row for this price.

Once a client returns from a Reiki or Sound Healing clinic, that healing will sometimes last a day or a week, if the client is lucky. That is because the old Reiki technologies are based on the Chi of an energy that has been blocked from Source for eons of lifetimes.

Taking an energy that has been broken from Source at the Cosmic level and trying to do the repair work at the Planetary level just does not fix the problem.

This problem that is blocking our eternal life system happened billions of years ago, and the guardians have been working on fixing it for billions of years. There are many problems in each level of creation, far beyond the chakras within the body.

The frequencies must be realigned clear out into the Universal Spheres, Cosmic Spheres, pre sound and light realms and the allness of Source's original idea of creation.

So, we are talking about a healing that would last as long as a band aid, or one that is complete and lasts for eternity.
Ascension -Connection between Consciousness and the body.

Ascension isn't just about being a good person, going to church and getting forgiven by Christ and then going to heaven. It isn't that easy because there is a direct link between the consciousness of your spirit and the atomic structure of the body.

The part of the spirit that is embedded into the atomic structure of the body is called the JARI. It is a part of the spirit body. If the JARI is trapped inside of the atomic structure at death, the body will not ascend. It will continue to be trapped on the Earth and will continue to return.

This is what we did for the last ten million life times. Our JARI has been stuck insdie of our atomic structure.
We must make sure our Jari is free from the atomic structure in order to ascend out of here.

We must transmute our spirit body out of the atomic structure in order to ascend. Once we have done that so many times that there is no quantum left in the body to ever ascend out of it, the person has entered the path of FALL.

That person will need to return to Source through space dust return -ashes to ashes dust to dust. That is what would had happened to this planet and everyone on it if we hadn't been given the assistance of the AQUARI MAtrix.

The path of Fall means the person just won't remember anything. They will return to Source and start over again.

Those on the path of fall have run out of energy. They are having to get energy from others.

In a normal system that is not in Fall there is an eternal flow of energy giving an eternal source of eternal life.

So, we take this perfect formula of creation and rebirth that was given to us by the Guardian Races and we record it because it is made of Frequency Signatures. The breaths carry the frequency signatures and they are recorded in perfect harmonic convergence.

Each of the frequencies transmutes into the highest frequency of Source Consciousness in order to hold that reality of the divine code for ever.


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