[One more indication of interference with the reception of messages ........ - Milson]  8/23/11*“Well, Greetings Beloved Family, it is I, Ashtar, and we are so excited to be with you! We have some new perspectives, perhaps, which are presenting themselves for our discussion this evening. Yes, and so we say first of all, thank you, thank you, Beloved Ones, for coming to be here in this Gathering. We have work to do, yes, and we shall be expressing our Love to the World, and in a very special focus, with a very special speaker!"We shall be communing, that is, joining in communion with all life, below, on, and above Planet Earth. You know, you can feel - and those of you who did not feel the specific shakings in the political capitol of the United States of America on this momentous day - still, check in with yourselves, and feel the shifting and the shaking that is accelerating exponentially even as we speak."We have been telling The Voice to pay attention, because Planet Mercury is just about done. It's like the Planet Mercury could be considered to be the emergency brake when the car is out of control, and hurtling down the hill. Ah hah! But it is going to be full steam ahead, and even now as this, what you call the retrograde, is ending, you can feel in the atmosphere around you and within your own Beloved Selves, that the times really are changing just as we have forecast. Just as the other messengers and teachers have been saying, some of them for centuries, 'There will come a time when Planet Earth and all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia who choose to return Home, will do so!'And what is happening here on Planet Earth is the great shakings and quakings and upheavals and shiftings and realignments and rebalancings that must occur in order for this to be possible. You know, The Voice is not real fond of quantum physics, so we're not going to go there, except to say that the laws of science and spirituality are One - there is no separation there. And the quantum physics, which is a way of describing going beyond what the 3D scientists have discovered thus far, will not allow our Planet Earth to move fully into its Acsended status, and from there to be a whole new playground for Earthlings and those from other places as well ...(There were several disconnections to the conference call line.) "Hold the thought? What are we doing - we are pushing buttons - just so long as our buttons are not being pushed, that is perfectly all right! So we shall have a jolly intermission, as they say. We do have so much to tell. So get us back on the line. There are energies coming in, you know, which we, even we will not be interfering with, because they are necessary for the shiftings which we have just been discussing. Does everybody remember we were discussing shiftings?(Speaking to Elise) "Alright, you go ahead and push the buttons. And perhaps you should be saying something."Elise: "Oops!!"Ashtar: "Oops? Remind me to use that on the bridge sometime. Yes, we are really in a jolly good mood, because nothing can stop what is happening. Are we making progress? I love your toys (telephones), but I don't pretend to interact with themElise: "Thank you Family for staying with us."Ashtar: "Are we back, are we on?"Elise: "We are on! This is recorded if you need to listen to this again. Yes, Ashtar, please continue."Ashtar: "Is that the go signal?"Elise: "That is the green light, yes!"Ashtar: "Alrighty! I must remember that one, too, for the bridge. Alrighty, as we were saying, even we will not be interfering with these actions, these energies, which are coming forth now, because it's all part of the synchronistic plan. So here we are again, and we were discussing the shifting, the shaking, the quaking, which is going on. Well, you know that that particular place called Washington, D.C. is undergoing great shakings anyway, because it's time, as you measure it - it's got to happen! The entire Planet has to get shaken up and then rebalanced. Does this mean that everything is going to topple? No it does not - it simply means that Mother Gaia is doing what she must do to shift."Yes, sometimes she has a little bit of interfering assistance, but for the most part what is happening right now upon the Planet -not just in one area, but all over - is that these re-alignments must take place - re-positionings, re-balancings, re-harmonizings - in order for the Planet to make the great shift."And so it is that we ask, be as the Master, who was in the middle of the shaking and quaking and didn't feel it, because he was not afraid, Beloved Ones. Perhaps there was someone with him, and the two of them said, 'Oh, my goodness! We did not know this was happening,' because they were in some kind of happy, Joy state of being, and it went on around them, but it did not shake them. Now they are reviewing what has happened, but it's over. It's already done! Now if you want to study the maps of the quakings and shakings this is alright, so long as you are not in fear - this is advice; we don't tall you what to do - I may be the head of the Ashtar command, but I don't give commands. So here we are. It's just a suggestion - to be each in tune.."