Ashtar Command: Encountering Online Hostility June 7, 2012 ========================================= It is your task as Lightworkers in the field to do what you can to rise above the, at times, negative and even hostile atmospheres created throughout your online social networks. It is not your job to engage in debate and argument with individuals who do not yet understand and practice a more positive way to communicate. You have been trained and have shown that you can ignore the quips, insults and attempts to lure you into argument. You have demonstrated how well you can perform your duties as a bringer of higher ideals and adequately perform your duties even under the fire of seemingly opposing forces who do not, and at times cannot, see the larger picture and understand the importance of positive communication that brings about advancements to each person engaged in these discussions. What has been transpiring here throughout your online communities can often be described as hostile bickering between those who are trying to show others a higher vibrational way of living and of thought, and those who have yet to adequately grasp this concept and understand that it is love that is the motivation that brings you to this conversation in the first place. We do see so many of you, our devoted Lightworkers, who do at all times remain focused on delivering, positive in attitude and response, your views while engaging in these discussions with others, and we do see and appreciate so greatly those of you who remain centered and balanced and refuse all attempts to lure you into heated discussion while remaining professional at all times. We see only occasionally those of you who allow yourselves to be lured into heated debate, and we only wish to offer you support and say to you to remember your training and remember that many of you have many times before undertaken such missions and have successfully thwarted all attempts to pull you into conversations that have no ability to produce positive results no matter what you offer to the discussion. We remind those of you who find themselves under personal attack and insults to their integrity to state your reason for posting such content and engaging in discussion and move on, not allowing yourselves to get weighed down in the heavy bogs of negative vibration. If you could do this, you would be doing yourself and our mission a great service and we, the Ashtar Command, greatly thank each and every one of you for your tremendous efforts to spread a wave of higher dimensional vibration across this planet to help rinse away the tarnishing residue of so many years of negative storm. We know you can do it, and that is why you are here. We have full confidence in your abilities, and we only wish to remind you today not to allow yourselves to get dragged into discussions that fuel the need for some to engage in confrontation and argumentative discussion. This is a habit for a number of individuals in this world. It is an addiction, the need to fill a void created by the lack of more positive outlets of their creative and academic powers that, at this time and in part, lie dormant in some of these individuals. In time ports will open for them, and like powerful rivers flowing to the sea, their artistic and intellectual desires will flourish, resulting in a manifestation of beautiful blooms of creative gift. What we see from our perspective are gorgeous bouquets of brightly colored flowers blossoming all around your planet from the seeds that so many of you beautiful souls have sown. Without your hard work and dedication, none of the changes scheduled for this world could be made possible. It is you who are to be thanked for what is transpiring here, and even though the numbers can be considered few who understand this and appreciate the work you are doing, from our perspective you are the sunshine and you are the rain to the seeds of possibility for this world. We thank you, we appreciate you, and we say to you that there will come a day when you're identities will become known and your tremendous efforts to bring to this world love and light, peace and prosperity, harmony and balance, will be known and recognized by all of this world who will understand that the gifts they enjoy are blessings that have been made possible through your tireless efforts and your perseverance to continue on in the face of such adversity. Restoring a planet to peace, prosperity and harmony is never an easy assignment. There are worlds that have been submerged in darkness for so many eons, that when light begins to shine through certain corridors the inhabitants are shocked as a ‘deer in the headlights’, as you say. Many do not know what to make of this, and many cannot easily assimilate this life altering, conscious altering and reality altering information. This is very important for you to remember at all times, that very few of those of worlds we visit to help advance them as far as they wish to advance can easily and quickly grasp hold of these concepts and understand that they are for their betterment and upliftment. Many of these beings from the worlds we visit react negatively and react with hostility at the introduction to these new ideas and concepts. It is no different, as many of you are coming to realize, here in this world. Many of you are facing the same obstacles and adversity only from different faces and different names, but the product is the same, and this product is a compound of fear and confusion, insecurity and un-comfortability. We wish to always proceed smoothly and slowly, carefully and gently, as we introduce another way for their society and their lives. We must tread very lightly, as many of the beings that we are dealing with have fragile psyches and a tender emotional and mental makeup. Although we are all brothers and we are all sisters, not all beings are like you. Not all beings are made of what you are made of, and not all beings have experienced what you have been blessed to experience that makes you the being you are today. There was a time, perhaps very long ago, when you too were first exposed to life-changing and reality changing concepts, and perhaps you too reacted in a similar way that some react to your infusion of these new ideas today. We ask you to always keep this in mind, and perhaps this will gift you with increased patience and increased tolerance for those who lash out at you with different forms of verbal sparring and jabs at your honor and integrity. We ask you to remember who it is you are and who it is and what it is that you represent, and continue to be a shining example for those of worlds that we offer our gifts of love and service to. We love you and we say to each and every one of you that you are performing your duties at an exceptional level, and tell you that the finish line for this stage of our joint operation is approaching rapidly. It will be soon that you can move on to the next phase of our mission, proudly knowing you performed your duties to the best of your abilities while laying the groundwork for the many changes that will return harmony to this world and happiness to the hearts of those who call this planet their home and who have not experienced this kind of joy in eons of time.

