The following message, channeled through Susan Leland, was transcribed verbatim from:





"Well, Good Evening; Good Afternoon; or Good Morning, as the case might be. Beloved Family, once again we are here gathered, and we are with you, because you make it so. You are the ones who have welcomed us, who invite us to come close, and be in communication, and even communion with you. And all of your wondrous Guides and Angels, and dwellers of what you call the Higher Dimensionalities are here in this gathering!

"And it is with Joy beyond words, and Love infinite, on-going, always, and evermore, that we come to this reunion. It is most sacred, and it is most effective in serving Planet Earth, and all of Mother Gaia's Kingdoms, because that, Beloved Ones, is what we are here to do. And believe it, your roles, your Light Work in this mission is no less important. As a matter of fact, it is the reason why we are able to do all that we are doing!!!


"And we want you to stop and reflect for a moment, if you will with us, on all that we are doing at this time. Even as little as one month ago, as you measure time on Planet Earth, we were not as closely involved as we are now, and this is continuing, and it is growing our involvement, and our permission that we have from you to join with you in this grandest mission of all time, which of course is that of Ascension, making the great shift into the Higher Dimensionalities, and moving out of all of the situations, events, programs, and low vibrations, which have been so much a part of life on Planet Earth for eons of time.


"And this is all happening now, and it is increasing all the time, this freedom to fly, this coming out of the boxes, which have been so confining. Well, make no mistake, marvelous inventions these boxes have been. As Humans you have done a grand job, and you have shown, not just your Solar System, but the Galaxy and the Universe beyond, such diversity, such imagination, such ingenuity, in all of the different situations and events which you have contrived, and created, and then taken on as proof.


"Greed for instance - that's a good one. It has been very much accepted on Planet Earth, this whole greed concept. Wars, every war that's ever been fought has been about greed, and the desire to control more, and more, and more. And there have been lies that have made the greed unseen, such as, 'Well if we don't get to them first and attack them first, they're going to attack us.' Propaganda, yes? Perhaps, and perhaps the other side in whatever the conflict has been, has been hearing the same thing, and so everybody's geared up, as they say, and ready for war.


"The Truth of the matter is nobody really wants war except those few, who are products, shall we say, of programming where greed is expected. And expressions of greed are being put forth as propaganda, in disguise of course, as something other than greed. And this has been going on for centuries of time. And there have been disruptors who have come from various places beyond Planet Earth, who have either fed the propaganda, or introduced it


"And what has been the base, the emotion that has fueled the propaganda, the lies? It is f-e-a-r. Oooh, what a word - f-e-a-r! Now for those of you who have read the Course, which has been given by my Beloved Brother Sananda Yeshua, he says very clearly that the opposite of Love is fear, and this is Truth!


"Fear is created here on Planet Earth and in other places which are in lower vibration. It has been created and is still being created as messages to put forth in order to control the vast majority of the beings upon the Planet; and make no mistake, it is not just the Kingdom of the Humans, it is all of the Kingdoms.


"Why do you think the Elementals went into the mists of Higher Dimensionality? It is because they knew that the lower vibrations of 3D were not supportive of their Love, and their loving energies, and that those who wanted to control everything wanted to control and enslave them as well. And, so we are only looking at this phenomenon called fear, this illusion, this lie, this propaganda, because Truth is a very important part of clearing away all that is illusion.


"And so we want to take a look, and we thank Masters Tara and Rama* for bringing yet more of the ways in which those who have been wanting to hang on to their, shall we say, their top of the stack - if you've read 'Yertle the Turtle'** you'll know what we mean - are wanting to cling to it, to hang on to it, because they're afraid. They are more afraid than the fear which they have created, because they don't know the Light, and they don't know how to live as they were first created, which is out of Love.


"And the more the Love Light shines upon them, the more they try to put out the fear to counter it. This is what has happened in the past, this is why the World has not been ready to turn to Love in the past, even though there have been attempts such as when the great Master Teachers have come, the ones such as Yeshua. It all had to come to a point at which the people, the Kingdoms of the Humans, would lead the way in saying, 'We choose Love!'


"Because when you choose Love, you are by that very choice choosing Truth. You are choosing to get up and out of whatever box or boxes - you know you can have multiple boxes - fear has directed you into. And it is time Beloved Ones, as you measure it. This is the moment for everybody to recognize the falseness of fear, the illusory properties of fear.