(Another brief disconnection occurred)Ashtar: "Alrighty! We're going to continue. We were discussing the shakings and the quakings, and we can assure you that, while occasionally there has been some help, and there has been some major help, shall we say, of a dark hat variety, we want you to know that these which are occurring now are necessary, and they are being done with as little destructive force as possible. Mother Gaia would rather do several smaller ones, which will not have the impact upon the humans and all of her kingdoms, than to do one great big horrific one. One of the reasons why there is a need for this is not only the alignments, and the harmonizings, as we told you, but also it is time for the nuclear plants to close, and it is a very just and high vibrational, high dimensional cause, if you will, for all of the Ashtar Family to get involved with. In other words, you can simply put out the loving energies from yourselves, telepathically to close the nuclear plants!"If you can go a step further and send an email to somebody or other - send an email to Obama** to let him know that you know that it's time for that kind of power source to be ended on Planet Earth, just as much as it is for the oil, and the gas. The blood of Mother Gaia must not be disrupted, or stolen anymore. And this is but one of the many, many, changes which are happening now. It is to shift the consciousness into 5D and higher. After all, that is what this Ascension is taking place to do, it is most, most, important for everyone to understand the whys of all of these shiftings and adjustments that are taking place right now. And so this is certainly a wondrous reason to raise your voices in support."Now you all know who Beloved Dennis Kucinich is. And you all know he's one of us from the Star Family! For those of you who have not had the opportunity yet to read, or view the speech that he made in what is called the Emerald City of Seattle, we encourage you to tune in. Fabulous Fran will get that up on the Peace website. You know the Peace website;*** well you can get the address from our website of Ashtar. Go to the Peace website - as soon as she has it up, you'll know - get into the energy, because this is it - there it is - the plan is laid out!!! To be sure, this has 3D features, but Dennis knows - he helped to write, after all, the NESARA Law, and he knows what is coming, and he knows all about Ascension, and where we're going. But it is necessary for the consciousness of the people to come into a more united state of being, in order to give the impetus to these changes, in order to get them accomplished in as high a vibration as is absolutely possible, in order to welcome the movement into the higher dimensionality, and yes, the shifts that go with it, with Love, with Compassion, with Forgiveness, and Gratitude!!!"Now we want to talk about Forgiveness for a moment. We have coming with us a speaker,**** who has had a lot to forgive in his own lifetime, including the fact that he was born into a situation where he could just as easily have worn the hat of the dark, as of the Light..."Now we want to talk about Forgiveness for a moment. We have coming with us a speaker,*** who has had a lot to forgive in his own lifetime, including the fact that he was born into a situation where he could just as easily have worn the hat of the dark, as of the Light. And he will be coming forth to speak, and yes to put forth an Exercise of such Light, of such high vibration, that it will serve to inspire all of those who come after this Gathering, even as we are gathered now, with our hearts joined in the Oneness in mindful conscious purpose. And so, I Ashtar am about to tell you some things."As you know, we have spoken before about the fact that we are to stand in Forgiveness, because that is a high dimensional way to send our messages to all of those who have worn the dark hats. And we have done some wonderful Exercises, as our together Family that is in our Gathering, as well as individually. You see, the purpose of the Ashtar Command's coming is not to wage war on anyone, and it is not to condemn anyone, or to say, 'You were so wrong, and this one was so right.' It is to say, 'Come together, Beloved Ones, in Brother/Sisterhood, in Family. Yes, the Ohana - such a beautiful word for Family is it not? And it sings, and it carries that high vibration. We are Family! We are One! We are all on the path together. And as you know, the more you call us forth, the more we can be in service to you, and the more we can assist, and empower, and even magnify, the services that you do for the Planet."Fifth Dimensional Christ Consciousness does not know anger, does not know fear, does not know retribution, revenge, or punishment. It knows Love. Love is the basis for all thoughts, words, and deeds, and therefore there must be absence of judgment, which is Forgiveness, as my Beloved Brother, Sananda, has stated so beautifully. And yes there must be Gratitude to all!!!"This has been a gigantic play upon the stage of Planet Earth. And this play has been going on for so many eons of time. And yes, we know there are disagreements among the various history/herstory tellers, and that is perfectly all right. But it's been a long, long, time as you measure time. And so now is the time for all of these adjustments to come into being, because there have been so many delays, so much hanging on by the fingernails by those who were not willing to give up the power, the control, the