You curiosity has bought you here.
Do you see how easy it is influencing minds with only a sentence?
AC members are supposed to die - think again: what is special with such sentence?
Nothing! All humans have to die!
Think twice before you get attracted by something like a sentence!
Vast is your ignorance. Vaster is your arrogance. No one is "supposed" to die! Not even in the physical! You have been deluded by the Cabal inspired duality paradigm and fear virus that has infiltrated this planet hitherto. On some planets, physical death is unheard of, almost inconceivable. There have been a few in recent history on this planet who have demonstrated their ability to transmute the physical into the spiritual (true alchemy) as ice/water into steam. All is frequency. Raise your frequency and you need not encounter physical decay. Ask the Agarthans, many who have lived for thousands of years. If we live a life of purity and love/joy we can rev up the atoms/frequencies until we are no longer in the zone of limitation and Cortisol, the death hormone. Why leave a residue? Take the energy of the transmuted physical body with you - this is full body and spiritual Ascension!
"I'm gonna live forever...I'm gonna learn how to fly." From the movie Fame,...and yes, I Am gonna live forever, so are you.
One Love!
im a full beliver i already knew why i click this just so i could make a comment because things like this is very negative on this forum i wouldnt allow in my thought form. cause i have accepted these good ideas which create my reality anything false makes no sense too me... thanks to all my visble and invisble brother n sista. ive seen satan trying his best efforts for me today someone threatin me and all i did was take 2 mangos from his tree but they were on my friends back yard so i never went in his backyard at all. he slapped the mango out of my hand im a strong looking dude i was surprise he did that but i no deep down if he cried of 2 mangos he has big problems and all i did was pray for the man i told him i was a man of god i will not argue or fight back i will only preach and that what i did because i can see this sickness that he holds in it heart. i live in florida
Then I guess I'll just have to modify myself to become something other than purely "Human"
replacing those parts that lead to my own death sentence. Hmm death sentence, perhaps I need to
place an "or" in that sentence somewhere. While I am at it I will work on transmuting some of those other
pesky components that were effected by corruption of the fall, even making them self resilient to such conditions.
Here is the first and foremost thing I would have to realize. "Death is a choice" how suprising it is that people choose to
believe that death is an absolute certainty. Did you come from the Aethers with that knowing or were you instructed in that concept here among humans based purely off what you see and what you are told. Did those you see and those who told you these things take the take the time to pursue a different choice.
Well that will conclude my bit of "Blasphemy" for the day. Good day to you all and may you all enjoy your choice to die and believe in death.
My sentiments...The light is no stronger than the dark and the dark is no stronger than the light. What will one choose? For some, the dark is their truth. For others, the light is their truth. I choose light. No one is dissapearing anytime soon and if one thinks so then I dont know what to tell you except keep searching. Some catastrophies maybe but all this talk about 4D and 5D. no no no. Your not here to save anyone. You can help guide the ones who are searching but primarily your here to learn your lessons, GROW in your own personal jouney, whatever path that may be. (The Tree Of Life) I know this from studing history :D We can learn allot from the egyptians.....Hint Hint... We are at a turning point, I agree. More people are becoming aware but the new age spiritualism bs that is being spread like fire is being very distorted. (TEN FOLD) My Sentiments...Blessed Be
I would have to generally agree with this. Besides, I came in just out of curiosity, not because I believed the title.
Throwing out a provocative sentence as a kind of attractor & then condemning those who respond to it, proves nothing but the limitations of your own Insight & Imagination. Merely a projection of your own shadows tertius... nothing more, nothing less. ~InLight555
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” ~JRR Tolkien