"There is a wise one who was a statesman in your history/herstory, and while some of his decisions were not always of the highest, loving nature, he did say, 'The only thing we really have to fear is fear itself,' and that is Truth. When you can look fear in the face no matter what the situation is that you're in, and you can say, 'I choose Love,' you can choose a whole new timeline, a whole new pathway for yourself. And we are happy to report that these members, you Beloved Ones, of our Ashtar Family, have done this!!!


"Now we understand that these are times which are somewhat 'upsy-downsy.' We understand fully that you have humanity in your bodies, as well as your Starseeds. And we understand that this mix of genetics can create somewhat of a roller coaster ride for you. But what happens on the Ascension Path is that you more and more become that who you really are, the One as an individual, and as the One We All Are!


"And what is so beautiful, Beloved Ones, is that as we said at the beginning, it is you who have invited us, it is you who have put out the call, either consciously or unconsciously, perhaps in your out of body times, or your sleep times, or whatever, and you have said, 'We choose the high road, we choose the Ascension Path, we choose our homecoming to Who We Really Are, we choose our reunion with our Family, and with the One We All Are!'


"And so what is happening, Beloved Ones, is that more and more you are flying free of these boxes we were discussing, and you are becoming Who You Really Are. It is an evolvement, and we know it's not always easy, but we're always with you. You are never alone. We are sometimes on stand-by. Sometimes there are moments when you really want to feel that aloneness, and why would you be feeling it? Well, because you're not quite done with the feeling, because you need to get perhaps yet another taste of it, so that you can be of assistance to others.


"Why go through the challenges, the upsets? Why be down in the dumpies at all? The only reason is so that you can continue in service on a higher and higher note, in a higher and higher vibration. You are bridges, Beloved Ones. We have said this so many times, and we say it again with such affection and such honoring of you. We love you beyond words!!! And it is the Love, the energies of Love and Joy that we share with you, and that we encourage you to reach out, and to enjoy within the totality of your beings.


"You are awesome, Beloved Ones, and you are volunteers, and no matter what lessons and experiences you have chosen in this lifetime, you have waked up, and you have allowed whatever baggage needed to come with you on this particular time around, so that you could release, cleanse, and transmute all of it into higher vibrations, and to do so with Love, Forgiveness, Compassion and Gratitude, so that you're putting out even more vibrations of Love for others to share, and so that you are shining, literally shining examples to the World!


"So now others can say, 'Well, I guess if you can do it, I can do it too!' And they reach out to you, and you say to them, 'We are here, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, we are here.' And it is so special to be recreating the energy of Joy and Love everywhere in the World, and no matter what you might hear, remember it all has reason and purpose. Thank everyone involved. And yes, thank those who wear the dark hats.


"There are more and more of them. We have discussed this before, we shall make the point again. There are more and more of them who are - after being in such resistance to the Light - who are now saying, 'Wait a minute! You know that Light's starting to feel pretty good, and as I look within my being I see that I have a Light too, and I think it's time for me to turn it up a bit, and I'm going to tell my ego that we're done with greed, and we're done with power and control, and we're going to talk Truth, and recognize Truth and honor Truth! And even if I have to go before the World and say that I messed up, I hurt people, I hurt Kingdoms, I hurt Mother Earth - I AM ready to walk beyond that. I AM ready to fly. I AM ready to honor myself as a being of Love, and no matter what lies ahead of me, I carry this Truth now within myself, and I choose to fan it into a glorious flame!!!'


"When last we gathered you may recall the story that we told, which we have told many times, the story of Shrub Jr., and the bottom line, or the ending of the story, was that beneath all of the facade there was still a little bit of the Light which did ultimately pour forth. Now there are a few to be sure who will never want to acknowledge the Light, who still hide in the darkness, because they are so programmed. Send them your Love, Beloved Ones, and acknowledge the fact that all of Planet Earth has indeed given way at one time or another to empower their programs of greed and control.


"You see, it's a Planet of free-will and everybody has done as they have chosen to do. And in all cases, in fact, no exception, the motivator for the actions of acquiescence has been fear, ego controlled fear - whether it is fear of survival, or whether it is fear of not having enough - more land, more land, more gold, more gold, or whatever it is. And it is absolutely erroneous for these ones who have been in such control, to believe among themselves that they can continue, and yet they do some things which on the face of it might even look pretty silly.


