Ascension - Doubting myself

I've added a spiritual blog ("Coincidence does not exist") where I "characterize" myself as a confident, happy and carefree being, and indeed, I am all that, but still have some concerns about ascension.

In previous forums, signs of physical and mental "alterations" were discussed and I thank all of the contributors that have shared their experiences. I surely have a lot, if not most of the signs of shifts taking place within me, and they, to a certain degree, prove to me that I'm doing the right things and that I'm on the right track.

I have a VERY strong desire to be ready for 2012, but at the same time I question my "readiness." Of course, one should not compare oneself with others; we are all here at different levels of spiritual awakening, fulfilling our purpose, but on occasions, this (stupid) insecurity pops up, particularly so when I read all the wise and loving words from all of you, seeing how much you all know and also seeing what some of you have experienced. I feel somewhat intimidated by all your knowledge and experiences, as I have had only little insight so far. - Now I hope you don't stop commenting :) (For example, I sooo much long to be in touch with beings from "The Other Side" DIRECTLY, hearing them at least - and not only through my intuition -, but this has not happened yet.)


Yes, I have not been following the spiritual path for as long as a lot of other AC members, but I'm getting somewhat impatient. This impatience stems from a feeling of insecurity, of a perceived lack of knowledge, making me want things to start happening faster, so please share your wisdom once more on how to overcome this impatience.


Eagerly and appreciatively looking forward to your uplifting advice.


Lots of Love and Light

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  • Thanks James Ryan. I know I am ready but I do wish I was more aware of things outside of me. Like feeling the energy centers in the body. So many people descripe intense experiences and mine are more mellow. I am not complaining or putting myself down I know I am an evolved soul. It is good to read all the comments from other members to learn.
  • "making me want things to start happening faster"...they will because you have strong desire (emotions) and intention (thoughts) = manifestation (physical). As they always say "be careful what you wish for, because it will become." In 2003 I wished to visit a certain town. In 2010 I was without much effort working in that town. In 2004 I wished to visit a certain town. In 2006 I was without much effort working in that town. All thoughts with desire plant seeds, and the seeds do grow. Do not worry, intend to ascend with desire to ascend and you will ascend.
  • Honestly, I don't always feel Happy, sometimes I feel like I'm being bombarded with energy's that are so intense I have to stop and take some deep breaths so I don't start spiraling into something that feels so intense it scares me....

    I mean, I've been dealing with similar feelings for years, I think it's all the intense energy on the planet and maybe some people are more sensitive to it than others....

    I've seen people get pretty sarcastic about the whole "spirituality" and "transformation" thing, like "you can keep your head filled with rainbows" -- stuff like that - and it's RIDICULOUS... LoL

    Obviously people don't understand the amount of intense energy some people are this planet are feeling, but I think the ironic thing, is that they will be feeling it soon too...;. If they already aren't.... And it's very serious, not something to be sarcastic about.....

    That's why it's so important to look within and be REAL with yourself.... when things start to really feel like it's pushing us over the edge, that among other things will be what saves your sanity......

    Don't doubt yourself Spirit Growth, something very intense and very real is happening, and there are spirits, beings out there - and here on planet Earth who want to help you.... :)

    Happy 11:11 - today feels really intense!


  • Hello All, I too wonder if I am ready for ascension. Do I qualify? Have I earned it? Have I grown enough. I have been on a spiritual path for a long long time and I am far from perfect. I have read many site about 2012 and the ascension and each adds something new. Lots I do not understand and I question what some sites say about each being ready and what we must do. I do not let it worry me because it might make me make adjustments within myself that are not necessary. I will know when it is. Also I do not want to live in fear. I attended a cathloc school when I was not catholic and they told me I was not worthy. I knew then that it was not right so I do not want to fall into that again. I have seen Jesus in my livingroom and I have seen Mother Mary in my house also. This is no guarantee but it tells me that I am connected. So I feel I am getting there the way I am supposed to. I stay away from things that are scary or peoples negative opinions. I must have my own. All of this in vey important to me and I believe in it. I would like to be able to share my thoughts with other people in the flesh and not just on line but I feel that I cannot answer every question and each must come to there own understanding. It gives me great joy to think about it all so I absorb that as much as I can. I am happy to be alive during this great time in history and am honored to be a part of it.
  • ..i hope u will not be sad..if u are still here posting and reading on various threads, after 2012....
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