riches, the wealthy lifestyles that the very few, Yertle the Turtles, you know, have had. We have not as many years, as you measure them, to do all of these preparations for the Ascension of the Planet, but it does not make any difference, Beloved Ones, because, the changes, the shifts, the harmonizations are coming into being so much faster!"Ask The Voice how long she's been studying the Teachings of the Masters and her Guides, and she will tell you, 'Many years.' Well it seems like it to her. Ask her how long she has been giving voice to the messages of I, Ashtar, and the others, who come through her. And she will say, 'Well, that has only been seven years.' Ask her when she found out that her spine had been straightened, and she will say, 'Well, that hasn't even been seven weeks!' You see, it's happening exponentially faster, and faster, and faster, and while you might say, 'Well, it was probably more challenging to become The Voice, and probably more challenging a task to get her spine straightened, without any outside help, except within her own energy fields, and so on, and so on' - and you can say that if you want to - but, we're here to tell you there really is no order of difficulty. It's just that these things are happening faster and faster. So rejoice, and be delighted!"Now we want to give you a bit more political information, and here it is: Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude are coming into the political arena of the World!!! You already know there are some leaders, and yes you know there was a leader, much beloved, who just passed over. We can tell you he is in grand company. Yes! And he was a leader in the country of Canada. And it is that he is continuing to inspire - this man Layton, is continuing to inspire the ones who are about to step into the seats of government in that beloved country.And everywhere, as these new ones come forward to take their seats, the whole system of governing is going to move up into a fifth dimensional configuration. And what does that mean? It means everybody has a voice. It means the consciousness will be One. And those who sit in the seats will be rotating through, and others will come, and others, and others. And it will not be so much governing as it will be communicating, and making decisions from the perspective of the One. And yes, Planet Earth is about to take a seat upon the Galactic Counsel, and there are meeting places - we have discussed this before - and they are getting more and more close to becoming visible, because Planet Earth is rising more and more, dimensionally!"And there will be leaders from every field who will have voices, not just presidents, and so on. As a matter of fact, the whole office, the whole configuration, of what you call your top levels of government is about to change. And where will the strongest voices be? They will be in the communities, Beloved Ones. Those will be the voices that will speak for the people, because the people will be together in the communities. And it is the community as One. And remember, there will be a lot more communities!!!"There just aren't going to be the big, what do we want to call it, 'globbing' together of populations in big, big, cities, because they've got to spread out. We've got too much concrete here. It's stifling to Mother Gaia. And remember, the deserts are going to bloom, and the Earth and the Waters and the Air will be clean and pure! And everybody is going to have magical seeds. Now we're not talking about Jack and the Beanstalk here. We are talking about seeds that can grow old growth forests in what you might call a month, that can grow enough food for everyone in the community, any variety, any kind you like! Oh yes, there'll be replicators, and there will be those whose special passion it will be to grow, to simply say, 'Ah, let's have a Lemon Tree here, and let's have a Banana Tree here, and so on, and so on.' And, humm, just like Harry Potter, there it will be! Yes, those of you like the Voice who say, ' I have a pretty brown thumb,' are going to find out that that brown is for compost and rich soil, and it's going to be just fabulous, and everybody's going to have whatever it is they need! And within the community there will be celebrations, and sacred times. The whole of life will matter and be under consideration!"And for those of you who have special passions for speaking with the Mineral Kingdom, or the Plant Kingdom, or the Animal Kingdom - do you know that there will even be jobs available? Let's not call them jobs, let's call them Passion Positions available for people who want to sit by the new plants and play music for them, much as a Mother would sing a lullaby to a human baby, much as an animal mother will allow her babies to cuddle, and receive the warmth of her Love. This is absolutely magic, every bit of it, but you, Beloved Ones are the magicians!"And so say 'goodbye' to these politically inclined beings. Say 'hello to' Obama and Dennis, and the youth, who are the Indigos, who are calling forth the Freedom to have this kind of a lifestyle. Be not concerned if in the moment there appears to be a hidden dark agenda, because guess what - it's being transmuted anyway! And we're to help the transmutations. We're here to help facilitate with our Love, and our Joy, and our Passion for bringing this