"Look at some of those governors in some of the states blatantly trying to take away all of the freedoms of the people, while at the same time, shall we say, stuffing their pockets. If you really stop to think about it, it's quite ridiculous, is it not. Think about the emperor, the famous one, who was so sure that he had so much power and control that he actually allowed himself to walk through the streets of his country without any clothes on. Well let's say just say that there's a big undressing activity going on World-wide, shall we? Truth is coming out!!!


And what is so wonderful, indeed, is that the Light Workers, you Beloved Ones, and the Ashtar Family are saying to these ones, 'We forgive you. We recognize what you've done, and it is good to have the Truth come out so that the World understands why these great shifts are happening, why these changes are happening in all aspects of lifestyles on Planet Earth. But we send you our Love, our Forgiveness. Who knows when we ourselves might have worn a dark hat a time or two upon this Planet, so we understand your fear, but we tell you, you don't need fear anymore, and we invite you to fly free, and join with us!' So we are here to tell you, Beloved Ones, that these programs which inspire fear are very much, shall we say, being cleansed out of the Planet.


"Now we ask that you have ready, because we are going to do a most wondrous Exercise indeed with our guest speaker, but we ask that you have ready what is, let us say an enchantment, or an empowerment, completely surrounding a list, so that it is really outside of your energy fields, but it is nevertheless some things that you recognize might still be lurking. Put it into a box of higher dimensionality where it has an enclosure, perhaps Crystals, or the Light of Love, or however you want to do it. A list - don't stop to feel the fears, in other words, but bring that list to our Exercise, a list of the things that you are afraid of. We will give you some examples. You might be afraid of soldiers coming to your town and taking over. You might be afraid of some kind of a diseasement coming into your fields, or might have something that is out of balance, and you might be afraid that it's going to completely consume you. You might be afraid of not having enough money. You might be afraid of some of the, what you call, the alphabet agencies, oh yes, remember the IRS. That's a big one for some of you, and so on, and so on.


"Just kind of have these ready, but don't go there, don't feel them. That is why we did not ask that The Voice put it in the Preview, because we did not want anyone to build upon the fears. We're springing it on you now. And so if you want to write down two or three of them or what it is that you feel the most, that's OK, because we're going to work on everything that all of you bring. And for those of you who might listen to this program recording, you can do the same thing at this moment.


"Shhhh, don't any of you who are here now give this away, because what it is that you're afraid of is not the prime focus of what we are here to do. It is simply that we are asking you to take a rather extensive sweeping self-inventory. Go ahead - we'll give you a couple of nano seconds for that - and identify one or more fears that you might have that you would really like to resolve, cleanse, clear, transmute. And of course as with all of our Exercises you can return to this at any time to repeat it.


"It is for you to see it as complete, but if something comes kind of creeping back in - you know these things can do that, particularly when you are exhausted. Oh yes, these are exhausting times are they not? So much energy coming in to assimilate throughout the entirety of your wondrous fields, and at the same time so many new situations, so many changes, so many new ways of doing things. And if you think that's boggling, just wait until the Announcements have taken place.


"Of course by then this whole concept of fear will be pretty much done with, but there will be a lot of opportunity, while you're still on your Ascension Path, to experience even more high vibrations and even more to do, and what will be guiding you will be your Love, your Joy, your excitement, and your passions, which for some of you will be reawakened, because you've been out of touch with them for so long, because you've been so in the box. So, exciting times, and yes that can all be exhausting, so start pacing yourself now - but exhaustion is an easy way to perhaps get down a bit.


"And then there are openings. You know the astral plane is still there, and so we are advising you, and as some of these 'beings' who are wearing the dark hats are leaving the planet, they leave kind of - if they don't actually hang out there, they certainly make a stop there - and they can leave sort of an imprint if you will. It's kind of a trail. It's kind of sticky. If you're getting the image of a creature that sort of crawls along the ground and leaves a sticky trail, well, at least remember that the trail itself can have it's shiny aspects even it doesn't appear to be so inviting.


