The Spirit Body of the Monad is the higher mind function of the Observer, watching and aware of forming concepts and making assessments. It is the higher mind principle consciousness that comes to neutral conclusions and decisions based on accumulated experiences. When the spirit is in control of the nervous system of the body, it makes higher evolution of Consciousness action possible.[1]

The Spirit body comes in at the moment of conception through the Permanent Seed Atom in the higher heart complex to guide the formation of the human beings Blueprint and prepare for incarnation. Unresolved Soul trauma can block the spirit from evolving the consciousness to activate the higher heart, as the soul and spirit are intricately involved in the spiritual functions of the heart. The core essence of the spirit within the human being exists in the heart seed, and is moving throughout time and space, eternally.

The Monad spiritual body triad is the 7th, 8th and 9th layer but it starts connecting at the 8th Chakra level [Thymus] which is the Higher Heart. When the Monad starts coming in like this, the whole Heart changes pattern, meaning the Heart Chakra is no longer an Astral Heart 4th Chakra, it is a Blue Heart. Your Heart Chakra turns blue and the frequency coming through starts turning blue…. this is a connection to the turquoise of the Mother Arc which ignites the inner holy spirit called the Amoraea Flame. So the 8th Dimension is a Gold color but when the Monad starts flowering in the Diamond Heart, and the Heart starts to configure, it actually looks blue and they call this the Living Crystal Lotus Heart. I call this Galactivation.

When our Heart is healed, there is a fire that is ignited inside the Heart that is accessed, and the fire in the Heart is also in the Kidneys. There is a triangle that connects the Heart into the Kidneys. The Kidneys are in the base of the triangle from left to right and the point of the triangle is in the Heart. When the Heart is healed, there is a twin flame ignition in our Heart and Kidneys, which shifts the Heart configuration. Twin flames equals structure of light within the Heart. So two flames ignite in the Heart. The Monad is the greater flame and the physical body is the lesser flame. When this dual flame is ignited, there is an ignition in the Heart and a fire coming into the Kidneys, which is about blood cleansing.

The Monadic spark starts to connect to the Permanent Seed Atom, which is the Christ Consciousness Silicate Matrix and the instruction set for our Krystal Body. This is the seed that the controllers are attempting to crush or stop from flowering in the human population. They want to crush the Permanent Seed Atom in the thymus, which is the 8th Chakra, which is where the Monad starts coming in and actually connecting into the body. The damage of the Diamond Heart manifesting into a Anubian Black Heartdamages the Permanent Seed Atom and is what manifests as Monadic Reversal or Metatronic Reversal.[2]


The Monad and the Permanent Seed Atom are different parts of the same functioning spirit body. When the seed atom is coming online the Monadic light generates into the diamond blueprint Diamond Heart filter of the permanent seed atom. The inner Monadic spirit ignites with the Mother’s Holy Spirit or the Amoraea Flame. The activated ‘Christ’ Seed Atom generates the instruction set of the Silicate Matrix and is the Universal Christos Field or 12D Ray.


Many of us cannot manifest our divine purpose and destiny projects until this alignment and embodiment of our Oversoul or Monad transpires. Our divine purpose is part and parcel of our divine consciousness and we cannot manifest purpose without our spirit intelligence embodied. Many of us have been searching for our “purpose” when we actually should be working to free and embody our spiritual bodies. We cannot live our true purpose until we are embodied in our Monadic spirit intelligence.

Those poised for stewardship in the next cycle as a part of the “changing of the guard” cannot be corrupted, damaged or deluded that we are in possession or ownership of anything material. The Oversoul/Monad intelligence is able to direct resources without personal agenda … There is no Negative Ego bargaining or superimposing of personal will allowed – ever. There can be no continued “lies of omission”, self-delusion or lack of clarity in any circumstance of our relationships that had created confusion in our lives. We must see all that has been hidden in the shadow and put it all on the altar before God… [3]


Monadic Activation

The Monad spirit body is entwined with the activation of the 8th Chakralocated at the thymus gland. When the Permanent Seed Atom begins to activate the sequence of Monadic integration begins to link with the 9th Chakra in a moving gyroscopic field with its center axis in the pineal gland.


The Spirit Body of the Monad is the higher mind function of the observer, watching and aware of forming concepts and making assessments. It is the higher mind principle consciousness that comes to neutral conclusions and decisions based on accumulated experiences. When the spirit is in control of the nervous system of the body, it makes consciousness action possible. A human being is responsible for their actions and must choose with a clear Consciousness, as it is the higher spirit intelligence that gives its decisive consent. When the spirit is not connected, it allows consent with dark forces, who many times take advantage of that person. When we are not self-aware nor discerning, we can become Consubstantial to dark forces that overpower our consent. This is why building ones intent, consent and authority correctly is crucially important. This action will build the spirit body and align consent to the higher realms of consciousness. The Spirit body of the Monad is only consciously aware of the contents of the Soul when it is connected to the Soul. This is the same as when the physical body is disconnected from the Soul, the conscious mind does not remember her (cannot feel the soul). When the Spirit body is disconnected from the Soul, the spirit consciousness can no longer remember the Soul, and becomes unconscious of the Souls memory of existence. This unconsciousness has the impact of Soul fragmentation. How this manifests in the First World, the lowest plane on earth, is Insanity, schizophrenia, catatonia, psychotic break, and all other forms of split consciousness. How this manifests in the Second world is chaotic dream states of astral delusions, holographic bits of fragmented pictures of millions of storylines. These pictures intersect without coherence or cohesion, just jumbled messages of dreamy, disconnected fantasy images and impressions. This manifests in the Third World in much the same way as an anesthetic puts the consciousness to sleep, similar to hypnotic like trance or sleepwalking. When the Consciousness layers are split apart, it results in a sleepwalking or amnesiac type trance in all Three Worlds. Conversely, when we awaken our consciousness and start to desire communication with our Soul and Spirit, this starts the awakening process in all Three Worlds. [4]


  1. Jump up Divine Infinite Calculus
  2. Jump up Session Transcript: Embodying the Monad
  3. Jump up November 2010 Newsletter
  4. Jump up Divine Infinite Calculus