The Light Circle Ezine
A World-Wide Publication
This publication is offered free of charge and has been published 365 days a year. And is coming to an end before December 21, 2012. Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self.

Published by Isis "Lady Of Light" since 02-22-0

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  • Yup I hear you about the energies these days....My dog just looks at me lately and walks away.  I think she picks up on the headspin these energies are putting me into.  Stress has been bitchslapping me hard lately and it has been like one long roller coaster ride and I just want to get off.  I am supersentive and have been moody lately.  I get frustrated because I just want so many things to happen and they are not! Oh well in due time I guess... 

  • Actually my heart totally agrees with what you said Audie, every word of it, and it made me smile so very much, so not to worry, you shot right to the top in my book, seriously. And don't worry about adding fuel to the fire, I do that all the time inadvertently.  I am so far from perfect it is pathetic, I just like to comment on stuff, lol. .I absolutely loved #1 all to pieces and it resonated totally with me.  Philosophically maybe not right because of the variables, but I totally think it a a great thought you had. 


    As for my ramblings about #2 I guess I kind of go on and on, but I guess I was not comfortable with judging people and labeling them as speading discontent because they disagree with the general concensus, because I guess I would be way up on that list because I have alternate views on many key issues and beliefs, lol. So I guess that #2 did not go over with me as much and #1. Haha... I agree in an ideal world it would be nice if every one who rubs us wrong would just go away, I have thought that many a time I assure you.  Don't blame you for thinking that, been there and done that, but we know that is not going to occur, so we will just have to tolerate those people who push our buttons darnnit...

    I love you and respect you and hope you did not think I was picking on you because I totally agreed with what you were feeling....just want you to know that.       

  • Halloween was a crazy night for me, I got a sample taste of what is to come... It was intense, so it only lasted a few days, but it gave me an idea of what to prepare for... I am going to finish the blog about it today so you can read it.

  • Thank you for sharing your viewpoint.  I very much like your #1, but that is not fair to those that choose to read such material, because from what I have observed here, even thoughsome  channelings prove to be non accurate time and time again that some people will still have faith and will make many excuses for why the predictions did not come to pass.  Censure is not always the best thing.  It is up to the individuals whether they wish to believe what they read or not.  You may believe something that I do not, but it is not up to you to decide for everyone here what is the truth and what is not.  Often times something is predicted for a future date in a channeling and until the time comes and goes and nothing predicted happens is when people realize that it may be deception.  So there really is no way to know if there is really deception when something is posted or whether it even is deception (that is all in the perspective of the individual)..  I do understand where you are coming from, the three strikes you are out thing, and it resonates with me but it is not fair because some people prefer to read and follow certain channelers like Greg Gilles, or stuff credited to GLF, other channelers, Ben Fulford, David Wilcock, etc..  They have all said things that did not come to pass, as a matter of fact I cannot name any who have forseen things that always and invariably occurred.  So it would not be a fair system, it would be censure deciding what people are to read here or not.  But like I said #1 would be ok with me if it were not for the fact that that is censure.  That would be dictatorship of what one can read here, which is not a favorable thing.