"Anyway, as they leave there are programs on the loose in the astral plane, so we are suggesting that when you fly you make sure that you have at least one of your Beloved Guides with you holding your hand, and that gets you through without any recurrences of energy sticking to you that you really don't want, and you know the difference anyway. So if you check in with yourself and you say, 'Humm, something doesn't quite feel right, I wonder if I picked up somebody else's program?' Check in and if there is something to clear, clear it, easily, gracefully, and with great Love for yourself in so doing.


"Alrighty! We've kind of skirted around the outside of procedures, so to speak. And there is no right or wrong way to do any of this, and we are happy, we are just absolutely overjoyed to report to you that so many of our Family members are in discovery processes. They are finding within their own energy fields, and within the Guides that they have there, that there all kinds of ways to do all kinds of new things, everything from growing foods to growing their wisdom, growing their Love expressions, growing their healing tools and gifts, and it goes on and on.


"And people are finding new ways to communicate with each other, and connect with each other, and be One with each other. Oh yes, before we invite our guest speaker to come forth, we also want to tell you that we are so overjoyed to tell you we look forward to this celebration, the 2-0-1-2 celebration which is taking place in 2-0-1-1, and so we do invite you to stay tuned, because there will be a lot of wondrous information, and we're going to tell you this right now, Beloved Ones: You all have the empowerment to create your presence here in your bodies, if you choose, and if not, we shall be inviting you to join us in your Love, and your Joy, and your coming together to be the One We All Are with this wondrous group!!!


"And we also want you to remember this as an opportunity to visit Lemuria. For those of you who have not done so, we invite you to hold up your hands so that you can see the lines in them. You might want to tip them at a little bit of an angle. We recently told the Voice what that 'M' means. Lemuria is also known as the Land of Mu - M! And if you have that M in your hands - yes, it does signify or recognize that you were present in Atlantis one or more times - but what it signifies really is that you came to Atlantis after being in Lemuria!!! You are One with Lemuria, Beloved Ones. So bring yourselves to Lemuria - then and now - often. Connect with the ancient wisdom, the ancient knowings, no matter what it is that you want to achieve, what it is that you desire to bring to yourself, and you will find even more the supporting, facilitating, energies as you do.


"Come often. Come to the sacred mountain on this Island of Maui. There are many places in the World where you can find Lemuria, and indeed a great many of you live there now. But bring yourselves to the Healing Heart of this land, and you will find great facilitation for you as you move along your path of Ascendance to Ascension realized! And always remember, always remember, that you have Lemuria in your hearts Beloved Ones, and you can all visit the Spirit of Lemuria at anytime that you choose.


"You have so beautifully, so lovingly, embraced us, and welcomed us to Planet Earth to be in assistance to you as you awakened to your mission, your true purpose in being here, your role in the Ashtar Command, and the mission we have which is to assist and support Planet Earth and all of Mother Gaia's Kingdoms in this Ascension! That's why you're here, that's why we're here, and we invite you to come aboard the New Jerusalem, come aboard your own ships, they're already there, part of you, anyway. Connect with the totality of Who You Are, of Who We Are, and allow the great Love to shine forth, and indeed beam Planet Earth, and all the Galaxy, and the Universe beyond.


"And we tell you this, Beloved Ones, we shall be giving more and more visions, more and more information, and you will be receiving it from many sources as the World lights up with free energy, powered by Love of course, as the World rises up and out of the 3D box more and more as Freedom comes, true Freedom, to everyone, and to all upon this most sacred and beloved of Planets. No matter, no matter, what darkness you might sense in your corner of the World, know that it's an illusion. You can actually blow it away with your Love, and the bright Light of Truth, and Love, and the One We All Are, shines forth to warm you and all that you share it with.


"Beloved Ones, we honor you. We sit at your feet, and we hug you as we express our great Joy and Gratitude to you for allowing us to come close with you to be re-united, and to be on this great path with you, because you invited us!!! And So It Is! I, Ashtar, and all of this Company thank you for your mission work, and I say to you we travel onward together - and we assure you that the path only gets easier as we travel together - we are here with you.  We are here to help you and support you, and most of all, we're here to Love you.  Share with us.  Call upon us, and let this great reunion continue on, evermore. Just feel the Love. And So It Is!  Salut!"



** "Yertle the Turtle" by Dr Suess

Transcription by: Arnold Neal Troeh

Given through Susan Leland July 26,2011 © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.




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