WHen it happens your body will become larger, your skin will stretch, you will want to eat more of different things, you will become lethargic, exercise will become difficult, and bodily changes will run in cycles.
Its basically an accelerated feeling that you may be getting older and there is not much you can do about it. Your feelings of excitement coupled with the depressing ones can be depleting also. On top of this, it's not like all your dreams are coming to fruition as the Gods usually put a hold on your manifesting abilities so you can work through this. You hardly feel like the God that you were lead to believe you are: and at times feel tricked.
Welcome to empowered personal ascension where you get to run through so many tests and trials that you feel you may be going through a torture obstacle course ( both emotionally and physically).
The good news is you should know that this won't last forever and if you can hold tight to god and get through it you shouldn't ever go through something like this again in this life or any other. To deplete all your karmic debt and be filled with Gods grace will give you the opportunity to be put in the right place for the right reasons according to your divine plan.
So dear pregnant ascension candidates I urge you to stay the course. And work diligently in spiritual practices to get through this. Whatever your situation, do not feel sorry for yourself; instead reverse your psyche and use all the crap your going through as motivation to birth youself as a new whole and clean master when it all finally ends. You must empower and will yourself to the finish line even through periods of stagnation.
Personally it took me 7 years to win my ascension after I decided to go for it. That's a long pregnancy and the only thing that got me through it was to find out what was going to happen after I gave birth and the joy of never having to do it again. Oh...and being put in a safer situation where the matrix and I aren't partners anymore is all good to.
About Mike Huber: Mike Huber is an Ascension Specialist who shares his wisdoms with ascension candidates as a writer, speaker, and consultant. No matter where you are at on your journey Mike helps answer the many questions candidates may have including answers about ascension symptoms, diet, yoga/exercise, pranic breathing, sound frequency, master initiations, karma and dharma, chakra balancing/connection ,and planetary and cosmic ascension practices and meditations.
Mike is the author of the E book, Diary of an Integrated Ascended Master. In this documentary you will get the play by play of Mike's initiations, lifetime experiences, and particular spiritual practices the "Magic Man" used to awaken and then finally cross the threshold of ascension that so many light workers are trying to accomplish at this time. This book promises to give you a different real life perspective of what it takes to ascend and live in human form simultaneously. Mike hopes this book will help bring more understanding to ascension candidates and maybe make it easier to accomplish in this lifetime.
Mike is able to help people through any challenges, expectations, and needed work one may need to progress toward spiritual mastery and ascension.
Book available at http://www.secure-ebook.com:80/ebook.jsp?book=DIAR-FNGB01-315
Contact: Mike Huber
Email: hubiemagic@aol.com
Phone: (847) 312-1061
I have no idea what it feels like to be pregnant, my I would like to call it emotional pregnancy. I change every hour. It's so tiring and so energizing. So tight and so loose. So wet and so dry. It's everything in the wrong order and in the right order. It's life upside down and inside out and perfectly in order and back again. I love it. But only because the rewards (that just come and go and come and go and stay and leave) are great. And if you would ask me what the rewards are I could not even explain. Confusing and also not confusing at all.
Yesterday (full moon) was one of the best nights of my life! So far ;)
Luckily I can always laugh at myself.
I have not gained weight but I have had weird ass cravings and weird sleeping patterns ( well all my life but its far less scheduled) and more random but I feel like sleeping like i am healing when i sleep.. and clearing crap energies out of my being. recently found out who I am and wow such incredible karma......didn't really reflect that way in this current life so I hope that is forgiven(no not hitler!) but ..well...lets just say I am cat like through and through to the deepest level and love how lions, lionesses look lol.
Great post. Boy I can sure relate with a lot of the feelings and experiences mentioned here. I know just what he is talking about. Good analogy, pregnancy and ascention.