Golden Pathway Portal Opening Solar Eclipse + Equinox 14-Day Meditation by Ashtar (+ A Message From Source For All + Getting God's Attention) 


Golden Pathway Portal Opening Solar Eclipse + Equinox 14-Day Meditation
Lord Ashtar 
Channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda’s Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad 
To Begin Monday, March 16, 2015 
For 14 Days, at Least 15 Minutes Per Day 
And Continue Through Sunday, March 29, 2015 


Greetings, Lightworkers, Starseeds, Braid-Ins and Eagles! It is I, Ashtar, back with you once again. As all of you know, you are coming upon a pivotal time in your cycle, another portal opening that allows for the triggering of codes for your further enlightenment. And this portal I speak of is, of course, the product of your solar eclipse combined with the energies of the Equinox. Needless to say, this will be a very powerful time. Are you ready? We feel certain that you are more than ready, which is why we ask you to partner with us in paving the way for these energies to flow with grace and ease. 

You are once again being asked to lay down what we have termed a Golden Pathway of Love to facilitate these incoming energies. This is a service you do not only for the Earth and her peoples, but also for yourself, for that is exactly what these energies bring…your Self…to anchor within. So, this is what you might call a ‘biggie’; what you have all waited and prayed for, your Soul Self anchoring within. Therefore, let us begin. And I remind you to do your **Protocal before beginning. 

Begin by connecting to your sun. Then, for the first five minutes, you are asked to send the energy of Love to the hearts of every man, woman and child upon your planet. 

For the second five minutes you are asked to send Love to the heart of the Earth. 

For the final five minutes you are asked to send the energy of Love to your ‘Self’. 

So, in partnership with us in this endeavor, we are responsible for certain tasks and you, as our ground crew, are responsible for other tasks. YOUR task is very simple: send Love to the Earth and all her peoples, send Love to your Self to make the anchoring easier, and.... this is most important... We need you to stay grounded to the Earth. As I said, this is important, and this is your task. 

I, Ashtar, leave you now but send to you my Blessings and my Love. 





So…as to the protocol before beginning your meditations, we ask the following of you: 

Take the time to enter your heart space and center yourself in the Love that resides there, then, through your intention to do so, connect to the God Grid.* 
* The Source/God Grid: It is a Grid established by your conscious acknowledgment that ‘Something BIG’ is coming. You can’t quite describe it or put your finger on ‘what’ that ‘something’ is but you feel it throughout every cell of your Being. That ‘something’, that Energy, that you feel to be coming is, my friends, quite simply ‘Creator’ or ‘God’, however you wish to express it. And so it is this Source Grid or God Grid to which you are connected, and it is your conscious connection to this grid that helps ease the integration of its Energies into the mass consciousness of Earth humanity. 

Next, you are to consciously and intentionally GROUND TO THE PLANET. You may use whatever intent or visualization most comfortable to you, whether roots growing from your physical body into the earth, or a cord attached between you and the heart of the planet, or any other visualization you prefer, just as long as you’re grounded into the Earth’s energies. 

We are going to be doing these meditations/visualizations as a Unified Group. Therefore, we are asking you to state your ‘intent’ to join with the energies of the others. This is working well within the Prayer Group of this church, so we are asking it be utilized within this group as well. You are asked to state the following intent before beginning your meditation: “I intend my energies merge AT MIDNIGHT THIS DAY with the energies of all other Eagles doing this meditation.” You do NOT have to actually DO the meditation ‘at midnight’…simply state your ‘intent’ as given and the energies of all of you shall merge together as one unified force. 



A MESSAGE from SOURCE for All 

Channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda’s Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

Your ASCENSION is your own internal process. What is going on in your world right now is in illusion, remember? Forget everything and everyone in this illusion. Concentrate only on your own Heart Center and coming Home to me. That is all that is truly important now. Stay in touch with Me. I will guide you all the way, and I will not let you face more than you can endure. My love is always with you, and that is all you really need to sustain you. Let the past fall behind. It's over. Move on into communion with me. Stay in the NOW and know that in that NOW moment you are Home. It has been nothing more than a "bad dream".... but you are awake now and it is time to begin stepping into the Dawn of a New Day. You are surrounded by many who are waiting to begin a new and marvelous work with you. Let it begin now. Remember.... you are creating in every moment, so do not dwell in the past and create only more heartache for yourself. Create only in this moment what you would like to manifest in the next moment. As you now truly understand, manifestation is taking place very rapidly, so choose carefully what you desire to create.... be it abilities, a pure and forgiving Heart, , or a deeper attunement to your true Home....whatever. You will bring into your life that which you truly desire. I am closer than your very breath, I hear every beat of your heart, and I am leading you steadily in My Love to heights you have not yet dared to dream. You are my precious child in whom I am well pleased. Open your arms to me and I shall fulfill your every need. Go through each day knowing I walk beside you, behind you, in front of you. You are in me... I in you. We cannot be apart for we are One and I will never fail you. Tend only to the mission at hand, allowing all in the world of illusion to pass by you, holding nothing back from it, eyes firmly fixed on your goal, and your feet on the path. 


Getting God's Attention 
By Sananda 

Channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda’s Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

You have all tried for so very long and so very hard to 'get the attention of God', have you not? Know ye not that you already have His full, undivided attention? How could you not have, for he is the very breath that you take. Look no more, my Children, for He is not 'outside' you for you to find and then beg for His attention. You need not voice a prayer of "God, are you there?" "Are You hearing me?" "God, please come closer to me!" "What can I do to 'feel' your Presence?" The answer… just breathe. Your God cannot get any 'closer' than he already is, for He is within you… always. How can you feel His Presence more distinctly? Breathe. Breathe. And then breathe some more. Feel the in-breath, feel the out-breath. THAT is God within you, connected to you, loving you, nurturing you and your body. Does He hear you? But of course! How could anyone that close to you not hear you? The question is… do you hear Him? To decipher the answer to that question, one needs to discern exactly what it is that they are listening FOR, yes? What, dear ones, are you hoping to hear? Have you asked of God a question from your own heart, or are you simply hoping to 'hear' God say to you, "Here… here I AM, right here inside you!"? Know ye not that God's voice is 'small' and that he speaks in every imaginable way? His voice is as the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, the sound of the owl as he makes his nightly call, the sound of the flutter of a butterfly's wings as it glides through the air. It is also that intuitive knowingness inside of you, that still small voice that you, as a whole, have not yet learned to trust as being the voice of your Creator. It is now the time to trust that inner-voice, as God is whispering to each and every one of you as His time of Glory swiftly approaches. Begin with just listening to the breath as it flows in and out of your body. Hear that sound? That is God, your Creator, flowing in and out of your body. That is your connection to Source. Now, how badly do you want to feel that connection? 'Very badly', you say. Then put it off no longer. Go into your secret closet, there within the Throne Room of your Heart, listen to your breath and know that you are communing with the All That Is. It is that simple. Make this a 'conscious' connection, not just a random event. Be mindful of your breath as you go about your daily routine… the in, the out, the Divine flow of Light running through your body. Be in the NOW with the Holy Breath… and see, feel Heaven NOW. There is no need to wait for some distant or not-so-distant 'event', whether that event be called ascension, enlightenment, or whatever term man chooses to use. It is not in the 'future'… it is NOW. And I, Sananda, am with you in every NOW moment. Adonai. 



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