Before I go deep into discussion whether one contradict or complement another, lets look into thedictionary:
Ascension (Wikipedia) – spiritual enlightment, and / orspiritual transformation of the Earth. Etymology: from Latin ascensio,a rising.
Hedonism is derived from the Greek hedone, meaning ‘sweetness’, ‘joy’, or ‘delight’, and refers to theories about thenature and function of pleasure. Originally, hedone was the sort ofsweetness that could be appreciated by taste or smell; then hearing wasinvolved; finally, it was applied metaphorically to any pleasantsensation or emotion.
Ok, here are some points to discuss. Both words are strongly connected through meaning and etymology, however hedonism has been oftenbranded negatively. Although on a higher level – ascension is a Risetowards Light, and enlightment, which is ultimate hedonistic Joy andLove.
It is also has been propagated that in order to reach enlightment one would have to follow certain rules, daily meditations, veggie diets,radiating love to all creatures and so on. I think this suggestion isseriously limiting as one of the ‘ascension’ hurldes is to rise up abovethe ‘Polarity’. However, the great Fourth Hermetic Principle — thePrinciple of Polarity — embodies the truth that all manifested thingshave “two sides”; “two aspects”; “two poles”; a “pair of opposites,”with manifold degrees between the two extremes.
So where is THE ‘truth’? and what one shall do in order to reach full enlightment? Is it at all possible to ascend viahedonism?!
If one (the seeker of enlightment) would restrict his enjoyment of emotional, physical, sensual pleasures then would he really startfeeling better and be fully-satisfied or more likely he would startfeeling half-satisified while retaining polarized mind? What if the trueand real ascension is to rise above all limitations, and start enjoyingour life on Earth to its full-given or desirable potential? Why do wehave to think that we need to do something special in order to rise ourplanet to a Higer level? Maybe this Higher level is easily reached byjust accepting the perfection of Earth in the NOW moment?!
What if instead of complaining how bad, hard, horrible our life is, and trying to create ‘better’ future, ‘better’ planet, and better‘life’, we start enjoying what we have?! What if trully perfection is toaccept perfect and imperfections in each and everyone, thus risingabove polirities and then enjoying both sides?
I believe our planet is already trully amasing and eternally ascended place. What if we simply return to nature, start loving and enjoyingsimple things like tiny forget-me-not flowers or cripping forestbeetles, buzzing bees and so on?
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What if instead of complaining about lack of money and other burdens/hurdles, we will start from enjoying what we have? If one cantafford to go to a posh restaurant and try gourmet food what stopshim/her from enjoying basic rustic food? Home-made stew and healthycarpet sex? instead of sex on the tropical beach?
I believe that the hedonism may appear within a pile of garbage, depending on how you look at it…
What if instead of fearing our ’shadows’ we will start loving it and enjoy it! e.g., I can be bitchy sometimes. But hey! It certainly helpsin some situations! So why shall iI be ashamed of it and trying tobetter myself?! I’d rather start loving the ‘bitchy’ side of mine!
The point of this discussion is that the emphasis on ascension may be so that we remember to savor the deliciousness of life and start lovingwhat we are lacking/hating / or ashamed of?!
It will be also be much appriciated if you also leave your comments on my blog, where the article is published:
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we all have our "up's & down's" or, as i like to say: our high high's & low low's, but it's important to distinguish sometimes the differences between "building" a better you/world/situation & feeding into the negativity by "bitching" about it ~ not that "venting" doesn't serve it's purposes!
ah~the yin & yang of accepting the light for the dark. knowing you cannot have one without the other!
i feel it's ALL part of the process & i'm far from being my "buddah~self" ! just endeavouring...
heaven is right here on earth. in me. ~thnx for the reminder!~ ;0)