    About number 2....

    Sometimes if a person disagrees with what someone believes in or advocates, it is not necessarily harassing, it is just sharing a different viewpoint which they are entitled to do in a democratic website.  In the real world not everyone is going to believe the same things, and should not expect everyone to share the same viewpoints here.  Adults should be able to handle that there may be two sides to a story, and not feel they are being persecuted because someone has said that they do not believe as they  do. 


    I do agree that HOW one states their alternative viewpoint is very important.  Courtesy and respect for the person with a different viewpoint is very important.  When the difference of beliefs comes to calling each other childish and hurtful names like calling someone an idiot for believing they way they do, or calling someone a dark person because they do not believe as they do, do not believe in channelers or GLF, that is inappropriate as far as I am concered.  I am a member of a site that does in no way tolerate name calling or goading and rude to each other, and I find that site quite a breath of fresh air, but that is not this site.  We are expected to be adults here and not act like two year olds at the sandbox. We are all human beings here and mostly adults and maybe we should act like one. 


    Sometimes things can get kind of nasty here and I have been on the wearing end of verbal abuse because of my alternative views of channelers and the GLF.  I am sure we each have taken the heat from time to time because such nastiness is allowed by some.  That is not a good thing but that is how it is.  Some people get spoken to here and yet others get away with a lot, such is life.  So it is up to us to act like the loving people we are aspiring to be, it is up to us and we should be adult enought to deal with differences of opinion and negativity without coming unglued.  You mentioned the lowering of vibration, but it is up to each person to tend to their own vibrations so if you find something distressing, just walk away.  Nobody can pull your vibration down unless you let them..  If certain people chose to be demeaning to people that is just life and it just highlights where the demeaning person may need to do some soulsearching..  It is up to us as adults to get used to it, and suck it up.  I also think that talking about other members on the site, like pointing out, this one does this and that one does that is not good policy either, not very adult.  It is kind of like talking about someone behind their back but in plain sight for all and it is hurtful.  Just a thought that maybe that is not a very nice thing to do.   


    I do have one more comment to make, there is just as much nasty things being said by people who claim to be lightworkers, as those who do not label themselves as lightworkers.  It works both ways, so if you want everyone to be all love and light but want everyone who acts up by daring to use their right to disagree with your thoughts and feelings on things to just up to go away, I don't think the population of the site would be nearly as large.  Do you really want to be on a site that agrees with your every thought and feeling?  How much growth is there in that?  Respect is a two way street.  You do understand that being told to go away because one does not believe the same stuff is really kind of a crappy thing to hear and smacks of exclusion and is not all that unlightened, it is more grade school stuff and certainly not democracy or spiritually enlightened, and certainly not unconditional love.. 

    Ok so I have expressed my viewpoint and am not ducking behind a big rock for safety, lol..


  • Hey there Audie, I always like reading what you have to say as your opinions are well thought out. I like to see the dark ones here as target practice, we cannot monitor the world of darkness, and them being here just gives us practice at dealing with them.. As much as I would enjoy not being trolled every time I post, I do find it to be soul-strengthening.

    Also, one person's truth may not be another's.. There are different realities, and different circumstances which can change a truth to a false in an instant.. The way I see it is just about anything can be true if you believe it to be..

    One example of this is the fear of bacteria, I keep trying to spread the light and awareness that bacteria is beneficial and a part of us and essential for ascension, but those who continue to be afraid of it and believe it will harm them, are stuck in that reality.. The fear alone will cause one to get sick.. Who is to say what is true and untrue?

    Also, on Halloween I was ascended and sugar poisoned me like rat poison.. In my reality sugar was a toxic poison and it smelled as such, in someone else's reality that would not be so true.. See what I am saying?

    Love and Light to you my friend. :)

  • agreed. :D 

  • LIGHTWORKERS: Follow her advice on how to respond to attacks and criticism

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