I was sharing with a sister today, how I feel as if it's time to 'cocoon'. It's time to go within, time to nurture ourselves, protect our energies and keep pure.  Then tonight I stumbled on this website:


2012: Ascension, Rebirth & the Dimensional Shift
Something big is happening.

You’re probably feeling it... perhaps with anticipation and also a little bit of anxiety. And maybe you’re asking, “Okay, what is IT?”


I believe that we are in the midst of an evolutionary shift so big that we have difficulty in imagining it - one so dramatic that it is birthing us and Earth into a higher dimension.

Birthing Ourselves and Earth Into a New Reality When I think of this shift, I imagine a caterpillar who is unaware he is about to become a monarch butterfly.
I see female Monarchs (God) laying us as eggs on the underside of milkweed leaves (Earth). When we hatched as larvae earthlings, we fed on plant leaves (life) and now we are mature caterpillars. At some point, we get a signal that tells us that change is coming.
The caterpillar stops what it has been doing and attaches itself upside down on a branch to spin a pupa or chrysalis that will contain it while it changes into a butterfly.
Inside this chrysalis, the substance of caterpillar dissolves into a kind of primordial soup and the coding in its DNA changes it into a whole new being.


This chrysalis becomes increasingly transparent during metamorphosis. Then it cracks open and the butterfly emerges. As its wings slowly dry out, it discovers it is no longer confined to crawling.
It has wings to lift it into the sky to fly free to live in a whole new reality. Friends, this is what I believe is about to happen to you and me all of humanity.


I’ve been thinking about this shift for quite a while now and here is what I see. I see a lot of people who are receiving internal signals saying this metamorphosis is already happening.

They’ve discovered that the news they hear and read is distorted and designed for flock mentality. Getting caught up in flock mentality has made us like Mullah Nasruddin’s blind men. We haven’t been able to see the forest for the trees and recognize that The Shift is happening.

Our inability to see the big picture has trapped us in limiting beliefs that have become a box that operates like a Matrix. Many are becoming aware that we really do live in a matrix and are looking for the keys and codes needed to break free of limiting beliefs about who we are.

While many people are seeking truth, they also are withdrawing themselves from chaos, turmoil and the mundane. They’ve stopped reading the newspaper and watching TV and are spending more time meditating, reading inspirational materials, being in nature and seeking out others who feel this shift happening.

The next step is the one that seems most frightening: surrendering to the urge to turn upside down and begin spinning our chrysalis. Like the caterpillar, we are faced with loosing our identity and dissolving into a primordial soup.

This brings up our fear of death - not only of our ego, but our physical body and even our soul. No wonder we are feeling a little anxious. Can we trust that we will emerge out of this soup as a Monarch butterfly?

When I went looking for information to answer these questions, what I discovered is how much prophetic information there is predicting the shift and and how much scientific information indicating that it is happening.

I also found abundant and amazing evidence indicating that our evolution was designed and is driven by a loving intelligence that causes the world around us to unfold in predictable cycles of time.

My husband and I refer to this process as LOVEvolution, which is based on the principle that unconditional love is a subtle or invisible energy that connects the world of spirit and the world of matter.

We believe that it is love that weaves together our heart-felt desires and dreams with the basic elements of the universe so that they manifest in our lives. When a biological structure becomes so filled with love that it can no longer contain the energy, it divides and creates more cells to hold this love.

We believe that this creative principle operates at all levels - from couples having children to galaxies birthing stars. Energetic exchanges of unconditional love between humans and between humans and other living kingdoms (animals, plants, minerals, Earth, stars) help raise the vibrational frequency of both parties. This energetic touching at a soul level is so powerful that it literally transforms the DNA of both parties and lifts the consciousness of the whole universe.
There is a lot of new scientific research about how this process works at a scientific level.

Scientists refer to the energy that we call “unconditional love” as “torsion wave energy” because it travels as twisting waves of energy.

Notice how this illustration of energy flowing in a torsion wave pattern contains two important images:

  • the DNA spiral, which I’ll talk more about later, and

  • two intersecting triangles, which you will also see repeated in other images in this presentation.

With this scientific framework of LOVEvolution as a foundation, let’s look at other facets of The Shift.

Prophetic Information About The Shift
I’ve been researching the prophesies of ancient peoples. The first place I found evidence of The Shift was in books about 2012 from those such as Jose Arguelles, Carl Calleman and John Major Jenkins who have studied the prophesies of the Mayans, Incans and Hopis .

Their research into these ancient prophesies revealed very similar predictions of a great shift in consciousness as we approach 2012.

The Mayan’s, who have been keeping time on Earth for 5000 years, created codices or cosmic calendars such as this one to track the timing of humanity’s passage through a great metamorphosis.
According to the Long Count Calendar they use to measure long cycles of time, 2012 marks the close of several cycles of time.
According to the Mayans, the close of the first cycle is the completion of the Galactic Year. It takes 225 million Earth years for the Milky Way Galaxy to make one complete rotation in the sky.


