Ascension dream I had

I just want to share a cool dream I had about 2 weeks ago.

In my dream from what I remember, I was facing a Jesus or Saint Germain type figure with brown hair and a beard also appearing on a pinkish and yellow real like background. And he asked me if I was ready for Ascension then I said yes without hesitation. I rarely remember or have such vivid dreams, this must mean something. Please children of Gaia your thoughts on what this could mean, it has to mean something?

Also I like to hear your similar experiences!



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  • it means that you will ascend after your life or even more quickly, but it does not mean that you can just sit down and do nothing ;)

    keep living how u did and dont get lazy, do you meditate? or yoga or tai chi?

    are you outside a lot?

    if so just keep doing those things. 

    light and peace


    • yes I do meditate a lot every day!

  • sounds like you have divine guidance and clearance for your spiritual process. a higher aspect has asked you if you are ready. this is clearly sending a signal to the rest of you that it is time to ascend........sounds like the gate has opened for you.....there is a great dream exercise that I read in an Andrew Harvey book called "The Direct Path" (which i recommend in general cause it has mystical exercises from EVERY tradition) but he has a dream exercise where you sit with the dream and slowly bringing the dream into your mind and I think you are to walk with the dream, but i am unsure of the exercise.....anyways sitting with your dream and meditating on it of some sort is always good...

    • thanks for your info!

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