Ascension is a term that is being thrown about all over the place. We all have our own ideas of what it is, or rather what we would like for it to be. I've been reading up on this for years now. I still don't have a concrete idea of what "exactly" that it is. In my mind it is the uplifting of the human consciousness and the transformation of our human vessels, to a higher form of being. I think that we are receiving energies from the center of our Galaxy which are evolving us, both consciously and physically. As we spiral around the galaxy in our 26,000 year cycle/revolution, we have been slowly absorbing more and more of these energies, these vital life forces of creation. It appears that everything has been speeding up as we are about to complete another revolution. I believe that it is the Prime Creator's intention to allow us to evolve with each revolution.
We can all feel that something is happening to us, a quickening as people say. People everyday are acquiring different paranormal abilities. Where are these abilities coming from? It is these energies that are pouring into Gaia at this time. They are real and are changing us. Look at the sun. The sun has gone from a yellowish color to its current white color in the past few years. So it appears to have, or is changing its frequency. This is a fact, look at past pictures of the sun, it's obvious. You don't hear this on the news. Sometimes I think that when we cross that point in space where the big change is going to take place, we will find our self in the reality that we have been envisioning ourselves in. Who knows, so we may as well envision something good.
I think that the whole dumbing down of humanity has been a lesson for us all, so that we could discover who and what we truly are. Sometimes one has to actually experience something in order to gain from it. I do not believe that the mass arrests are directly tied to this evolution process, it may or rather is a by product of it. In that humanity is waking up to all of the injustices that have been brought upon them by various peoples. These energies are triggering something in us, so that we realize such things. It is like a chain reaction, the hundred monkey effect, waking up, call it what you will. The level of our consciousness has expanded, this is part of the ascension. There is more to come. Don't hinge the ascension upon these arrests though. They are bound to happen at some point in time. We can't move forward as a society while living in these conditions. If something does not happen, we would wind up having another civil war. I don't think that will happen though.
We are realizing that we have been led to believe/taught many thing that are simply not true. We have much more power than we know. This is in part due to our school systems mainly having only left brain (logical reasoning) courses. TPTB have had a plan for our development (or lack there of) for some time now. They know that they are in a bad way now. The jig is up and they all know what is coming. Our ancient civilizations knew what was heading our way. It's almost here and I think that everything is exactly as it should be. We are all where we are supposed to be. We know that something is happening and we are seeking change within ourselves, and we want change for all of humanity. Most of us are realizing that love is the key to our advancement. We all have faults (I know I do), but are willing to better ourselves. We need to look within, all the answers are there, who and what we are. We have access to everything imaginable if we but look within.
Right on, dude. Right on.
Namaste :)