2012 also marks the end of:

  • a 26 million year Earth cycle

  • a 78,000 year Earth cycle

  • the close of the 26,000 year Mayan Calendar

According to the prophesies of many groups of indigenous people, 2012 appears to be the time when the odometer turns over for the entire history of humans, Earth, our galaxy, and perhaps, all of creation - the moment when all life experiences a leap that is similar to that of caterpillars becoming butterflies.

The Mayans believe that human evolution unfolds as a result of these long cycles of time. Their mystery plays myths, spiritual rites and practices re-enacted the cosmic drama created by the alignment of Earth’s sun with Galactic Center in 2012.


They described this alignment as a kind of cosmic intercourse between Father Sun and the Great Mother of Galactic Center that will birth all of creation into a new reality. Pregnancy, birth and embryogenesis were central concepts in their tradition.

The Tzolkin calendar, one kind of Mayan calendar, is based on the 260-day term of human gestation. It is a harmonic representation of the 26,000-year Mayan calendar. 260 x 100 = 26,000.

It appears that the Mayans used the Tzolkin Calendar to track both the evolution of an individual human and the 26,000-year Mayan calendar as a way of monitoring the evolution of the human species.
From a Mayan perspective, the time preceding December 21, 2012 Earth is making its shift into Christ Consciousness and transforming humanity into Christed Beings.


This process of transformation of humans, which compares to the transformation of a caterpillar into a Monarch butterfly, is known as Ascension.

While the term ASCENSION is typically used to describe human transformation, Jose Arguelles also wrote about it from a planetary perspective in his book, Earth Ascending.
From an astrological perspective, we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

When we look in one direction, we see the breakdown of Piscean structures based on competition and scarcity. And, when we look in the other, we see the sprouting of new Aquarian structures based on partnership principles and the sharing of resources.

While this transition can cause confusion and anxiety, it represents a unique window of opportunity for us to evolve.

Inner Work First, let’s look at the Inner Work part of preparing for The Shift.

Lynn Grabhorn created an inner work tool for retraining our perception that she calls Flip Switching. It makes us aware how we are transmitting and receiving energy. She describes this process in musical terms, with the C note as the middle of the scale.
When we emit uplifting energy, we raise not only our own frequency but that of those around us. When we emit downer energy, we lower our frequency. So, here’s Lynn Grabhorn’s take on Flip Switching. It’s a kind of “inner work” to look for and find ways to feel better. It’s a kind of “Inner Work” that makes us aware of the energy we are transmitting.
Flip Switching is based on the musical concept of Middle C.
Uplifting energy raises us above C, while downer energy lowers our frequency. Here’s how Flip Switching works. Feel what it is like to cuddle a little puppy, kitty or baby and then send a wave of this energy to inanimate things around you such as the pencil on your desk, a doorknob, red traffic lights, blue cars, plants, drivers in the car next to you, your toothbrush, your computer, birds or your bathroom towel.

The goal is to find ways every day, no matter how you are feeling in the moment, to send out some uplifting vibrations.

Outer Work 2012_02_57.jpgKindness is an “outer work” tool you can do to help you prepare for 2012 and the coming dimensional shift.

I call it Outer Work because it involves conscious acts of doing. This tool is doing conscious acts of kindness for yourself, others and your environment. Here are things to do:
For Yourself:

• Going to bed early • Not answering the phone at night • Turning off the TV and reading inspiring books instead • Meditating • Taking soaking baths • Watching inspiring videos from the Spiritual Cinema Club

For Others:

• Offer to baby-sit for a neighbor's children so they can take a break from parenting. • Hide love notes in your children’s lunches or your partner’s pockets. • Send a letter to a teacher or minister letting them know what a difference their acts of kindness made in your life. • Make an anonymous donation to a person or local charity • Start a fund-raising drive for a worthy cause (Ryan’s Well) • Organize your friends or work mates to gather used clothing and give it to homeless shelters. • Ask your children to go through their toys and donate some of them to children who are less fortunate. • When someone new moves into your neighborhood, bake some cookies and go over and welcome them to the neighborhood.

For your Environment:

• As you walk through your neighborhood, pick up any trash on the sidewalk or gutter. • Put your shopping cart back in its appointed space in the parking lot. • Plant flowers and trees to beautify where you live • Recycle your trash • Practice “use it up, wear it out, make it do”

Here is what kindness is NOT:

• Doing something for others and expecting something in return, including praise and recognition • Doing something for others that gives the message they are weak, helpless or incompetent • Rescuing people from getting the consequences of their behavior and prevents them from learning about cause-and-effect (like running your kids homework to school for them or taking them to school when they’ve missed the bus) • Giving unsolicited advice

Kindness isn’t just a fluffy, feel-good or warm-fuzzy concept.

What it does for you is the real issue. It creates a powerful, energetic wave that transforms both the giver and recipient at such deep levels that it can actually change your DNA. It works miracles that have been scientifically validated in biology, physiology, psychoneuroimmuniology and physics.

When we open our hearts and reach out to others in kindness, our brain releases endorphins - the morphine-like chemicals that produce the feelings of exhilaration known as the “runner’s high.” Acts of kindness, according to researcher Paul Persall, also cause your brain to release “Substance P,” a neurotransmitter chemical that blocks pain.

These two powerful physiological processes have an immense influence on our body/mind/spirit and the way that we experience life.

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