I have noticed that over the past few years this site is changing. What started out as a supportive place and blessed beacon of true community. Its changing now the original people who were on here 2 years ago are real lightworkers and there was a sense of community and support. Now it seems people have used this site as a place to argue and fight with one another and create psycho spiritual sexual dramas and disagreements. I am not your judge and I dont decide who can say what. Nor do i decide who is a valuable member of this community. However slander and negativity is not helping anyone.
We all go through it and I have probably said one or two things on here in the past that were not the highest expression of Love however this constant bickering and slander is weak hearted and schwag it messes up the site. 1. If you cant say anything nice it may be better not to respond.
2. When you read a post or disagree with someone on here, take a step back
ask yourself Is it benifecial for me to ignore this or create more drama by feeding negative drama on here? Take a deep breath ask yourself is this emotion going to hellp anyone.
3. Does slander help anyone ? The obvious answer is no!
4. People push our buttons however we choose to be the bigger person and not feed the flames of unkind of nasty words.
5. This was not a problem 2 or 3 years ago as this site has many new members. I am glad it is growing however Please everyone keep it clean. The older members of this forum know what I am saying.
Don't feed the trolls please! This is not a high school locker room this is not a soap opera this is not a popularity contest or a place where you come to insult one another. It is a place of Peace and knowledge Lets respect it as such and leave the nasty comments and slander off this site. Okay
Peace and Blessings
So just because I post something with an esoteric view different from most, it is ok to make fun of me? It is no wonder the world is brain washed and nearly everyone acts the same, if they do otherwise they will be ridiculed by people like you. You said in your post that you "probably" said one or two things in the past, you definitely said one or two things in the past and here they are:
Permalink Reply by sagitarius13 on March 7, 2012 at 12:46am
longest running forum award on ashtar goes to hollie aka: poo mouth, shit head, shit for brains, diarreah mouth How does your boyfriend feel about you guys eating ca ca is he ready to sit down on your face and have a crappy dinner for two. Hhahahahahahah, Guys for real enough of thhe shitty discussion topics. You might want to take this to www.fecalfeliacs.com
Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/the-earth-needs-you-p...
It's easy to tell someone to lighten up when you're going around calling them names then setting posting guidelines to follow... Sorry I just couldn't sit quietly and not respond to this, since out of everyone you have by far left the most rude and disrespectful comments that I have seen.
That's because we have an unusual number of Trolls and Darkworkers here, that Ben somehow decided to let in, and when they post things we actually give them the time of day.
That's why I recently told Ben to also protect the site with Violet Flame, because that will get rid of the parasites.
well stated.
trolls seem to like conflict, gives them a sense of power even if it is to hurt someone.
they are in pain in what runs thru their minds like a broken record: fears, pobias, shyness of not feeling equal, etc. i too at times have my programing from a childhood events pop up to the surface, to be faced and lived thru until resolved.
blessings to all of us for we are all one
I find it rather hypocritical that you of all people would post a thread such as this one after reading the comments that you posted to one of my discussions a couple of weeks ago calling me names and putting me down...
Great post sagitarius13 : )
Thanks for pointing out that AC is meant to be supportive! You echoed my sentiments exactly (I recently posted the discussion 'Comments On Ashtar Command-Useful Info Or Negative Mud-slinging?').
We need to get along with eachother if we want World Peace!
Let's all be friends: )
I am a new member so do not have the experiences that you have, but I just wanted to say it is very wise words of advice. If we react on something another person have written it is really something within us we need to look at and acting out our 'anger' on other's words will not help solve what created the anger within us in the first place.
So I just want to add
6. If you disagree and feel a strong emotion look within your self first, solve what created the reaction and then re-read the post. You may find that what you read the first time is now altered in your mind, and it is not quite as effensive as you first took it. You may even find that you no longer have a need to respond and react.