all into being Worldwide, and beyond."This is where we're headed, Beloved Ones. This, if you want to see it this way, is the political path of Planet Earth. And guess what? There aren't going to be any more political parties, or playing of political games, or as we said, hidden agendas. Everybody who serves in any kind of a position where they have a voice is going to be a teller of Truth. How about that?"And of course the magical energy that energizes, gives life to, and perpetuates this wondrous Freedom, this Oneness and this Love - is Love, as simple as that, and the energies are changing even now! We ask you to remember, to thank all of those who have any kind of a political position. It could even be in your family. How many of you belong to Earth families where somebody or other is the controller? It can even happen in a relationship of two in human bodies. Imagine that!"Politics is over Rover! (We Love your lingo. You know your sayings are so much fun!) And we're going to be talking about celebrations of the people, not political parties. What kind of a party is it anyway? Tea party, or otherwise, it wants to take away your rights, your Freedoms. Can you imagine the position a woman must feel - she's in the body of the woman, and has the emotions of the woman - and she is married to somebody who wants to stifle her rights, who wants to control her body? And what is she supposed to do? How can she raise her voice? She can raise it by doing it telepathically."When you see a situation, or you feel a situation, you observe with Compassion, and you send telepathic Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude to whatever the situation is. If you pass by a church, or an institution of any kind, where repression and the taking away of any kind of Freedom is being taught and promoted, send Love into that situation. You can change the whole situation with some ho'oponoponos on the wings of Love! Did you know, that Beloved Ones?"It's cleansing time! So remember that, and remember that those who would control are being toppled off of their high places, just like so many Yertle the Turtles. You know, that's a Dr. Seuss classic. If you haven't read it read it, you'll enjoy it. And you can just know that there are many stacks of Yertles, and they're tumbling, and they're falling. And when these ones are marched in front of the news cameras, or a movie is made of them in some place that is generally considered to be a prison, or a place of punishment, or a courtroom or something - send them ho'oponoponos. They need their Freedom from the programs that they have been controlled by, just as much as you need Freedom from them, Beloved Ones. Remember, everyone is in this together, and all of the players deserve a big round of applause - those who are leaving the stage with a little help from our Family, and those who are coming onto the stage!!!"Discern, feel their hearts, and support them as One with you. And if you need to raise your voices to help do some of the clearings, do that, but do it in a positive way . As we have said - we just gave an example of closing the nuclear plants, as One. There are others, and if you are inspired to sign petitions, or to write emails, or send telepathic messages, be sure to do so with Love, because Love is getting the job done. No wars, no weapons, no insults, arguments, or debates can get the job done, the job of Ascension preparation, the way that Love can do!"And that's what we're here to do, Beloved Ones, all together as Family, as Ashtar Ohana. And so we thank you, Beloved Ones, for being with us, and we thank you for staying with us. It is the Love that we have, and the delight in coming together with our hearts joined, that make these Gatherings so high vibe, and so powerful. Remember that! Come back whenever you choose to this Gathering! You can do that, you know how. And let us always, always, carry the sacredness of our togetherness in our hearts, as we move together upon this great path, this path of change, this path of going from political and other means of control -financial, religious, and so on - into the Golden Age of Christ Consciousness, and One with the All We Are."Thank you, Beloved Ones for coming! Now we have a bit of music,**** which you will recognize. And then we have a 'Bearer of Light,'*** and we are so honored that he will be coming to our gathering! Thank you again and stay tuned! Salut!"* http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact** www.WethePeopleforPeace.org*** President John F. Kennedy****Joan Baez - The Times They Are A' Changing -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjc6bH9OTm4Transcription by: Arnold Neal TroehGiven through Susan Leland, Aug. 23, 2011. www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2011. All rights reserved.www.AshtarontheRoad.com - www.AshtarontheRoad.info - www.AscensionEnergyTools.comwww.WeThePeopleForPeace.org - www.SpiritedClearings.comPowered by CityMax.com Website Software* http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/ashtar_5d_politicsetc_.html** http://www.whitehouse.gov/*** www.WethePeopleforPeace.org**** President John F. KennedyTranscription by: Arnold Neal TroehGiven through Susan Leland, August 23, 2011. www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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