Ascension symptoms

"2010 Cosmic Pulse Predictions & AscensionSymptoms"

You have passed through a cosmic gateway in Earth's alignment tothe Galactic center. You are in the great Purification. Very powerfulenergies of cellular regeneration and rejuvenation are taking place at acore level of your Being.

Cosmic Pulse of Creation has strengthened activating Star Seeds
This alignment has pushed many of the light bearers and star seedsto the edge of their foundation in the past years. The power of theCosmic Pulse of light has strengthened, ensuring you are heading in theright direction no matter what the situation appears to be.  

This year you will make a choice that will affect your futureand direction of your life path. This will be a gift from the Gods andyour soul in completely taking back your divine power. You will knowwhich way to choose for your heart and your body will tell you loud andclear!

 2010 will be a powerful time of many changes and you can be thecalm in the storm, taking the higher path leading you to perfectharmony. This year you will be taking your true path. All the peaces ofyour life and spirit will come together with greater synchronicity andthe universe/unified field will completely support you.

How can I be in harmony and balance with constant change in myworld?
You align to your authentic frequency of your true essence.Continually realigning your body, mind and spirit to your divine poweruntil you are comfortable in knowing how that feels in your body, mindand spirit.

You the sensitive angelic star being already have incrediblespirit radar in knowing frequency. It is time for you to be fullyactivated in your sacred innate gifts of the "Divine OriginalBlueprint". If you have chosen to be on the path of Light, the Cosmos ofCreation will bring great opportunity to you. What you will need is andopen heart, being fully in the body and worthy of the absolute best.

Shekinah the Mother's Ray of Creation will lead you
You came at this time period for you have specific vibratoryfrequency of light that is required to assist to balance the magneticgrids of Gaia.  You have been on the path to end the separation of beingGod, to spiritualize the human form, to bring light to the DNA, byhealing the altered genetics. This is being done through the MotherGoddess frequency of Shekinah, the Holy Spirit.  Shekinah the HolySpirit carries the missing codes that will bring the embodiment of yourDivine Original blueprint, the ascenion.  
Spiritual dispensation of the Mother Goddess Shekinah and Light.
Most Light Bearers are clearing and purging at an accelerated rateand in a short period of time. What usually took numerous lifetimes toevolve and transform density is happening now in one lifetime. For thisreason that Spiritual dispensation of Shekinah and the sacred Counselsof Light have increased.
 Appearance of the Blue Ray ancient sacred prophecy  
You will continue to see appearance of the Blue Ray in many forms inyour technology, media, through the Mary linage and in your skies. Thereturn of the Blue ray in reference to the Mother's spirit is apart ofthe sacred prophecies that activates a holy code in your DNA that willpropel a Golden Age of Enlightenment.
 It is time for you the Light Bearers Star Seeds to take a stand inyour sovereign right as true cosmic beings of the Universe. You will becalled into service of the light as many of you have been waiting. Yourultra sensitive empathic natures will now be one of your most preciousgifts and treasures. You will begin to feel assured in your true essenceand who you came here to be.

Challenges in 2010 for the Star Seeds & Light beares
Being worthy to receive and finishing up feelings that you do notbelong here. Many of the Blue Ray and Light Bearers have the unworthycode for the very reason to transcend through the sacred heart. Feelingyou don't belong here on planet earth continues a separation from theUnified field to completely support you. It dissociates you from yourbody and then the earth. Shekinah will assist you to being present inyour body. She is the portal, the Holy gateway though which the sacreddivine body is manifested in God.

Cosmic Pulse Ascension Symptoms
Past health issues leaving for good
More than ever you will be called to work together in groups andpartnerships
You will have more support in your work and highest purpose
Powerful emotional releases
Core issue resurfacing
Difficulty breathing, alerting you that you need to expand, let goand slow down
Times of not eating much to being very hungry
Needing to eat meat and lots of protein and then needing lots offruits, vegetables and grains
Periods where you need to spend larger amounts of time alone Thisperiod is to serve you to be in your own energies and vibration
Extra sensitivity to electromagnetic frequencies of TV, computers,electricity, thunderstorms, etc.
Not being able to speak or think. You are being recalibrated at ahigher level; this is an adjustment period that will end shortly.  Asstar light beings you are accustomed to communicating through telepathyand kinetically and need times to be in this way for balancing.
Extreme fatigue from purging and raising your frequency
Retrieving lost aspects of your Self, your humor --- lighter, joyfuland playful aspects
Feeling of a dense energy around you - that is lifting
Heart awakening and focus on higher Love.
Hearing a crack sound that comes from the center of your chest - youare literally expanding your physical heart energy in your body
Times of increased body heat, similar to hot flashes where you areburning through layers of issues and karma
Expect the unexpected and miracles. Energies will be constantlyshifting, recalibrating and rearranging, going one way and then quicklyand sometimes suddenly the other until settling occurs
Greater power in consciously directing your intention and energyinto the no-time dimensions for accelerated healing and manifestation
Receiving new guides
Symbols, images, sacred emblems and geometry that come to you toinstantly expand your consciousness, connecting you to your ascendedSelf.

Powerful dreams
Dreams of death and dying
Loved ones that have crossed over and meeting old friends
Old family issues and dynamics that create powerful emotions ofhealing and releasing.
Death is the shamanic and alchemical process of new birth signalingto you that you are ready to shift into higher expression of who youare, and that you may do more work in traveling through the dimensionsand realms.
This also signifies that there is greater power in your dream timeand in your waking state to dream, create, gain insight and direct yourhighest good.
Esoteric Cosmic Pulse Shift Symptoms
Past lives are suddenly in your awareness and may lead to discomfortand anxiety in your body
Strange and unusual thoughts not of your own
Extreme fatigue from light sessions with your higher guides and starfamily

By now, many of you know when these higher light sessions aretaking place. You feel so tired; you need to rest and lie down for noapparent reason. You may lose track of time and that is when you arebeing worked on; some of you may even be taken on Light ships.
You may see a haze in the room, see sparks of light, feel, hear andsense a greater influx of light.
Disconnection from your birth family. Many will reconnect to theirEarth families once some time has passed at a healthier and higher levelthat is in greater alignment with your true Self. All Blue Rays andmany light bearers will go through this at some time.
Receiving your spiritual name that brings a greater aspect of yourdivinity and sacred gifts
Speaking in the language of Light, or hearing sacred melodies, andtones, especially after you have visited a sacred site or been innature. This language of Light is a higher language of Creation and yoursoul.
What can you can do to help with the shift?
Know that all these symptoms and energies are not who you truly arebut that they are moving through you. Work with your sacred tools andrhythm and flow of Creator source
Connect with dolphin energy - through pictures and meditations; seeyourself playing and swimming with them.
Exercise, walking, movement, dance, yoga that is gently flowing,rhythm and motion - many star beings and Blue Rays go through a stagnantperiod where they do not like to exercise but wish to be still andmeditate more. It is vital to health and being in the body for somegently flowing movement.
Connect with the sky, ocean or large bodes of water for expansion,better breathing and letting go. If you do not have this nearby,listening to an ocean or water CD can have the same effects.
Drink the Sacred Living Waters of life. Charging your water willincrease its frequency and provide greater hydration for the cells ofyour body.

Take your glass of water with both hands saying: Father/MotherGod, Holy Spirit, empower and restore these waters to the Sacred LivingWaters of Life, raising it to the highest frequency for my embodimentnow. Feeling in your body, anchored to the heart of Gaia, ask for theCosmic Pulse, and feel the Cosmic Pulse through your body and to yourheart and out to your hands to the water, pulsing into the water.

Create your sacred haven and altar where you live, where you canalways go to increase your divine power and stabilize your energyfields through the shifting times.
Be expressive within yourself, to yourself and for yourself.
Use flower essences and bring flowers to which you are intuitivelyguided into your home next to the area where you spend most of yourtime.
Wear colors and bring colors to which you are drawn into your home.Colors are the frequencies' spectrum of the light.
Make art! Being creative will help you to stay in the rhythms andflow of Creator source. Creative is the Creator energy.
Write and journal
Sing, tone and listen to flowing music. Certain music has healingfrequencies that have been created at a higher level to assist you inhealing, transmuting energies and staying in the flow.
Take a break from your routine - this allows for the energy to comein. There will be times when you will not be able to work as long as youused to or do exactly what you did before. Listen to your own bodyrhythms and intuition; you will get more accomplished in the long run.
Learn, know and sense how to be in the rhythm and flow with yourbody in relationship to Earth's magnetic grid. These sacred movementsfrom the ancient civilizations and star realms are a lost art waiting tobe awakened in the Light Bearers and star seeds. Being connected withEarth energies will be vital to your ascension and balance. Touch theEarth every day and allow your connection to strengthen.
Check in every day - how does it feel in your body to be in thedivine flow of Creator? Even though you may have a schedule and work,make checking in a highest priority, allowing yourself / your life tounfold in new and inventive ways.
Remember, the old rules do not apply anymore. Now more than ever itis time to put yourself in Divine Alignment, allowing the Cosmic Pulseto flow through you. It is time that you let go of all you have learnedfrom the systems of Earth that no longer serve your true essence andbeauty. All of God and Creation are reaching out to you in Light andLove. We are here in great force serving and empowering you. We are One!



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  • That is what i was refering to. Like every couple of weeks just when i think i am ok again (the good old way) i get this los again. People say it is depression, i am not so shure at all about that. Yes i might feel down from time to time but this is different, it is a total 360 and it feels like something is encouraging this. I can feel the grasp of my Ego weakening all the time, altought now the inner fights get more vicious, because there is no more outside interference (like identity with people,country,things and others) Lucky for me these wars go on at night,altought i have woken up with my heart ready to colapse. The feeling i have about this is like i think it was Terminator 2 when this robot (that could change shape) at the end of the movie fals into this burning furnace at the factory an dit tries every identity it knows to get out of it. The Ego is doing the same thing right now. At the end it will have to blend in or die.
  • The biggest thing i have a problem with now is loss of identity. I forget who i am,i can not recal how i used to be. And when i do try to be like i was i get into trouble with myself. I can not move forward neither can i go backwards. It is like i am in a stand still mode. The hot and cold flares to are a daily pain. So are the flares of anger and love, And it all seems to be no part of me, because i do not seem to be atached to all this, altought i would like to just for old times sackes. also the presure of the people around that see you like they always have and want you to be like you used to be or like they think you should be are a pain i try to avoid. Especially those who always bother you with what they think is constructive advise(3d). Like comments about working or not working, right now i feel like a change in my career one that is more helpfull than a job for money or ego satisfaction like i used to have. What this job could be...i am cleuless right now, might be because i am getting clouded by inner anger from my ego that is fighting me even in my dreams, but it seems like i got to get trough this no matter what.
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